Chapter 40

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Amelia's POV:

Finally Mads will be back tonight. Her flight got delayed and she texted me she will be back home at like 8pm. As promised I will go over and have a little PJ party with her. Florence got a busy day with interviews and asked if I could have Billie for the day and night. Lizzie secretly loves Billie a lot and she didn't mind having her over for the day. Robbie and her decided on not getting a dog since they're quite busy and after she did the interview with puppys she rather not have one. The twins and I died of laughter when we watched the video. Robbie will come back today a little before Mads. I'm happy I'll be able to see him before I will leave. I missed having him around and messing with him. He's a good partner to team up with to prank Lizzie. After the wonderful date with Flo, the twins fighting with Lizzie over who gets to cuddle me before we went to bed and an awesome beach day we had yesterday. Flo left an hour ago and the sisters are out for a little, leaving me with Bills in the studio. Robbie insisted on me using the studio and I'm glad he did since I really feel like getting some stuff out. I've had this idea of a few songs but I never had the time to actually put it out correctly. So here I'm laying down on the floor writing the words down as I go over them again and again and fill in where needed. The lyrics look good I think, I'm not sure yet. I get up and make my way to the booth setting up the piano and the drums. I set the microphones in the right range and close the booth. I sit down behind the piano and press record playing the first verses. I stop recording and hum as I listen to it. I save it and put it aside and get in the booth to record the drums. It takes a little longer till I have it the way I want to so now I'm putting it all together so I can start on recording the lyrics. I sigh a little as I look over at the lyrics feeling it all get to me. Before I can get in my head too much, Billie lays her head on my lap whining softly. "Wanna go for a walk baby?" she barks softly so I get up and walk upstairs to take Billie out for a walk before I go on with recording. It's like she knew I needed a little break. We come back after 30 minutes and I grab a water bottle before going back in the studio. Billie lays down on the blanket I put down for her in the studio watching my every move. I take a few sips before I go into the booth to record the lyrics. I take a deep breath before I start singing the lyrics and take a few other takes trying out different notes. Finally I feel like I've got it so I get out and sit down and start working on setting it all perfect. I save it and go back in the booth to record the next instruments. This one is going to be much harder. I've been writing this one in rehab but I never felt like finishing it until now. I press record and start playing the piano. I already feel the lump in my throat but I need to finish it. I record a few takes and listen to them deciding which one is going to sound better, maybe I will even make 2 versions. A live version and studio version. I hum a little as I'm setting up the studio version to record first. I record the lyrics and am happy with how it turned out. I save this one as well and now I'm going to record the live version. I cuddle with Billie before getting back into the booth and take a few deep breaths and drink some of my water. Here it goes, let it all out Lee, all out. 

Lizzie's POV:

The twins and I just came back from checking out an office as they want to rent it and also have an office here in LA. I'm happy they are going to be here more often even tho it means I've got to fight them to get cuddles with Lia. "We are back." I announce as I walk inside with the twins behind me, but there's no reaction. I look at the twins and they both are just as confused as I am. "She wouldn't be swimming now would she?" MK asks and I shake my head. "No she gets cold easily but we can still check the backyard maybe she's gotten crazy." I reply and they both chuckle. We make our way to the backyard but yet again no Lia and no Billie. "Maybe they're walking?" I shake my head and point at the leash near the front door. "Her leash is here." I frown a little and grab my phone to call her, but we are quickly met with a ringing sound coming from the living room. Where the fuck is she? "Lizzie come here for a second." I huff as I make my way over to Ash who is standing with MK near the stairs to the basement. "Listen." MK says. I frown a little but start focussing on the sounds coming from the studio. "Come she is in the studio be quiet I'm not sure if she is recording." They both nod and we walk downstairs to the studio. I open the door softly and see Billie laying down on a blanket, she looks at us but instantly her gaze is back to the booth. "she is inside the recording booth don't make a sound." they nod and we walk over to the little couch area to sit down and watch Lia. She starts to play the piano and I can hear the twins gasp. They haven't hear her play before so I guess it comes to a surprise she can play instruments as well. Lia takes a deep sigh and starts singing what I assume is the first verse and chorus.

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