Chapter 12

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Amelia's POV:

"Liaaa hurry up I want some cuddles before they get here" Mads shouts. "Yeah yeah hold up I'm coming. Pick some joggers out for me and I'll be ready" I dry myself off and chuckle when I apply my skin care. Scarlett better sponsor me if she finds out I use her skin care. I open the door and see my clothing on the bed. I quickly put it on and go downstairs. "Finally it took you forever" I grab a pillow and hit her. "Shut it you. I only took a 15 min shower." she giggles and throws the pillow back at me. "What would you like to drink?" I ask her making my way to the kitchen. "Mhm just some water please" I hum and grab the both of us some water and walk back to the couch. I give Mads her bottle and sit down she doesn't wait any longer and cuddles in my side. "What's on your mind Lia" she asks. "Nothing. Just thinking about your upcoming projects and how proud I'm of you" I say smiling down at her. "I'm kinda nervous about the fans their reaction but it will be alright, right?" I raise my eyebrow and she looks nervous back at me. "Alright? Mads u kidding right? They will fucking love it!!! I mean it when I say I'm so proud. You worked incredibly hard on this and you definitely can see the effort that's been put into the album. Don't doubt yourself. Finalize it, send it out and boom release it. You'll do great and I can't wait to see their reactions. Maybe we should do a listening party with your fans? You can surprise them by coming" she smiles widely at the idea. "Amelia that's a great fucking idea holy shit. They'll love that!!!! I'm going to call my manager tomorrow when you're training with everyone and then we can look into ideas after?" I kiss the top of her head. "Deal. I'm so proud of you Mads." We hear some knocks so she gets up and looks anxiously at me. "I'll open. Don't worry you met Lizzie and you know Hailee. Flo is amazing you'll love her." I reassure her and she relaxes. I got up and open the door "Hey guys come in! Madison is in the living room." I hug them all and they make their way inside. Hailee runs off to Madison and hugs her friend. Lizzie eyes me suspiciously but I just wave it off. I grab all of us something to drink and we go outside in the lounge area near the pool. "So Lia, are you excited for your first training as a group tomorrow?" Flo asks. "To be honest I'm kinda nervous. I'm the newbie and I really don't have a clue of what to expect. I don't want to disappoint you guys" I scratch my neck while looking at them. "Nonsense. You're almost every day at the gym you idiot. If I can't find you I most likely will find you there. The better question is if they can keep up with you." Mads says while hitting my arm softly as a sign to stop the scratching. I rub the spot on my arm she managed to hit and pout. The others start to laugh at our silliness. "I know understand why you thought we would believe the rumors. You guys act like a married couple." Hailee says laughing. I mock her which earns me another slap of my so called best friend. "Don't mock her and use that ass of yours to grab some goods." I look at her shocked by her request. "Excuse me princess, I didn't know I was being your butler today. You want me to change clothing?" I bow down and hit her softly before she can do anything I run off inside to grab all of some snacks. 

Humming along with the music that plays in the living room and cutting some fruits and veggies I didn't notice someone entering the kitchen. "You guys always play fight don't you" I jump up and drop the knife which almost cuts my arm in process. Lizzie reaches forward which causes me to flinch and embrace myself for the impact. I hear a slight gasp and open my eyes seeing her looking at me with sadness? "A-Amelia, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" I wave it off and go back to cutting the veggies feeling a bit on edge. "It's fine I didn't see you coming. But to answer yes we always play fight. She's my best friend and we just love to annoy each other but if there's something wrong or we need someone to kick ass we are first in line." I try to change the subject but she seems to be watching my every move. Hiding it from Lizzie is going to be harder than I had hoped. I roll up my sleeves and she gasps loud. The others just enter the kitchen and gasp as well. "Holy fuck" Hailee says and I look up confused. "What?" I ask looking at all of them. "When did you plan on mentioning your tattoos?" Flo asks and I smile sheepishly. "Oh yeah I forgot. I uhm might have some little tats here and there." I chuckle seeing the shock on their faces. "Hot" she mumble and I raise my eyebrow. Madison starts laughing and pulls my hoodie a little which freaks me out but she gives me one look knowing and it calms me down. "This idiot even got this stupid emoji tattooed because it is what we used to send each other like all the time." I smile proudly at the first tattoo I got for her. "Do you have more?" Lizzie asks looking me up and down. "Uhm yeah I do. I have one on my back a few on my chest/ribs, on my arms and legs." I slowly pull back my sleeves. "She also has one near her vagina" I whip my head around and look at the idiot. "MADISON" she chuckles and I start blushing. The girls have their mouth wide open and look at me. "To defend myself. I was drunk. It's just a little under the bikini line and it's just three words." I giggle remembering the night. "Yeah we went out together, ma'am here saw a tattoo shop went inside and got a little peach on her ass and the words ea-" before she can finish I put my hand over her mouth. "The words stay a secret. No one needs to know." I say feeling embarrassed as fuck. Lizzie and Hailee are laughing and Flo is smirking. I will kill this idiot. "Okay enough about these tats let's uhm cook? Or do we feel like ordering?" I ask them. They all agree on ordering since it's nice outside. We order some pizza and sit back outside. I'm sitting next to Lizzie and Flo, Hailee and Mads are across us. Lizzie wraps her arounds me and pulls me back in her embrace hugging me tightly. "I missed your hugs my little sister" she whispers so no one hears. I giggle and hug her back. "I missed you too Maximoff" I reply in a slight sokovian accent. She gasps and starts laughing. Yeah I'm definitely will have a great time filming with them. The pizza arrives shortly so I get up and bring it back outside we all grab a piece when my phone is ringing. I look and see it's Ash so I start smiling. "Is it Ash?" Mads asks me and I nod. I pick up and my smile fades. I walk away not wanting any attention. "No I will tell her about it after. Lia doesn't need to know" I hear her say in the background. "Tell me what Ashley" I say coldly. "Hey angel. I missed you. I just arrived in NYC and wanted to call you real quick." I huff and go with my hand through my hair. "Don't hey angel me. You need to tell me what?" I ask her annoyed. "Baby, I'm not sure what you're talking about I was talking with my PA about my manager." I frown not understanding why she's lying. She is sick of me. She doesn't want me after what happened. "You don't want to be with me anymore, right Ash?" I say a bit louder than planned and I notice Madison her head snapping up. "NO. Lia that's no. That's not true. I love you pickle. I love you so much. I'm just here for work that's all. I know it was weird how I left but I promise it's work." I sigh hating myself for freaking out and assuming stuff. "I'm sorry Ash. I guess my mind wandered off and freaked out. I trust you and I love you. I'm going back to the girls. We will talk tomorrow okay? Get some sleep." I reply and pinch the bridge of my nose. We say bye and hang up after. I walk back noticing the look Mads gives me. Yay there's no way of getting out of the situation now is there.

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