Chapter 17

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Amelia's POV:

I feel a soft breathing against my cheek, followed by a soft whine. I look up and see Billie wagging softly her tail, her nose near my face. "Hey there good girl" I rasp out. Slowly I move around but Florence holds me tight and buries her face against my neck making me giggle. "5 more minutes Lia" she mumbles against my neck. "Come on Flossy. Your girl is hungry and she told me her mommy takes forever." I play with her rings and softly stroke Billie her head who is trying to wake up Flo by licking her cheek. She huffs and slowly gets up making me hold on tight. "Florence"I squeal out. She chuckles and pushes me off her on the other side of the couch. I huff and look up at her not amused at all. "That's rude. I didn't wake you up." I get up and stretch myself a little. "No but you two teamed up against me so you'll deal with it as well. Now come on princess, beauty naps are over I'm hungry." my jaw literally dropped. This bitch? I roll my eyes and follow her to the kitchen slightly mocking her. "Stop mocking me and give Billie her food while I grab our stuff. I put everything in the fridge so it hasn't gone to waste." guilt fills my body. I ruined our whole dinner plan. She saw me freaking out. Why the fuck did I let Ashley her words get to me. Should I pretend nothing happened? Do I need to tell her the truth? Will she tell the others? Gosh she must think I'm a complete weirdo. I feel a soft hand holding onto my own snapping me back into reality. Before I could react she already let go. "There you are, you zoned out. We can sit down but Billie is getting a little impatient with you holding her bowl like that." she smiles at me and I look down seeing the bowl filled with dry food. I blush and quickly let Billie sit and give her a pet before setting down her bowl. I make my way to the dinner table and we both sit down. I'm playing with my fingers not sure what to say or not. "You must have some questions.." I carefully look up at her and watch her reaction. She nods and I wanted to say something but she cuts me off. "But not when you're not ready Lia. I care about you. Even though we just met I feel this connection with you. I understand if you're not ready but I'm here for you." she squeezes my hand and takes a bite of her toast. I smile and take a bite of mine as well. Fuck this shit is good. A moan slips out thank god it was soft at least that's what I thought until I looked back at Flo blushing. Interesting. I take a few more bites and drink some of my water. 

"Sorry I was really hungry. Thank you for respecting my boundaries. It really means a lot. I don't like talking about it. I am not good in explaining feelings. But yes something happened. I don't like to make it a big deal but it was a very hard time. It happened 4,5 months ago almost 5. Shortly after the break with Ashley I went back to Europe to continue work. Mads and V were with me in the start, after a week we all had to go to work again so we just went all our own ways. After my last show with Drake's tour we all decided to go to a club and celebrate. Nick, Mads and V all were there with me. They went home and I promised to come a little later. After they left I saw Cara and every memory of Ash and I came back. Cara broke into our house we shared and made it look like her and Ash were going to have sex. She was on top of Ash when I entered the bedroom. I ran off and came back the day after only to hear how she 'cheated' on me and we should break up. I only found out the truth about this a week ago. Cara set everything up but that's the past now. I still love her deeply and I guess so did she so yeah we talked it out and got back together. And the rest you know. So when I saw Cara I left that club and went to a different one to drink some more. I just wanted to forget everything again. Something happened that night and maybe one day I will tell you. I'm sorry but  I just can't right now. Shit went down and eventually I came here to rehab. When I got out I got back to Europe and worked again until Kevin called me about the job interview and now we are here. I'm not sure what you heard outside or what you saw. But i'm fine. I'm sorry I ruined our dinner plan and basically forced you to lay down with me. I must say you're a nice pillow." I chuckle starting to feel nervous about the things I just told. I look up and see her eyes are glossy. She stands up and slowly makes her way over to me. "Can I hug you?" I give her a small smile and nod. She hugs me tight and kisses my cheek. "You are amazing Lia. Don't let anyone else tell you different." she sits back down and looks at me. "When I got to the garden I heard your last sentence before you started having a panic attack. I was angry at Ashley for saying shit about you but when I saw you panicking I just wanted to hold you and comfort you real quick. You were out of it and I made it worse by touching you. You flinched and said some things about not hurting you, not letting them in and you being their toy. You managed to get out of my hold and walked away throwing up. Billie took it over and guided you back and you fell but she quickly made sure you were with her. I hate to say it in the situation it happened but it was beautiful to see how she managed to calm you down. So I let you guys and picked up your phone. I heard Ashley yelling so I might have lost my temper and put her back down. She felt guilty when I mentioned your attack and she asked me to let you talk to her which I declined. I told her she did enough and should get her shit together and hang up. I'm sorry that I might have made things worse but I just couldn't stop it at that moment. Your safe with me. I won't push you or look different at you but please know you can talk to me or use my shoulder to cry on. You're special." She squeezes my hand and wipes away a tear on my cheek. I didn't even notice I was crying. I got up and hugged her. "Thank you Flossy. You're very special too. I might prefer the other Pugh here but you come very close as well." I giggle and kiss her cheek.

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