Chapter 14

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Amelia's POV: 

I got us some water and now I'm waiting for Mads to come back to my bedroom. We talked about the whole situation with Ash and Cara and V even joined in during the talk. V is furious with her, if she could kill through the phone she would have. I still refused to check my phone I don't wanna look at it. Ash messaged Mads a couple of times asking for me but Madison didn't reply because I told her so. Nick also called and he was maaad, I really love him. He's like my big brother. We are currently snuggled up watching greys latest episode but Madison's phone goes off. "If it's her pick up and tell her to leave you alone." I huff out. "Listen up miss 'No there's nothing. I'm just talking to my PA about my manager.' Leave me alone. Leave her alone. You fucking know what has happened after the break. She still fucking loves you deeply after. She trusted you with the truth what happened in the bar. She trusted you about the rehab. Yet here you are fucking betraying her. Communication is the key Ashley. So once again give her some time." she rambles on. I try not to chuckle knowing she rather wanted to just flip her off but she knows I still love her. Her eyes go wide and she looks at me slightly paler than before. I mouth 'what's wrong?' before she hands me the phone making me sigh. "Ashley please just fucking give me time. I don't wanna talk right now." I pinch the bridge of my nose and Mads leaves the room. "It's not Ashley, Lia.." a soft voice tells me. I frown before the realisation hit me. "Lizzie.." I whisper barely audible. "Yeah.. I will not ask questions for now since I know how today went. But Lia, please talk to me. You didn't reply while you knew I'd check up on you tonight. I was worried. I'm sorry that Madison's outburst might have brought things out you didn't want me to know but I won't tell anyone. It's your story not mine. Just please know I'm here for you." I nod. I totally forgot she asked me to make sure to check her messages later. Sometimes I'm so dumb. "You still with me Lia?" she asks me carefully. "Sorry yeah I'm with you. I forgot you couldn't see me nodding. What can I say today's been a lot. First I almost break your wrist and flip you over, secondly I have a major panic attack and attacked you, thirdly I let you get worried. I'm sorry Liz. It really wasn't my intention to be such a pain in the ass." I chuckle nervously before my the back of my head gets a slap. "YOU DID WHAT AND WHAT HAPPENED?" a furious Madison asks me. Oops. "Hold up Liz I'm going to put you on speaker, I need two hands to defend myself." which earns me another slap. "Ouch" I pout and put the phone on speaker. "You better start talking real quick Amelia and you too Elizabeth." she glares at me and I can hear Lizzie gulp. "You know that she's older right? She is basically my mother so will you stop glaring for a second?" Wrong choice Lia, wrong choice. Before she's able to hit me Lizzie interrupts. "Don't kill each other please. Lia do you want to tell it or shall I?" I sigh knowing Lizzie will know a little because of the flashbacks I got. "I'll do it just going to the bathroom first okay? You're with Mads, she won't kill you." I chuckle and run to the bathroom. I take a deep breath and splash some cold water on my face before going back, here we go.

"Okay so uhm well as you both noticed I was a little out since you saw me Liz and yeah mads you saw when the girls came to pick me up. I was changing and I saw some articles about Ash and Cara. I didn't want to assume anything straight away but more pics came up even the one of them holding hands. Remembering Ash and I our last convo about her I got a bit worried but then I saw the pic of her smiling widely at her and I don't know, it felt like the ground was just disappearing underneath. I went with the girls to the gym and we needed to start running. Lizzie and Scar were later. During the run my thoughts were spiraling. All the conversations we had were consuming. Did she lie? Does she love her? Was I never good enough? Was she sick of me? Did she not want me after the truth and realised I'm fucked up and broken? So I may increased the speed of the treadmill and ran 6 miles instead of 3 in almost the same time. After that we had to do some basic workouts and then some combat. I was paired with Lizzie and Scar and after some time I zoned out. Lizzie almost hit me which was my own fault but it freaked me out and I twister her wrist and wanted to flip her over before I saw it was her. I felt awful so I excused myself to the bathroom. Once inside I just broke. Everything became too much and I panicked. I couldn't breathe. I'm not sure how everything went after that. Lizzie uhm could you..?" I asked hesitantly. I started to play with my hands but Mads quickly put hers on top and squeezed them. I snuggled in her side and played with her hand while Lizzie started to explain what happened. "So after I almost hit her she flinched badly, and nearly flipped me over. You didn't hurt me Lia. You stopped before something could happen so don't even think differently. I saw the panic in her eyes and followed her to the bathroom. She was hitting her chest repeatedly and gasped for air. I tried to grab her arm to stop her from hitting herself but she freaked out. I'm not sure how close but it looked like she was close to passing out. She went to hit her chest again but I blocked it by pulling her in my embrace. I know it could have been a dumb move but I was almost out of options. I'm sorry if that set you off more. She went to fight against my hold but after I let her know it was me she calmed down. Her breathing was still irregular though. I put her head against my chest in hope she could hear my heartbeat her hand was on my chest and after a few minutes she started to copy my breathing. She calmed down but out of nowhere she gripped my shirt so tight. U-Uhm Lia has Ash hurt you..?" I frown looking up. She wouldn't ever. Madison looks furious. "NO. No? Why would you say that. She would never ever lay a hand on me? Why are you saying this Lizzie?" I frustratedly ask her. How dare she? I huff and I tried to get up but Mads held me back. "Stay." she glares at me and I sigh. "I'm sorry Lia. It's just of some things you said.. I had to make sure." I look down and remember faguliy what I asked her and it hits me. Madison looks at me confused and I sigh. " 'Please don't hurt me. Don't let them hurt me. Please don't leave me with them Lizzie. Get me out of here please.' That's what I said wasn't it?" I wipe away a tear and snuggle back in Mads her side. "Yeah.. It just freaked me out and I needed to know if she wasn't hurting you. Your eyes were full of panic, fear and sadness. It looked like you didn't know what was real and what wasn't. So I did our thing and it was like a switch flipped. You got up shaking went to the sink and let the water hit your skin." I sigh. I look up at Mads and she gives me a squeeze. "I'm sorry Lizzie. I didn't mean to worry you. I'm also sorry for being so harsh after asking you to not say a thing. It wasn't fair of me. Some things I'm not ready to talk about yet. It's ju-just something happened. It's not a big deal. Don't worry." Madison scoffs and glares at me. "It's not nothing Lia. It's a big deal. I can't believe you. I know you don't want to face it but don't ever say it wasn't a big deal. I'm not gonna tell her what happened unless you want me but I'm not gonna sit here and have you lie about it being a big deal yes or no. Lizzie some bad shit happened after their break up. I was with her at the time but made a stupid mistake of going back to the hotel. I'm not going to tell you the full story but it's not nice. The things she said were reactions on flashbacks. You assumed right. She didn't knew what was real and what wasn't. Ashley hasn't hurt her. When you said what she said I realized. I'm really happy you were there with her." I hold her tight and bury my face in the crook of her neck. "I'm sorry I didn't want to worry you. I was okay after I promise. Just exhausted after training. Lizzie really helped me. We have this tap thingy. I can't explain it but it works with her. After she did that I knew it was real and she was with me. That's when I got scared of what I said and pushed her away. But I promise nothing else happened." I look up at her and she kisses the top of my head. "I'm sorry Lia. Please know I'm here for you and basically your whole family. Everyone loves you and Sebastian even couldn't stop talking about your skills. We all are really excited to have you in our MCU film, especially me. You know why." Lizzie says the last part in a sokovian accent which makes me chuckle. Mads drops her mouth open and looks at me in disbelief. "YOU ARE WORKING WITH HER?" she yells. Both me and Lizzie started laughing. "I told you that already." I giggle poking her cheek. "Yeah but no you guys work TOGETHER. Like something is going to happen between the two of you. You're not just working like with the others." I smirk at her and she hits me. "You're rude." she rolls her eyes at me and Lizzie laughs. "You guys are like children." I gasp offended. "Excuse you. You just said you're so happy to be working with me and now you're insulting me. Make up your mind MOM." I chuckle and Lizzie gasps. "Oh it on Lia. Just wait for the next time I see you. Also a little bird told me you're going on a hike with Florence and Billie. Is there anything you want to tell us?" I blush instantly but cover it up with a cough. "Oh not really. She asked me and Hails for a hike with Billie tomorrow morning. Hails declined and I know that this one next to me won't come since her boyfriend is coming back so I'm def leaving the house for a while until I get the 'you're safe' text." Mads hits me and I pout. "Don't start like that or I tell Lizzie here everything we heard the night you and Ash stayed. 8 rounds Lia, 8 rounds." I blush and whine. "Damn Lia. Now it explains to me why you workout that hard." Lizzie giggles making me whine harder. "Stop picking on meeeee. It's not my fault your husbands can't keep up with the rounds. Perks of being gay I guess." I smirk and before Mads is able to hit me I block her and lay on top of her. "Stop hitting me or they will ask me if someone is abusing me and I have to explain it's my dumbest best friend." I glare at her and she glares back but we both start laughing after. "Lia text Flo. She's worried. You haven't replied to her for your date." Lizzie says. Madison chuckles and has this stupid smug smile on her face. "Stop it you two we are FRIENDS. We are both in a relationship remember?" I roll my eyes and they start laughing. "Alright daughter. I will talk to you tomorrow Robbie is asking for me. Sleep tight sweetheart and remember you always can talk to me or come to me. Thank you for telling me about today though. I promise I won't tell anyone." I smile and nod once again forgetting she can't see me. Mads nudges my side "Thanks Lizzie. I will talk to you soon. Say hi to Robbie." we say bye and hang up with Liz. 

"Soooooo when were you going to tell me about the date, huh?" Mads wiggles with her eyebrows making me roll my eyes. "Stop it's not a date. Yes a playdate for Billie. We are friends. just friends Mads." I roll over her grabbing my phone. "Just wait" she mumbles but I can't really catch it. "What was that?" she shakes her head "Nothing don't worry. Text her back now." she tickles me and starts Greys again. I smile seeing Flo her text about tomorrow.


Hey you, so just to confirm for tomorrow you down for 7:30 am runyon canyon? We can see the sunrise and normally it's pretty quiet around that time. Billie can't wait to meet you. She wiggles her butt each time I tell her you will play with her.


Hey Flo flo, sorry for the late reply haven't been really on my phone. Lizzie called Mads because I haven't replied to anyone, oops. 7:30 is fine for me! I'll see you there? 

I smile back at her text saying it's alright and she'll meet me there. I open the texts of Ashley. I sigh and just reply "Give me some time." I'm not ready to face this yet. I text Lizzie real quick thanking her once again and set my alarm. I lay my phone back on the nightstand and continue watching greys. Soon enough my eyes close and I fall asleep.


Chap 14 is ouuuttt

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