Chapter 1

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Amelia's POV:

After 2 hours I finally arrive at the airport. It's currently 7:45am and my flight leaves at 9:20am. I checked in and I made my way towards security. Since the boring part is now done I make my way to Starbucks to get myself some iced soy latte. I check my phone and see that Sarah send me some information about the pick-up. I send a quick reply and make my way to the gate since it's my time to board. "Good morning miss, may I see your boarding pass" one of the crew members asks me. I hand her my boarding pass, she smiles at me and hands it back after looking at it. "Thank you, you can enter the plane, business class will be on the left side of the plane." She says smiling. I look at her with wide eyes and then at my boarding pass to indeed see the words 'business class' on my ticket. I rub my arm while thanking her. I make my way over to the plane and get settled in my seat. One of the crew members hands me some champagne and I waste no time by downing it, I really need to loose some of my nerves. I can't believe they actually booked me in business class how did I fail to not notice before? Gosh Vic would totally make a fool of me now if she saw my face. I chuckle slightly and open my phone to send her a quick message with what just happened.

After a couple of minutes I turn my phone on airplane mode and put on a movie. I look outside during takeoff and take a deep breath. Let's start this journey shall we? I close my eyes and before I know we are close for landing. I did some stretching and refreshed myself in the bathroom. Making sure I'm buckled up, I prepare myself for landing.

We just got out of the plane and I'm now making my way to baggage claim. Surprisingly there are already a few suitcases on the belt. I wait a couple of minutes before I see my bags. I grab them and exit the baggage claim towards the taxi's. Taking a few deep breaths I slowly make my way into the crowd. It takes a little while before I find the driver Sarah texted me about with a little sign with my name. "Hello miss Smith, hope you'd a good flight. My name is Leo Riggers, but please call me Leo. Let's get in the car." Leo says smiling while grabbing my suitcases to help me out. "Thank you Leo, for helping me out and picking me up. It's been a good flight. Little stiff but that's only normal after sitting down for that long" I reply chuckling. We enter the van and Leo explains me that he will be my driver whenever I needed a drive and also to HQ. We make a small talk about LA and the traffic. Shortly after we arrive at the hotel I'll be staying at. Leo once again helps me unload before saying goodbye.

Check in went pretty quick, I'm now finally in my room after this long ass day. I check the time and I see it's currently 2:45pm which means it's almost midnight at Vic. After a little bit of doubting whether to call her or not, I press the facetime button and wait for Vic to pick up. Couple rings later and miss lazy ass finally picks up. "I was in my sleeping beauty nap you asshole" she says grumpy. I giggle seeing my best friend struggling to open up her eyes. "Well the next time if I arrived safe and sound I won't bother calling sleeping beauty, don't worry. But thanks for making sure I'm alive and well you bitch." I say grinning. She looks at me like she's about to kill me. Very thankful that I'm now 5500 miles further so she has no chance to actually kill me. Let's not mess with sleeping beauty her naps. "I made sure to track your flight you dumbass. You arrived exactly at 11:52am, so ha take that." she replies while having this smug look on her face. Gosh I bet I distributed her freaking dream or something. "Alright alright I'm proud of you. Even though I just wanted you to show the suit after that I'll let you go back to your beauty sleep, princess Vic." I say chuckling. I gave her a quick room tour. I have a kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom and a cute balcony with a view of the mountains. Vic is going crazy over the fact they booked me a suit. I just giggled because it's the same way I reacted when they showed me the room. Vic and I talk a little bit before hanging up.

I just took a shower and am now getting dressed. After the facetime call I just watched a movie and calling another friend who I'll meet up for dinner. It's currently 7:30pm and I just texted Leo if he could pick me up at 8 so we can drive to the restaurant. I'm finishing my make-up and send a quick text to my friend that I'm heading out and will meet them there. It's been awhile since I last saw them and I'm so freaking excited to finally see them again. I make my way to the lobby and my phone went off. Leo texted me saying he's in the front. I make my way out and get in the van. "Good evening Leo, how was your afternoon? I ask smiling. "Good evening Amelia, it's been great. How was yours? Is the jetlag creeping up on you?" Leo asks me. "No it's alright I'm normally not jet lagged when I arrive it's more when I come back in Europe that it hits me." I reply. "Ah well that's nice! I'll park the car in front of the restaurant, you're able to get out of the car and when you need me to pick you up just text and I'll be there." Leo says smiling. "Thank you Leo! I might have to decline your offer of picking up though. We might go out after dinner and I'll stay the night with my friend or they'll come back with me to the hotel." I reply. We arrive at Catch and I get out after thanking Leo and telling him I'll call or text if I need a drive. I walk towards the restaurant. "Well well miss Smith what are you doing back here? Didn't you just leave?" some familiar voice asks me. I turn around and my nerves disappear slightly. "Well well if it isn't one of my favorite employees. Gosh you don't know how happy I'm to see your face here. Did they finally gave you a raise though??" I say smiling while giving them a hug. "After you left I received the news 2 weeks later that they're giving me a promotion and a raise. Thank you Amelia, without your kind words I doubt it would've happened." they say smiling while returning the hug. "Nonsense Claire, you're amazing in your job. They should be thankful that they have someone like you working for them." I tell her while smiling. "Thank you Amelia. So is there a reason why you already came back or did you just miss me that much?" Claire asks me chuckling. "Ha ha very funny you. No I got a job offer so that's why I came back. I'll have a meeting on Monday." I tell her starting to feel a bit anxious. Slowly I start to play with the rings on my fingers. "Are you serious??? Amelia that's amazing!!! I'm so proud of you. Are you able to tell me what kind of a job or do you rather keep it for yourself until everything is more sure?" Claire asks me while giving me reassuring smile. This is what I like about Claire, she never tries to push stuff out of you. "Legally I can't tell you, yet. But once I'm allowed I of course will tell you." I tell her.

It's getting more busy and I hear a lot of paparazzi, their flashing lights and yelling are interrupting our conversation. Getting now more and more anxious I slowly start to scratch myself and looking around seeing how I can avoid this situation. Claire notices me and shuffles me inside. "You're okay, you're inside now Amelia. Your friend is arriving shortly she's just going through the massa of papz. She'll be here in a minute. I'm going to get her just stay here, please. You're okay." Claire says. She raised her hand to sign someone but that action made me flinch and back away. Claire raised her hands slowly grabbing my hand. "It's okay, I'm sorry. I had to sign someone to get your friend. I'll stay with you until she's here." Claire tells me slowly rubbing my hand trying to get me back more into it. I flicker a few times with my eyes before I close them and take a deep breath. I'm inside and everything is okay. I wanted to open my eyes but suddenly I feel a pair of arms behind me sneaking around my waist. I jump a bit wanting to push that person away before I hear the familiar voice of my friend. "hey hey sorry it's me, you're okay. I'm sorry I just got so excited to see you it's been so long. I fucking missed you." She says hugging me close. I turn around and hug her tight smiling wildy. "I fucking missed you too. I hated it that we couldn't do anything last time but I'm here now and who knows for a longer time" I tell her while winking at her. After getting our coats hanged up we made our way to our table. We ordered some wine and started to read the menu. Even though we both are here often we still like to read the menu. "So how's Nick? Is he bored of me already so he decided to wait after dinner to see me huh?" I ask her laughing. She hits my hand "No you ass. He had his poker thing which he couldn't cancel so he'll meet us later." She tells me. I look up at her and smile. "great I missed him. It's boring if I'm just with you." I say smirking. "auch" I say rubbing my arm. "Really Mads? hitting me already?! It's been a few minutes and you are already hitting me." I say pouting. "Well that's what you get for choosing my boyfriend over one of your best friends. That's just plain straight rude." Madison says while trying to keep a serious face. "I missed you the most you goof. But easy with the hitting or I might prefer Nick over you." I tell her whining. We laugh and one of the waiters is coming over to get our order. We talk here and there about all things we missed out on recently. I can't stop smiling the whole time I really missed Madison. She's been one of my best friends but sadly we don't see each other often due the distance.

An hour and half later and we finished dinner, ready to go over to a friend of hers to have a small party. Nick is going to pick us up with a driver so we can all get some drinks once we are there. Yeah this is gonna be a good night.


So here you go chapter 1. And miss Madison Beer has entered the chat :) I hope you guys like this chapter. please leave reviews/tips/ideas. Thank you for reading!!!

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