Chapter 29

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Amelia's POV:

"This one is good too, she definitely deserves to be one of the winners." Mads shows me the content and I hum, writing down her name. We will pick out 30 people per city right now we are picking the last few of the US dates. Coach didn't want me to fully train yet due my injuries so we will fly Thursday morning meaning we will arrive Fridays. That night it will be London, Saturday evening we will be flying to Amsterdam so we can do the party on Sunday in Amsterdam. Monday around 5pm we will fly back to New York and on Tuesdays we will do it there. We will fly Wednesday early morning back to LA and have the party the same night. Thursdays I will go back training and in the evening there will be a party for the album with friends and family. Hectic week. It's now Sunday evening, and we are about to post the winners. "I'm nervous Lia.." I push my glasses a little back and look at Madison. "They're going to love it, mads. Don't doubt yourself. I know it's going to be scary but I'm for sure it will be amazing. Everyone is going to love the album. Everyone has been invited for the LA party, all your friends, family, artists, producers whatever. Almost everyone is coming and is so excited! It's going to be alright sis. Take a breather." I kiss the top of her head and rub her back. She sighs and leans her head against my chest. "Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you." I chuckle against her head and she softly hits me. "You're sounding cheesy Mads. That's nothing for you." She rolls her eyes and grabs her phone. "Whatever, go idk change or everyone will see that you're blind." I shrug my shoulders and tie my hair up as I stand up grabbing the both of us some water. "I don't mind gives them something to talk about instead of making rumors of whom I'm dating." we both look at each other bursting out in laughter. "You wish that's what they would talk about, we both know your dating rumors are waaaay better." I chuckle and sit down as Mads sets up her phone. I'm not in the shot for now but just by her side. I will post on her platforms while she will announce it in the livestream. "Hi guys, soooo I got something excited to share. We picked the winners......" she waits a little and the comments are going insane. "So the winners are....." she makes a drum roll and I send out the emails for the winners and post the pics on her social media with the caption 'check ur inbox, see u soon x', as I posted Mads tell them to check their emails. She answers some questions in meanwhile about her album and I point out a few comments of people who are watching that got picked. She greets them and tells them she can't wait to see them. I point out a few sweet comments of people who didn't win but still wish the others so much fun and that they're so excited for the album. She thanks them for their support. After a few minutes she ends the stream and hugs me tightly. I feel a wet patch on my shirt and I lift up her face frowning as I'm not sure whether it's from happiness or if she is upset. "happy tears" she mumbles. I give her a small smile and gently push her head back in the crook of my neck. "Let it out. You've worked so hard on this album." I whisper in her ear. She nods and I just rub her back. My phone goes off and I groan but pick up anyways. "Baby it's FaceTime." immediately I begin to smile and Mads chuckles as my mood changes. "You're lucky it's you Florence, miss grumpy here was not happy someone called." Flo chuckles and I just huff. "Hey that's not fair. I will always be happy if she calls me, I just didn't know who it was and I didn't expect her to call me." I pout but this only earns me some chuckles. I roll my eyes and kick Mads off me. "There you go, it's where you belong."  I give her a smug smile and she glares at me. Before I can focus on my blonde Mads pulls me on the ground making me groan. "What was that for?" I rub my back and frown. "That's where you belong." she mocks me and goes back on the couch. I hear soft giggles and I raise my eyebrow at the phone. "You think it's funny Flossy?" she quickly stops giggling and shakes her head. "Seems like you're not being a good girl, babe. Good girls don't lie." I lower my voice and smirk at her reaction. Her eyes wide, cheeks are red and a soft whimper is heard. "PG GUYS, PG." Mads yells and throws a pillow at me. "Fine, fine, for now."  I mumble the last part but it seems like the blonde heard me. "Princess, will you be coming tonight?" she asks me and now it's my turn to be flustered. "I me-mean not in that way, well, no, I-" I cut her off. "It's alright Flossy, but yes I will be coming over soon. Need to go through a few things here and quickly stop at Liz's." she nods at my response too stunned to speak. Damn Pugh, if you only knew you've got me wrapped around your fingers. "Jeez guys be girlfriends already, maybe then they will finally stop your dating rumors." I snap my head towards my best friend and shake my head. "What?" Florence asks me and I sigh. Fuck. "What is she talking about, Amelia." I wince at the full name and Madison looks guilty. "It's okay, not your fault. Uhm I will be outside talking okay?" she nods and I give her shoulder a quick squeeze. "Don't ignore me, what is she talking about." I close the door and sit down on the lounge set. "It's nothing babe. It's just stupid paparazzi trying to make it seem like I'm hooking up with people. Which is not true at all." she hums and I know I fucked up. "Flossy, please look at me." she ignores me and I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asks but her voice cracks, great I hurt her. "It's not that I didn't want to, I just thought it wasn't a big deal, I'm sorry." wrong choice. "Not a big deal? Fucking hell. You know what, if it's not a big deal go ahead and have fun. Bye Amelia." she hangs up and I scream out as I throw away my phone. I fucking hate myself. Why didn't I just tell her. I'm fucking stupid. "Go to her, we will finish later. I texted Lizzie you have to go to Florence first." Mads says softly and slowly walks towards me. "Why do I keep messing up? Is this my karma Mads? Is it all my fault?" I whisper looking at her with tears in my eyes. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me in. "No god no. Please don't think like this. Go to her and talk about it. Maybe it just upsets her since you guys are nothing official and she knows you basically can do whatever you want." I sigh and wipe away the few tears that fell down. "But I don't want anyone else Mads. She is it for me. Fuck I-I I fucking like her like there is no one else for me. I haven't even felt like this with my exes." she gives me a small smile and pushes me to the door handing the car keys. "Go tell her that, now." I nod and give her a kiss on the cheek. I pick up my phone and I go to the car and drive over to my favorite blonde. 

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