Chapter 16

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Sorry for the wait! I've been travelling the past few weeks and couldn't update!


Amelia's POV:

Currently we're heading back to Florence her house. She gave me a quick house tour and after that we did some grocery shopping. I texted Nick shortly after I arrived so he could update Madison. I turned my phone off afterwards. Ash kept on calling and texting me and it drives me insane. I sighed and rubbed my temples hoping to release some of the pressure. "Do you want to talk about it?" The blonde next to me asks. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you my mind is just exploding now." I send her an apologetic smile and squeeze her hand. "It's okay. You know I'm here for you right? Just take your time Lia." I lean my head against the window and take a deep breath. "She cheated. She was drunk and slept with Cara believing it was me." Florence looked at me with so much anger. Her jaw was clenching. "She did what?" Her voice soft barely audible. I look at her  and give her a small smile. She shook her head and her grip on the steering wheel tightened. "I knew she would fuck up." She mumbled but I couldn't quite catch it.  "What was that?" She looked at me and her face softened. "I'm sorry Lia. I can't believe she did that." I hummed and look back outside. "Whatever. I just need time and we shall see what happens. Don't worry she doesn't know where you live.  What are we cooking??" I look back at her with a small smile. "What about some avocado toast and a side salad?" I squeal and do a little victory dance. I fucking love avocado. "Sounds deliisshh. I can't wait till we are back at the house." Flo chuckles and I smile. We get out of the car and take the groceries back inside. Billie is waiting and barks as soon as she sees us coming in. "Hello my favorite girl. Have you been a good girl? Are you mommy's good girl huh?" I scratch her head while using a weird voice. Flo looks at us with her eyes wide and quickly shakes it off and goes to the kitchen. Strange.. but whatever. "Darling do you mind if we do a little cooking with Flo? The fans would love for me to do one again." I choke at the nickname and blush. Flo looks up at me and smirks. "U-uhm Yeah sure! But isn't weird that they see you with me? What do we need to say?" I ask her shaking off the feeling inside me. Stupid British accent. " Oh good one! We can say we met at the Oscar after party or something that you attended with Madison?" I grab my phone and turn it back on. "Sounds like a great way to have met!" I chuckle and give Mads a heads up. I frown a little at the messages of Ash but quickly put it down. "Lets get started then?" I ask Flo and she smiles widely. "Here you go I picked the prettiest apron I have for a pretty woman." I blush at her compliment and push her a little. "Always a charmer Pugh." She smirks and places her phone on the counter.

"Welcome back people! It's time for cooking with Flo Bitches staring my good friend Amelia." Flo pulls me in her side and I give a quick wave to the camera. The comments are freaking out and I chuckle with how surprised everyone is. Flo quickly explains what we are making which gives me some time to check the Q&A box. "How did you two meet? Where were we when this happened?" Flo smiles and stands behind me placing her chin on my shoulder. "We actually met at the Oscars After party. This one here got dragged along with her friend and she decided we should talk since Lia is a big marvel geek." I gasp at her answer and hit her softly. "That's rude. I'm not a geek" I roll my eyes and Flo raises her eyebrow at me. "Okay maybe a little. But not as big as she claims me to be." I huff out and Flo chuckles. "Okay next one. Amelia, how come we haven't seen or hear from you these past months." I quietly finished the sentence. Seems like they noticed better than we thought. "I've been very busy with some clients in Europe. That's why miss Beer has annoyed you guys so much. But I'm baackkkk." I smile. "And you better stay. We can't afford to miss you." Flo quickly says. We answer a few more questions and I also turn the camera a couple of times to show everyone what steps you need to do to make the dish. But a comment quickly catches my attention. "Lia check your phone please." Why the fuck did she had to comment on here. I huff out and quickly delete it before a lot of people see it. I set the phone back on the counter and pull Flo in my side to whisper in her ear. "Ashley is commenting in the stream that I need to check my phone. I'm sorry but I have to check it before your livestream gets ruined with my shit." She holds my waist and whispers back. "Stop. You don't ruin anything Lia. She fucked up. She doesn't deserve you. Hell she should be thankful you still will check your phone now. I will continue to cook and to finish the stream. Take Billie with you in the garden and take your time. I'm here for you darling." My eyes are glossy and she gives me a quick kiss on my cheek. I hug her tight and hold her close for a few seconds forgetting the stream. "Thank you Flossy. I'll be quick. I need to make sure you won't mess up our dinner." She rolls her eyes and I kiss her cheek and grab my phone and call for Billie. I look at Flo and she smiles at me before looking back at the camera. "Lia will take Billie for a walk because missy wants to have her dinner but she needs to be walked first. So you guys are stuck with me now." I chuckle and mouth a 'be back in a few' she smiles and continues to show her followers the steps. I grab Billie her leash and we go to the garden. I sigh and look at my phone before calling her.

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