Chapter 41

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Amelias POV:

"When are you going to stop making me cry Lia?" Mads asks me as she is wiping away her tears. I chuckle at her reaction, wrapping my arms around her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to but you were always the one who told me to finish this song." She huffs and shoves me away a little. "I did but gosh this is amazing, it's beautiful. Are you going to release it?" I quickly shake my head and sigh. "No. I'm not ready for that. Maybe I'll post it anonymous but I won't put it out under my name." She nods and gives my hand a soft squeeze. We just finished listening to the songs and I'm glad to say she approved the songs. "I have a favor to ask youuuuu." Mads asks me in singing voice making me raise my eyebrow at her. "Don't look at me like that, I bet you'll love it." She grabs her phone and goes to her HQ account on instagram. "Are you up for a livestream?" she asks me with the biggest puppy eyes. "Alright but let me get Billie out first." she squeals and sets up her phone a little as I'm off to the kitchen with Billie behind me. I quickly do our night walk and as we get back I give her a little snack, walking back to the living room I can hear Madison talking. "Oh here she comes guys. It's been awhile but look who's back doing a livestream with me." She turns her phone a little so I'm in frame and the comments are freaking out. "Hiii everyone, hope you all have been doing well. Miss Beer has kidnapped me and forced me to do this live with her so bare with me for the way I look." I refer to my oversized hoodie and glasses. "Stop they'll think I actually did. She comes here willingly you guys. Matter of fact she was the one who asked for a PJ party." I scrunch my nose at her exposing me and sit down next to her. I start reading some comments and one reaches my attention. "Yes I'm wearing something underneath, I'm wearing shorts but I didn't feel like changing so I just put on one of the biggest hoodies in my closet." I chuckle a bit as Mads smirks at me. "Yeah your closet of course." she says and I whip my head around looking at her. "You did not." I ask her in disbelief. "Oh yes I did. We need some new tweets tonight to read not the old ones. It's boring to read which one of our friends is your next possible girlfriend." I swat her arm and she yelps once I made contact with her arm. "I guess this is my cue to leave. Have fun with miss Beer y'all." I try to stand up but Mads is quick enough to push me back and lays herself half on top of me so I can't stand up. "See. I told you she forces me." The comments are filling about our goofiness with each other. It feels nice to joke around with her fans like this. Eventually after we stopped bickering Madison started to answer some questions that her fans asked. Lots lots of questions are about tour but we both are grinning and ignoring those making the fans freak out. "It's been so good to come here and have a little chat with you guys. Make sure to keep an eye out on my twitter I will announce something pretty soon." she says winking. She ends the livestream and we both start laughing knowing she left them freaking out. Like I said it's fun to mess around with the fans. "So time for our movie night?" I ask her and she smiles nodding at me. We both stand up and clean the living room a little. I grab us some drinks for upstairs and Mads grabs Billie her blanket taking it with her. "We will be in my room waiting, could you grab some snacks too?" she asks me as she walks upstairs. I reply a quick yeah and grab some snacks as well before making my way up to her room. I set down everything and go to my room to change in my PJ's. I walk back to her room and get comfy on her bed as Billie is laying down at our feet. "Could you sleep here tonight?" she asks me and I nod. "I already planned on it." she smiles at me and shuffles a little closer laying her head on my shoulder. She puts on the movie and snuggles in my side. "I missed you Lee." she says softly. "I missed you too Madsy." I kiss the top of her head and grab my phone sending Flo a quick message and a picture of the three of us. She wishes us a good night and that she can't wait to see me tomorrow. Mads smiles widely at our conversation. "I'm happy you both found each other. She really is the best for you." I nod and sigh a little. "She's too good for me Mads. I don't deserve her. I hope I can give her everything she deserves." I admit nervously and she scoffs. "Stop downgrading yourself like that. You do deserve her and she deserves you Lia. You both bring out the best in each other. Everyone can see that." I feel a small blush creeping onto my cheeks. Mads notices and teases me making me whine a little. "Focus on the damn movie." I mumble making her giggle. I feel my eyes getting heavier as the minutes are passing by and before I know I'm off to a slumber.

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