Chapter 13

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Madison's POV:

I wake up and my head is annoying the heck out of me. I groan and slowly get up to go to the bathroom. I text Nick about the idea of the listening party and he loves the idea. I went over to Lia's room and she's already out. "Morning Mads, is your head hurting as well?" Hailee asks me making me turn around. "Morning Hails, yeah gosh I think we drank a little too much didn't we?" I chuckle lightly. "Have you seen Florence? She wasn't with me when I woke up and she's not replying." she asks me walking next to me. "No I just went to Lia's room but I think she's working out already or making breakfast." she hums and we both groan at the light in my living room.  "Alexa put on hangover mode" Hailee laughs and looks confused before we hear some low jazz music and the lights are dimmed and the blinds slightly closed. I smirk proudly and make my way to the kitchen and to my surprise no Lia. I frown slightly and Hailee looks for Florence before I hear a soft whisper shout. I walk to Hailee and she's standing with the biggest smirk ever. "Guess someone is also crushing on Lia." I look down seeing our friends cuddled together. Flo is on top of Lia her face in the crook of her neck and their legs intertwined, Lia has her arm wrapped around Flo's waist and they're both snoring softly. I quickly grab my phone and snap a picture to send it to Lizzie. "I know they're both in a relationship but they're pretty cute together." I hum in agreement and tap Florence softly not wanting to wake Lia yet. She stretches and snuggles even deeper in Lia's embrace before opening her eyes and looking confused. After a few minutes it seems like the dots are connected and she blushes instantly. "How what I- Help?" she looks at us and we start giggling. She carefully tries to get out of Lia's embrace but Lia starts groaning and wraps her arm around her waist tighter pulling her back. "5 more minutes" she mumbles against her. I chuckle at her sleep state and Flo softens in her embrace. "She really is one of the best huggers" she says softly not wanting to scare Lia. "Yeah she is. Lia snuggles are my favorite thing. I'm happy she feels comfortable to slowly start doing it with others. It took a while." I look down at my best friend slowly tapping her cheek. "What do you mean it took a while?" Hailee asks and I frown noticing now my slip up. Fuck. "Oh nothing. After the break she wasn't really herself so it took some time to be her goofy self again." they both nod and Lia stretches out giving Flo the chance to stand up. "Finally I have to peeeeee" she says running of to the  bathroom. Lia looks up confused and smiles when she sees us. "Good morning, not to be rude but I'm hungry and I want my iced coffee" I chuckle and hit her arm softly. "I bet you're princess. You looked all cosy with Flo. If it took you a little longer to wake up I'd be mad for missing my morning hugs." I launch myself on top of her and Hailee laughs at our silliness. "You guys are really close aren't you? How did that start?" she asks sitting down on the couch next to us. Flo walks back in and sits next to Hailee laying her head on her shoulder yawning. "How can you still be tired you used me as a living heater and pillow" Lia asks her. Flo blushes and whines. "You were just very very comfortable and warm okay? You're like a personal heater. Also don't start like that or I will leave a note for the breakfast to forget your coffee." Lia shuts up instantly. "You heard her. Now be nice and cuddle me while I tell how we met." she nods and holds me tight. "So, it's actually quite funny. Lia here started working for me and I was her first 'bigger' artist to work for. I met her a few times before during past tours and we always had a good vibe. I really wanted a female team only and after asking her she was the last one to agree to work for me. She was my tour manager / assistant and we just immediately bonded. Since then she started working for me whether it was Europe or here in the US. But the hard part was visa wise. It sadly wasn't enough to get her a permit visa so she came and left after a couple of months and that's how we repeated it for the last years." Lia smiles and kisses my cheek before getting the door open. "Breakfast has arrived" she says wiggling her eyebrows. 

After we all had breakfast Florence and Hailee went back home. They will pick Lia up shortly after before the scheduled workout at 12pm. Lia and I are currently chilling on the couch talking about the listening party. We came up with a little contest and 4 locations. Sadly we can't do more even tho I really want to. We will have one here in LA, NYC, London and Amsterdam. First we will go to Europe and then back to the US right before Lia's other training. We leave on Saturday so we will arrive on Sunday in the evening we will have the party in London, the next morning we fly to Amsterdam and have the listening party, next morning we fly to NYC and as last we fly back to LA. If everything goes well the album will be out next month so that will give us 3 weeks to prepare everything. We don't know what type of contest it will be yet but we will figure it out. I'm glad we spend this morning thinking and writing stuff, I'm not sure why but something is not feeling well. I have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach but can't point what. As long as she won't get hurt during training I guess everything will be fine. I sigh before cuddling against my best friend and trace some shapes on her arm. "You okay?" she asks me softly. I hum and wiggle myself closer in her embrace. "I just have this weird feeling that's all." she squeezes my hand and I look up. "You have it too right?" she nods her head and stands up. "It's probably nothing. Maybe we both just drank too much" she giggles and grabs a water bottle. When she gets back to the couch she puts on Manifest. We recently started watching it and we love it. I smile widely at her as soon as I saw it. She opens her arms and I launch myself in them and laying down comfortable. "I'm happy you start to become comfortable with others their touch. You're doing so well Lia. I'm really really proud of you." I tell her softly looking up at her. Her eyes are getting glossy and she kisses my forehead. "Thanks Madsy. It is all thanks to you V and Nick. Without you guys I wouldn't have come so far. Thank you" I smile at her and lay back down playing our episode. We can watch one episode before she has to go. But jeez we wish we could have keep watching it. Lia her mouth drops open and frowns when she sees the time. "NOoooo I wanna keep watching. Fuck training let's keep watchinggg" she whines and makes me laugh. "No come on get your ass up. We will watch it tonight." She huffs but gets up and goes to her room. There's a knock on the door and when I open I see the two girls who left my house just a few hours ago. "Hi guys, come in Lia is changing." we all give each other a quick hug and go to the living room. A couple of minutes Lia arrives but the look on her face has me worried. She has almost no color on her face and her eyes are not shining. Something big is up. The girls hug her tightly and she puts on her fake smile, avoiding any eye contact with me. "Shall we go? I don't wanna be late I'm already the newbie that's enough." she chuckles but it's not her usual chuckle. I try to get to her but she slips away, grabs her bag and goes outside. She looks at me and I can see the tears in her eyes she quickly looks down and wipes away a tear. "I will text you when we are done Mads. See u soon." she says softly and gets in the car. The girls raise their eyebrow a little and look at me. "Keep an eye on her for me, please. Something is up I'm going to find out what." they nod and hug me tight before getting in the car as well. I get back inside looking for my phone when I see a few messages of V. I call her and while waiting for her to pick up my jaw drops. This fucking bitch.

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