Chapter 6

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Amelia's POV:

It's 8am and my alarm goes off. At this moment I really hate myself for going to sleep at 4am. I turn off the alarm and get up. I grabbed some working out clothes and got dressed. Thankfully this hotel also has a pretty big gym. I put on my headphones, grabbed a water bottle and a towel. I got all of it and left my room towards the elevator. On the top floor I get out and the view is breathtaking. I can definitely spend some time here. I started with a little jog/run on the treadmill for 30 minutes. After that's done I just started doing some full body workout. I'm pretty lost in my workout when I see a few people entering the gym. I look up and see Madison and Nick. "Hey guys, what you doing here?" I ask them finishing my last exercise. "Well it's nearly 11am and Nick was nearby so he came to pick us up to drive with us to Nobu." my friend says handing me my water bottle. "Thanks. And Alright! I'll just shower and make myself ready. Will you guys go to the lobby or hang in the living room?" I ask while grabbing the towel and wiping my face. "We will hang in the living room while you can wash yourself since you stink" Nick says. I look at him offended but then a smirk is covering my face. "Nickkyyyy I missed you, come here and give your pal a hug will you." I say smirking. I walk over to him with my arms wide open. His face drops after realising what he got himself into. He quickly grabs Madison and hides behind her which makes me bump into her. "Ouch. If you didn't want to hug me you could say so." I pout and hit him with the towel. We all start laughing and making our way to the suite. In the elevator me and Nick are still messing around and Madison needs to stand in between us so we would stop. Both of us huff since our play fight got interrupted. "You both are kids. Grow up and be mature for once" She says and I mimic her which earns me a slap against my chest. I groan and glare at her. She just smiles and flips her hair and exits the elevator. Why on earth is she always so good at timing shit? I slouch a bit and follow the couple back to my suite. They make themselves comfy in the living room while I get into the shower. After the shower and getting dressed I applied a little bit of makeup just to hide the bags underneath my eyes. I hit my bestie with my hoodie and smile innocently at her. "Let's go my favorite cali couple" I say grabbing my purse. "Let's get the favorite hollywood couple reunite. How long will it take before you guys hit the headlines again?" Nick asks me and I freeze. Fuck I didn't think of that. Pappa fucking razi. Madison gives my shoulder a squeeze. "It will be fine we will wait for her inside she'll understand Lia." she says. I nod and we make our way to Nick's car.

We arrive at Nobu and I see Ash her car parked. I nodge my friends "She's inside I believe, are we that late?" I ask a bit nervous. "You are that late. No just kidding. She's early it's 1:50pm and we would meet here around 2 ish." Mads says holding onto Nick's arm. I hum and we make our way inside not without some love of the paparazzi "Madison look over here!" "Nick have you asked her to marry you yet" "Are you guys a throuple" "Amelia why are you with them these last days" "Nick, Madison are you guys trying to get kids" "Are you guys here to celebrate" all these stupid comments. I clench my jaw and me and Nick try to hide Madison in between us so they won't get near her.  'You're okay mads, we are with you. Just keep walking" I say and give her hand a little squeeze. She holds onto my hand tightly and her grip on Nick tightens as well. The security helps us out and we finally get inside. "I fucking hate those bastards. Mads are you okay? Did they hurt you? Nick are you okay??" I ask them while checking them. "Yeah come on let's not let them ruin our mood. I am okay. Thank you Lia" Mads says hugging me. "It's all ok Lia. They're just so annoying." Nick says huffing. We both get easily annoyed by them since Madison gets pretty anxious with them. We make our way to the table and I see my girl sitting there and my annoyance disappears. I smile widely and walk over to her. She looks up and her smile matches mine. When I'm closer she stands up and pulls me into a hug. "hey baby, are you okay? I saw what happened. Fucking assholes" she says worried. I chuckle and kiss her cheek. "We are don't worry. They just don't know what space and respect means. It's cute how worried you are miss Benson." I say and poke her sides softly. She laughs and looks at me and hugs me again. "I just care a lot about you okay, let me be" she says mumbling. I smile and kiss the top of her head. "That's what I say after being worried over her ass. And I always get a slap why do you get a kiss that's not fair." I hear my oh so best friend say. I look at her with my eyebrow slightly raised. "Excuse me what now? You never want my kisses only when you're crying your eyes out or feeling clingy. If you want me to kiss you all you do is ask you dumbass" I say rolling my eyes. Nick starts laughing and hugs Ashley "It's good to see you Ash. She's finally not that grumpy anymore and the resting bitch face is also getting less bitchy." he says. I hit the back of his head softly. "Ouch why the hell did you do that? It's the truth" he says while sitting down. "You called me a bitch? Have you seen yourself? man you need your glasses Nicky." I huff and sit down as well. "And that's it. Time out for you. No sleepovers at our place for a week." Mads says glaring at me. I pout and look up at Ash. "Will you tell her off babe?" I ask pouting a bit more knowing she has a hard time resting. "I won't tell her off she is kinda right. BUT I can sleepover with you instead?" she says with a smirk. I blush and try to hide my face. "Okay so no that's not happening. Sleepovers are allowed again. I see you tomorrow. Also Ashley it's been a long time, how you doing?" Mads asks her while giving her a soft hug. They both sit down again and Ash her hand finds my leg under the table and rests on top of it. I lay my hand on hers and squeeze it lightly. "It's been okay. Lots of things happened and figured out somethings as you see." Ash says smiling. "Yeah about that.. I'm happy with how the talk went and that you guys are trying and taking it slow. But if you hurt her one more time I will come and find you and this time I won't be nice." Mads says glaring and Ash gulps. I give Mads a face and her face softens "Okay so now I did my BIG sister duties. Ash it's all okay don't worry. She forgave you so did I. But please don't hurt her.. I can't lose her. not again." She says mumbling the last part. My head snaps up and look over at Madison. I feel Ashley staring at me but I nod my head at her and mouth "later" to her. I grab Mads her hand and squeeze it. She looks up figuring she said it a bit louder than she wanted. Guilt covers her face I nod my head no knowing she wanted to apologize. I mouth "It's okay. Don't worry" and she calms down. Nick smiles and grabs the menu cards and hands them out. We all order some small dishes and decided we will just share.

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