Chapter 19

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Amelia's POV:

I wanted to hike last night but since we watched a few movies I decided to go in the morning right before training so that leaves me to right now. As I'm sitting down watching the city come to life I think about last night. I send the girls a quick text to apologize and that it's not what it looked like. I explained that we talked it out and are currently on a break but I rather not talk about it. They said everything is fine and understand my reaction so it's all good. I still am not sure how to feel about it all which is why I don't really want to talk about it. I just need some time and it will be alright. I check my phone seeing it's 9am I quickly jog back down to where my car is parked. Luckily there was no paparazzi not sure if I could handle them at this moment. I pick up some breakfast on the way back and walk back into the house. "How was your hike?" Nick asks me as I enter the kitchen. I give him a quick side hug and put down the bags. "Quite thank god. No paps, not too crowded just good. Did you just wake up?" I grab an apple and drink some water while sitting down on the kitchen counter. "You know there are chairs for a reason dipshit." I mock my best friend but she's quick enough to give me a glare. "At least be thankful I brought you breakfast. I think that gives me full access to sit wherever I want." I smirk and she rolls her eyes making Nick chuckle. "Okay I'm going to change my shirt real quick I think the girls are here soon" they both hum in reply too busy with eating pancakes. I shake my head and make my way to my room and have a quick change. Lizzie texts me if I'm coming today due the articles I frown slightly, I forgot she doesn't know what happened when I was at Flo nor afterwards and neither does Scar.. Might have to explain after all we shall see. For now I just want to focus on the training and nothing else. I send her a quick text that I'll be there soon and go downstairs. Maybe I'll text Kenny if she wants to hang out tonight I missed her. "I texted Kendall if she's free tonight do you want to join?" I ask Nick and Mads. Mads raises her eyebrow slightly looking at me. "What?" I look back at her. "You are on a break with Ash but you're going to Kendall? You know how it will look like right?" I frown and sigh pinching the bridge of my nose. "I didn't think about that. We are friends. Yes we might have done some stuff after Ash and I broke up but we are still friends. I asked if it could be at hers or who knows we might go to Kylie's. I will make sure there won't be pics of me." Nick gives my shoulder a squeeze and I give him a small smile. He knows that I hate thinking about every move but I can't help it for now. "I know you hate it Lia. I'm just looking out for you. A few days and they forgot about it. Nick and I are going to one of his matches tonight but need to leave in a few, so we won't join but will see you tomorrow?" I nod and grab my duffle bag. "Have a good day guys." I quickly make my way out of the house not really in the mood for this conversation. They know me well enough that it's not a big deal but that I'm just not in the mood. I see the girls and I make my way over to the car. I get in and drop my bag next to me. I reach to the front and kiss the both of them on their cheeks. Flo has a small blush forming on her face which makes me smirk. I'll test it out if the crush is mutual or not.

We were laughing and just chatting when we arrived at the gym. The three of us got out and here we go time to test the theory. I give them their bags and Flo is standing in-between me and Hails. I look at her and smile softly before passing by and letting my hand brush against her hip. Her breath hitched and I smirk. I quickly look over my shoulder with the most innocent look I could give. "Are you guys coming?" Hailee is laughing and shakes her head joining my side, hooking her arm with mine. "What's your game, Lia." she asks me and I look at her while walking away slowly from the flustered blonde. "I was just testing out a theory. It seems like it's not just me who had a crush is it?" I chuckle and Hailee laughs. "You little shit, that girl is in utter shock." I look over at the blonde and I kinda feel guilty now I didn't mean to make her feel like this. I stop walking and unhook myself of the brunette next to me and make my way over to the blonde who's still stuck on the same spot as if she's been glued to it. "You okay Flossy?" I ask her carefully not wanting to startle her. She doesn't reply nor look at me and now its kinda freaking me out. I softly hold her arm and squeeze it gently making her snap out of whatever trace she was in. "There you are you had me worried there" I smile at her and she starts blushing. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or any-" I got cut off by the brunette. "You didn't make her uncomfortable, Lia. She's been cru-" this time the brunette got cut off by a slap against the back of her head making her hiss out in pain and making me giggle. "If you say one more thing that slap won't be as soft as it was just now." the brunette rolls her eyes and walks away. "You guys better hurry up your love talk or YOU are late for training." Flo shakes her head but looks back at me and holds out her hand. "Ready to go inside princess?" My jaw drops and I huff. "I'm not a princess. Do I need to remind you who's been standing like a lost princess the last couple of minutes?" I hit her hand away making her chuckle. "If you wouldn't be on a break we would've seen who was standing like a lost princess." she mumbles but I can't quite catch it so I just roll my eyes but grab her hand ushering us inside before we get yelled at. "I'm the newbie remember. I can't be late. Now hush and move that ass." we get inside and greet the others and Hailee is smirking at us making the both of us glare at her. Lizzie and Scar are on time this time and I'm not sure what is overcoming me but I rush my way to Lizzie and hug her real tight. I missed her. "Hi sweetheart, are you okay?" her voice is covered with a little worry but I nod against her chest. Not sure why I just really needed her hug after all the shit of the last days. "And where is my greeting?" Scar asks but I just shrug my shoulders not feeling like answering. Lizzie says something to Scar but I'm not paying any attention to that. She rubs my back up and down and I just snuggle in her side listening to our coach. He explains what we will do today and just like last time we will start with a little warming up. I tap Liz her arm 3 times she looks at me and lets me go. "Your lucky we need to start training or else I wouldn't have let you go." I chuckle and we make our way to the treadmills while walking my way over I give Scar a quick hug and get on the treadmill before she can complain. Just like last time I increase the speed a little. After we all finish we quickly start with boxing, which I absolutely love. It's been awhile since I've done some boxing. I'm paired with David and Sebastian this time. An other trainer came and he's trains martial classes. He stops us and calls over coach. They have a quick chat and tell Sebastian and David to continue. I look a little confused but he ushers me over so I follow him. "Hi Lia, I'm Jake one of the trainers. I do the martial trainings. You've done this before haven't you?"  I nod my head slightly. Actually I've been doing it more after the kidnapping but hell that I will tell. After that shit hole I made sure to level up my fighting skills. "I have, yes. But just since a couple of months. I did some basic boxing and karate but since a few months ago I started picking up boxing and combat classes again. I do it twice or three times a week." He writes it down and hums. "Alright. Is it okay if we can do a little bit of everything so I can see where your skill set is? This is for future training and also for the stunts you have or won't do. That depends on your skill set and what you want to do." I nod and smile wide. This is exciting. "Sure! If coach is okay with it I can't wait to start." I drink some water and wait for Jake as he grabs some stuff. He waves me over to the back of the gym and explains what we will do. I nod and smirk to myself. I hope I won't hurt him. "I must tell they say my kick is hard and my right hand is a meanie." he chuckles but nods. "Alright. Show me what you got and don't hold back." I take a deep breath and focus purely on Jake.

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