Chapter 30

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Amelia's POV:

It's Wednesday evening and here I'm packing my suitcase. Flo is on her way and she will stay the night. Billie is with a friend so sadly I won't see her until I get back. No one knows that Florence and I are official we decided to keep it between us for now. "Lia there is someone here for you" Mads says as she is in the door opening. "Who is it?" I ask her confused due why she came to get me. If it's someone we knew she wouldn't just come upstairs. "Uhm just check." she replies playing with her hands. I get downstairs and open the door. "Scar? Lizzie? Hails? What are you doing here??" I hug them each and Lizzie a little longer. Don't get me wrong I missed them all but Lizzie is different. "We came to wish you guys a good time and some rules." Scar gives her signature smirk and I gulp. "Well come in then." I step aside and they all walk in as I'm about to close the door I see my favorite blonde. I close the door a little and wrap my arms around her neck. "Hey baby." I kiss her and I feel her hands on my hips. "Hi princess, didn't expect you to be out here." I giggle and peck her lips a few more times. "Scar, Lizzie and Hails just showed up as surprise. So come on let's go inside before they catch us." she chuckles and kisses me one last time. I bite my lip and look at her. She raises her hand and pulls out my lip with her thumb kissing it softly. "Don't bite your lips darling." I gulp as her voice drops an octave. "Flossyyy" I whine and she chuckles. We walk inside and they all look surprised. "Guess who had the same idea." I say and they raise an eyebrow. "Weren't you going to see someone, Flo?" Hails asks and I frown but quickly relax. "U-Uhm I am. It was Lia I promised to help her packing. Didn't knew you guys would go here tonight." she says chuckling. "We wanted to surprise her, but Flo sit down we were just talking about the glow Lia has lately. Madison says she sometimes sneakily walks to the garden and is all smiley." I blush at the statement and hit the back of Madison her head. She hisses but I glare at her. "You bitch." I mumble and sit down next to Lizzie. Flo sits down on my other side and I give her hand a quick squeeze. Lizzie wraps her arms around me and pulls me closer. "I missed you my baby sister." I chuckle and snuggle in her side. "I missed you too almost the oldest sister." she huffs and ruffles my hair. "So are you going to tell us who has you all smiley like that or do we need to guess?" Scar asks me and I shake my head. "I'm not seeing anyone. Have you guys not paid any attention to the articles? I have different girls every night." I roll my eyes but sneakily lay my hand on Flo her thigh squeezing it. I hate lying like this and to act like I'm seeing other people. She squeezes my hand back and gives me a small smile. "So it's true then our Amelia here is a womanizer." Hails chuckles and I visibly cringe at the term. "Please no, they all are friend plus they're dating." I chuckle. I stand up and go the kitchen to grab some snacks. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "What's bothering you?" I shake my head ignoring the question. "Nothing, just a little anxious for this week that is all." I kind of lie. As I'm about to walk back to the living room Lizzie stops me. "No hiding, remember? You can talk to me." she says giving me a reassuring smile. "Like I said it's nothing." I reply coldly and Lizzie got taken back by my actions. I frown at the sight. "L-Lizzie I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." my voice filled with guilt as I look at her. "It's fine. I shouldn't have asked." she walks away and I sigh. I can see Florence walking towards me so I walk to my room hoping she will follow. As I sit down on my bed a tear slowly rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away. It's my own fault and I shouldn't be crying. I hurt her and she has every right to push you away. 

"Baby can I come in?" a soft voice outside my door that I recognize as my girlfriend. I let out a small yes and she comes in. She rushes her way over to me and wraps her arms around me as she lets the both of us lay down. "I want to tell them Florence. I can't do this. I hurt Lizzie, I hurt you, I'm lying, I just can't do it like this." I cry out and Florence rocks us. "Ssh baby, breathe. Please babygirl breathe. You're going to have a panic attack. Please calm down." I try my best but everything is overwhelming me and I grip her shirt tighter. I feel her leave behind me which only panics me more but before I know she cups my face and kisses me. I hold my breath for a few seconds before it clicks in me and I kiss her back. "There you go, you're okay." she whispers against my lips and pecks them. She lays down next to me and I snuggle in her side. "I'm sorry." I softly say but she shushes me making me giggle. "No. Don't apologize. You're right. We should tell our friends and family and whoever has a problem with it can fuck off. I can't stand seeing you like this and baby you didn't hurt me. Yeah of course I didn't like to hear the idea of MY girl with others but I know by the end I'm the one you're kissing." I raise my eyebrow and she smirks. "Oh yeah? Am I the one you're kissing?" I slowly straddle her and lower my face towards her. Her hands hold my ass and I slowly grind against her as my mouth reaches her ear. "I better be the only one kissing you like this. I don't like to share what's mine Pugh. Let me remind you of that." I whisper and softly bite her ear lobe. I lower myself to the side of her neck and leave wet kisses as she whimpers. "B-baby, they're downstairs." she stutters. I bite her pulse point and sooth it with my tongue making her moan. "I don't care." I say as I continue leaving a few marks. Suddenly I hear someone cleaning their throat and we both freeze. "That was not you was it?" I ask Flo and she shakes her head. Great.. I turn my head around and see Scarlett. Florence hides her face against my chest and I give her an awkward smile. "So.. I will be downstairs, we are waiting for you two. No funny businesses." she raises her voice a little as she's walking away. I look down at Florence and we both are red as fuck. "Guess the truth is out.." I say giggling. "Guess it is darling, means I can kiss and touch you whenever I want." she smiles and kisses me. I hum and kiss her back but before we go further we hear yelling. "AMELIA GET DOWN NOW OR I WILL DRAG YOU DOWN." the one and only Madison. "Is there anything you want me to know before I die?" I joke as I stand up pulling her with me. She shakes her head laughing and holds my hand. As I intertwine our fingers I peck her lips one more time and we walk downstairs where we see 4 heads looking at us. Lizzie and Madison are glaring and Scarlett and Hailee are wearing a massive smirk. Fucking traitor. "Traitor" I whisper shout at Scarlett and she pokes out her tongue. I roll my eyes in annoyance and sit down on Florence her lap. She wraps her arms around me and nuzzles her head against my shoulders. "So..?" I ask a little nervous not liking the tension. "When were you going to tell us?" Lizzie asks and I look down at my hands. "Soon, I promise." I softly say not wanting to upset her again. "Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell me Lia?" Mads asks and I can feel my eyes starting to get glossy. "I-I" Florence cut me off. "Because I asked her to. I didn't want anyone finding out yet. I wanted to stay in our bubble for a little bit before we got all the teasing." I squeeze her hand remaining my focus on our hands. "So are you guys dating?" Hailee asks with a smirk. I nod and so does Flo. Scar and Hailee high five each other and hug us. "We are happy for you guys. Took you two long enough. So who made the first move." I point at myself and Scar nods impressed. "She was jealous had to make sure she knew I didn't have my eyes on anyone else." I shrug my shoulders and feel a pinch on my side making me yelp. "Florence, that's mean." she just narrows her eyes at me and mocks me. "Oh is someone upset that I told them about you being jealous?" I smirk and she rolls her eyes. I chuckle and kiss her quickly and hold her hands a bit tighter. Lizzie and Madison are still quiet and I still avoid any eye contact. "I got the grab some things for tomorrow to make sure I won't forget, I will be right back." Flo whines a little as I stand up. I press a kiss against her forehead and look over at Lizzie and Mads hoping they will get the hint. I make my way upstairs and continue packing before I hear some footsteps. "Hi.." I softly say as I close my suitcase. They don't say anything and sit down on my bed. I grab my passport and put it in my tote bag along with a cap and sunglasses. "Why didn't you really tell us Lia?" Mads breaks the silent and I stop as I look down sighing. "I got scared. What Florence said was kind of the truth tho. But she didn't ask me to. I-I was just scared you guys would think it was too soon or not the right time or think it's stupid I'm dating her without her knowing what happened. I was going to tell you guys but after this week since it is going to be busy enough. Didn't wanna pressure anything else." I continue packing some stuff and making a little refresher bag for in the plane. "Lia, we wouldn't ever do that. We all can see how happy she is making you. We all can see how much her touch is calming you. Hell you aren't that comfortable around Scarlett and Hailee so it says enough about the both of you. And that she doesn't know what happened doesn't mean anything. She won't runaway. She really likes you Lia and I'm so happy for you. Kinda upset I can't bother you about the dating rumors tho but hey it still is kinda funny." Mads says as she hugs me tightly. I smile and hug her back. "Thanks Mads. I'm sorry I didn't tell you yet. It happened after she found out about the articles." she wiggles her eyebrows but I shake my head. "No I don't want it yet.. I want to tell her first before she sees it." she nods in understanding. "I'm proud of you. I'm going to pack my last stuff okay? Will see you downstairs and I think she will stay the night right?" I give her a sheepish smile and she laughs as she walks away. I look at Lizzie and sit down next to her. "I'm sorry Lizzie. Not just for not telling you but for being so cold earlier. I hate lying to you and I got frustrated with myself and ended up snapping at you." she taps my hand 3 times and I look up at her. "It's okay. I get it, really. I shouldn't have pushed as well. I just notice something was bothering you and I wanted to make sure you're okay. We are okay baby sis." I sit down next to her and lay my head on her lap. She plays with my hair and I hum at the contact. "I love you Lizzie. But let's keep it from the twins justttt a while. They won't stop teasing me or asking if we already had sex." I scrunch my nose and Lizzie chuckles. "They're looking out for you, I bet they'll give her the 'if you hurt her we kill you' speech." I chuckle and shake my head imagining the twins go off at Florence. "Do you have your phone with you?" she nods and hands me her phone. I text Flo to come upstairs and facetime the twins. "Lia are u sure?" she asks me and I nod. "I shouldn't keep it from them just because of the teasing, they deserve to know. Plus I'll be going to Europe anyways so I'm safe." I chuckle and the twins pick up. "Elizabeth it better be important it's late." MK says glaring and Ash looks like a zombie. I give them a sheepishly smile, might forgot it's later in NY. "Baby sister that's a surprise. What did Lizzie do?" Ash asks. Lizzie huffs and grabs the phone. "I didn't do anything you idiot. Maybe we just wanted to see how our sweet older sisters are." she rolls her eyes and hands me the phone back making me chuckle. Lizzie plays with my hair while we having a little small talk and the twins fussing Lizzie gets cuddles. Just as they are about to ask why we called my girlfriend walks in. "Babygirl are you okay?" she asks worriedly. I lift up my head and smile at her. As I'm about to stand up Lizzie holds me back down. "Nah ah, it's Lizzie's time now." she says. "Uhm, who is calling our baby sister babygirl?" MK asks. Florence's eyes widen in shock not expecting the twins to be on call. "Yeah and Elizabeth why the fuck are you allowing it?" Ash scolds her making me stiff a laugh. Lizzie nudges my side, making me squirm. I quickly hand her the phone and straddle the lap of my beautiful blond. "Hi baby." I say quietly. "Hi princess." she says matching my tone. I give her a small peck and nuzzle my head in the crook of her neck. Smirking as this is my plan all along. I softly start nipping the skin feeling her breath hitch. She taps my side and I ignore her for now continuing the nipping and small kisses I leave. "F-fuck." she mumbles squeezing my hips. I go up to her jaw leaving a few kisses there and end up at her lips pecking them. "Good luck." I wink at her. She looks confused but as she is about to ask she gets cut off. "FLORENCE" the twins both yell. Florence almost throws me off her lap making me chuckle and her giving me a death glare. Lizzie is laughing just as hard as I am and my baby looks terrified. "When did it happen that our baby sister became a vampire for you?" MK asks and I raise my eyebrow at her. "Oh shut it Lia, look at her neck." Ash says. I look at Flo her neck and a massive blush is covering my face. Oops. "I uh we-we started dating officially a few days ago." Flo says shyly. They glare at her but it quickly turns into big massive smiles. "FINALLY" they both shout. "Took you two long enough." MK says and Lizzie nods. I mock them and snuggle against Flo her chest. "You know we have to give you THE talk now right, Florence? I mean now all three of us are here." Ash says and I can feel her heartbeat quicken. I cup her face and rub her cheekbones gently. "I can also tell them to fuck off, don't worry." I peck her lips and she smiles. I lay my head back against her chest and she wraps her arms around me. "Don't scare her away, please. We just got together." I whine and they start laughing. "Alright, alright we will be quite for now and Lizzie will do her part and when we visit we will do our part. Which reminds me Lia, will we see you when you're here?" MK asks and I nod excitedly. "Please, I'd love to. I can also get you inside for the party and you can just stay backstage or join the big party in LA on thursday or both?" I grin at them hoping they can come. "Hold up" Ash says and grabs her agenda and so does MK. "I can join you guys for both, MK can you?" Ash says and I bounce excidelty on Flo her lap. Yes I might look like a child now but fuck off I missed them. "I am free too. I can stay till Sundays and fly back in the evening." MK says and Ash nods. "Great, I can't wait for you guys to be there and join us in LA. We will arrive Monday evening, the listening party is Tuesday and fly back to LA wednesday morning." I smile widely. "Alright but you and Mads will fly back with us to LA alright?" I shrug my shoulders and smile. "Will tell her, I have all of our tickets anyways." I wiggle my eyebrows making everyone laugh. "Alright little sis and baby sis. We will see you soon. Lia see you Tuesday, Lizzie see you Wednesday. We will stay with you and Rob." Lizzie nods and smiles just as wide as I am. We hang up as we said bye and walk back downstairs. I quickly inform Madison and she beams of excitement. She always has been a huge fan of them so it means a lot. We sit and talk a little longer before Scar, Lizzie and Hails leave. Nick also just got back and he and Mads went upstairs to go to sleep. It's going to be a loooong day but I'm excited. I hug Scar and Hails and Lizzie again a little longer. "Stay safe, if there is anything going on please call me?" I nod and snuggle closer against her. "I will Lizzie, I love you so much." she taps my back 3 times and I tap hers in return. "I love you too." she kisses the top of my head and leaves with the others. Florence and I walk up to my room and get changed in PJ's and get in my bed. "Goodnight moonlight" I kiss her and she hums kissing me back. "Goodnight princess" she says as we break apart. I snuggle in her side wrapped in her arms, my head against her chest and one of my hands against her stomach.  


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