Chapter 7

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Amelia's POV:

I woke up to the loving sound of my alarm. I grab my phone and see it's 6am. Groaning I try to turn around but there's something holding me tight. I open my eyes and see my girlfriend softly snoring, her arm wrapped around me and our legs intertwined. A smile is covering my face and I can't help but to admire her. The little ray of sunlight that's creeping through the curtains on her face makes her even more angelic. I slowly start to pepper her face with kisses. A small giggle is escaping of my girlfriend which makes me stop and look at her. "Good morning angel" she says smiling while caressing my cheek with her thumb. I hum enjoying the physical contact "Good morning ocean eyes" I lean down and kiss her. "I will have a quick workout and after I'll pick up some breakfast for us. Try to get some more sleep baby." I say and kiss her once more. I get up and stretch myself. I look over my shoulder to see my girlfriend staring. "What?" I ask her confused about the look she's giving me. "You just look so damn good babe. You always have don't get me wrong but the extra work you've been doing lately is definitely showing off." she says blushing. I smirk and slowly bend over to grab my training clothes. Her breathing hitched with the little action. I know that she just got a full display of my ass but who cares. I look over my shoulder and wink at her. She groans and hides her face in the pillow. Chuckling I go over to her and remove the pillow. "Don't hide now baby, I love it when you get all flustered. It makes you look so god damn hot." I say finishing the last part whispering. Just as I was about to step back she lunges herself forwards and connects our lips. Her hands find my hips pulling me closer. I hover over her one hand next to her to hold myself up and the other one is going down to her hip bone. I caress her hip bone and give it a little squeeze. We smile and lean our foreheads against each other. "Yeah definitely a good morning" she says giggling. "I'm glad you liked that baby. I'll see you in like two hours, get some more sleep." I say and kiss the top of her head. She nods and curls herself up in bed. I changed real quick, grabbed my stuff and made my way to the gym. 

After the hour I spend in the gym I decided to run towards the bagel shop. I noticed some paparazzi but knowing I'm not with anyone at the moment will hopefully be enough for them to leave me alone. But I was wrong, they noticed me and started making pictures. "Amelia is it true that you Madison and Nick are dating?" "Is it true that you sleep around with all your clients" "Are you and Kendall dating" Ignoring all of them I made my way inside and waited for my order. Debating on whether to call an uber or not I went to grab my phone only then I notice I don't have it with me. Great must have left it in the gym thank god I already paid online. Cursing I get up and thank the barista for my order. I take a deep sigh I put on my hoodie and I made my way outside. The assholes once again come bugging with the weirdest questions ever. But one question got my attention "How did it feel to see your ex with her ex" I snapped my head around to look at the person that 'asked' me that. "I'm not quite sure what you're trying to get out of me or why this is even your business in the first place. There's really nothing but nonsense leaving your mouth." I reply and kept on walking. I started to jog again making my way back to the top floor of the hotel and see my phone. 10 missed calls of Ashley, 4 missed calls of Madison even one of Nick. Confused I made my way back to my room. I set breakfast down at the table and heard some mumbling. "No Madison, I swear to god if she won't be back within the next minutes I'm going to call the police. How the fuck did this even get out? None of us have said a thing when this even happened. What if I lose her.. I - Mads she's here looking confused as hell, let me put you on speaker." Ashley puts the phone on speaker and runs over to me and hugs me tight "Thank fucking god you're back. Why the fuck did you not answer your phone?! Do you know how worried I was" she tells me off. She's angry that's for sure but I don't know why. I said I'd be back in 2h and I got 4 minutes left before it would be longer than 2 hours. I try to speak up before I got interrupted "Amelia Smith, you better tell me real quick where you've been" my best friend shouts. I notice the tears in Ashley her eyes and pull her close kissing the top of her head. "Babe calm down please, I'm not really sure I understand what's going on but hey I'm here and I'm okay. I'm sorry you got so worried my dumbass left the phone in the gym while I went on a run to get us breakfast. Also Madison why the fuck are you shouting at me what the fuck did I do?" I say while rubbing the back of the sobbing girl in my arms. "Ss-sh-she told the media" Ash says crying. "Cara told the media what happened months ago" mads says softly. "oh" is the only thing I can say. Anger, confusion, guilt and sadness is flowing through my body. Why now? Why did she had to say a thing I thought she knew she fucked up? Is this why paparazzi went to follow me? What will Kevin think about it..? Did I ruin the only chance I have? I feel a soft tap on my chest which makes me look down to see my girlfriend tapping my chest. I look up to meet her teary eyes with a small smile on her face. "Hey angel we lost you there for a bit. Talk to us babe" she says genuine caressing my cheek. I sigh taking in the comfort of her touch. "I don't know." is all that comes out. I sigh and went over to the couch to sit down. "Lia talk to us" Mads says concerned "Did I just ruin my chance?" I ask not to anyone specific. I play with fingers looking down. "What do you mean?" Ash asks sitting down next to me. "The meeting, the possibility of a new thing. This will all be over huh" I huff and get up to change myself. I ignore everyone around me, lost in my own world. I look at the time and see it's nearly 9:45am. 1,5h left before I need to leave to the HQ. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. I grab my ice coffee and make my way to the balcony. I sit down on the small couch, drinking my coffee and enjoying the view. I feel a weight sit down next to me I look over and smile. "Hey stranger" I say "Hey loner" she says. "What are you doing here Mads? You have to go to the studio soon." I ask her while cuddling in her side. "Nope. I have a meeting with you. I will go with you and not leave until we're back here. It was supposed to be a surprise but you know." she says rubbing my back. "Thank you, I'm shitting my pants. Especially now." I sigh and hold her other hand. "Where's my girl?" I ask looking a bit up. "I'm right here, Lia. Just got our breakfast." Ash says sitting down next to me. I get up and straddle her lap and holding her tight while burying my face in the crook of her neck. "Hi" I mumble. "Hey baby" she says giggling. 

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