Chapter 8: Splintered

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Nothing. Theo friend, glances about. A leaflet bearing Athena's face –– "Undesirable #1" –– lies upon Umbridge's desk, along with photographs of other Order members. Two have a large pink 'X' scratched on them: Dumbledore and Mad-Eye.

"Hang on, you're the most wanted?" James asked Athena. "Kinda," Athena shrugged, James hugged her tightly, "I'm so proud of you Bambi!" "James!" Mia scolded. "What Ma?" James looked confused. "Never mind," Mia sighed.

Suddenly, the door opens and Theo freezes. In walks Amelia Bones/Athena. She looks at Theo and quickly closes the door and walks over to him.

Theo: What the hell are you doing here?
Athena: I was seriously going to push Umbitch down the stairs so I had to move away. Made up some excuse about dragon flu...Find anything?

"Definitely Lily's brain," Dorcas said. "I love how she still hasn't moved on about tryna kill Umbitch," Bella cackles.

Theo doesn't say anything and shows Athena the leaflet and photographs, her face scrunches and her jaw clenched.

Athena and Theo then begin to search the office, opening drawers, riffling through filing cabinets...Athena then stops. Pulls out a file. Inside is a photograph of Hermione and an accompanying data sheet: "Blood Status: Muggle born" "Whereabouts: Last seen in the company of Undesirable #1." Quickly Theo replaces the file and searches out Ron's. "Blood Status: Pure blood...Pro-muggle leanings." "Whereabouts: Last seen in the company of Undesirable #1." Theo starts to put the file away but Athena catches his wrist, pauses, looks closer. "Father: Arthur Weasley. Ministry Employee. Status: Tracked. Strong likelihood Undesirable #1 will contact." Athena stares at the word 'Tracked.' Then:

Molly holds Arthur's hand.

Balding Wizard (o.s.): All right, all right. Let's calm down, shall we?

Athena replaces the file, steps to the door and peers through, gestures to Theo. Slowly, she opens the door, they both back out and...


...turns. The Red-Haired witch is watching them. Theo puts his finger to his lips. Her eyes go wide as saucers.

"I wonder why she's so scared of Theo," Andromeda said. "Have you seen his face? I would be scared too," Blaise scoffed, Theo tackled him to the floor whilst everyone laughs.

Balding Wizard: It probably just snuck up here from Experimental Charms. I think none of us will soon forget last month's Poisonous Duck...

Seeing the Red-haired witch's expression, the balding wizard turns and, as before, withers at the sight of Theo.

Balding Wizard: R-Runcorn....Bones..

Theo gives him an appraising look, Athena just walks away, they turn the corner...

"An unbothered queen!" Marlene shouts.


...they both dash off.


Athena and Theo sprint into view just as the same muttering wizard trails his quill out of an empty lift.


Theo and Athena race inside, hits a button and watches the grilles close. He glances at his reflection in the mirrored wall. Bares his teeth. Hermione's right. They're awful. Just then, the grilles clang open and Ron enters with Blaise, soaking wet and wild-eyed.

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