Chapter 3: Fly High

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As Hagrid roars into the sky, Athena twists around watching one Athena Potter after another whip past, watching Privet Drive grow smaller, her eyes stinging in the wind, briefly lost in the moment, when...


...A disturbance fills the air. Athena turns away, looks up. Death Eaters drop from the clouds, surround the others. Flashes of green light splinter the darkness. Sparks explode on the bike's chassis and Hagrid howls in fury.

"Holy shit!"

Athena: Hagrid! We've got to help the others!
Hagrid: Can't do it, Thena. My job's ter get you where we're safe 'n sound –– Mad - Eye's orders!

Before Athena can reply, four Death Eaters jet out of the darkness, robes snapping in the wind. As one, their wands rise. Hagrid slams his hand onto a purple button. With an ear-shattering blast, the motorbike quivers and flames belch from the exhaust pipe. The Death Eaters scream, robes afire, and pinwheel away, freefalling towards the earth.

"Of course it all goes to shit!" Orion rubs his forehead and sighs.

Athena: What was that?
Hagrid: Dragon fire!

More Death Eaters swoop from the sky, give chase. Hagrid dives, plummeting for the ground, trying desperately to shake them. Athena watches the earth rushing towards them, grimacing as the bike...


...Slams onto the asphalt and slaloms wildly as Hagrid...


...roars into a tunnel, the Death Eaters still in pursuit. Hagrid leans wildly from side to side, eluding the flashes of light from the Death Eaters' wands.

Everyone leans forward.

Sparks skitter off the tunnel and shower down as the sidecar rides up into the air repeatedly, then slams down onto the roadway. Athena glances back, sees the Death Eaters closing when light fills the tunnel and Hagrid roars. Turning back, Athena sees a huge lorry rushing towards them. As the headlight grow large, Hagrid steers the motorbike directly into them –– then past –– and up the rounded side of the tunnel. The motorbike loops-the-loop and Athena dangles briefly, watching –– upside down –– as two Death Eaters fly smack into the lorry –– before the motorbike comes round right side up, shoots out...


...of the tunnel and soars back into the starry sky. Hagrid and Athena soar higher, the air crackling with electricity as...


...Massive electrical pylons appear in the darkness. As Hagrid weaves through the towers, a gang of Death Eaters jet into view. Athena fires a volley of Stunning Spells, sending a pair of Death Eaters into the sizzling wires where they dangle briefly, spasming, before plummeting into the darkness. Athena fires again and watches two others take evasive measures...unaware of the Death Eater closing in from behind. Finally, she turns. The Death Eater grins, wand twitching, when...

Hedwig swoops down, flaying the Death Eater's wand hand.

"Yes Hedwig!" Neville cheers, other people in the hall cheer for the owl too.

Athena grins triumphantly when...a mad volley of wand blasts ricochet off the motorbike and Hedwig is gone.

Everyone in the hall gasps. Many let out tears as Athena tries not to cry.

Athena glances about desperately, when:

Death Eater: That's her! The real one!

"Hedwig gave her away..." Narcissa smiled sadly, "Didn't she?" Hermione nods at Narcissa's question. "Poor, brave owl," Narcissa sighs.

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