Chapter 14: The First Task

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The camera soars over the grounds of Hogwarts, to the dense trees of the Forbidden Forest, circling the crimson glow of the clearing, where newly erected stands teem with students....

"It's the first task" gasped Lily, James takes ahold of her hand and gives her a comforting smile.

....descending into the clearing itself, where Fred and George conduct a few last minute transactions...

Many chuckle at the twins antics whilst Molly and Arthur sigh.

Fred: Step up, mates! Who fancies a flutter on tonight's bloodbath?
George: Smart moneys on Krum to survive!
Fred: One'll get you ten if Potter dies. Ow!

Ginny pops Fred on the arm, glowering disapprovingly.

Ginny: I thought she was your girlfriend? The love of your life? The Apple to your eye? Why are you making bets on her?
Fred: Money on my lovely Athena winning

The camera tracks back with her into a tent where Athena paces. Hermione and Neville snap shut the flap. Smiling nervously.

Hermione: How're you feeling? Okay?

Athena nods. Hermione and Neville glance about. Fleur sits in stony silence. Krum lies on a bench. Diggory paces.

"They are so nervous" Andromeda pouts slightly, scared for the children.

Neville: The key is to concentrate. After that, you just have to...
Athena: Battle a dragon
Neville: Right...Oh, Thena!

Overcome, he throws his arms around her, when –– FLASH! –– Rita Skeeter strolls in, photographer in tow.

Rita Skeeter: Young love. How stirring. If things go unfortunately tonight, you two may even make the front page.

"That's her brother" exclaimed Bellatrix

Hermione: You!
Rita Skeeter: Oh don't even start, you silly girl. I can tell you where it'll end
Krum: You haff no business here. The tent is for champions. And....friends or family

Everyone turns, stunned to hear Krum speak. Skeeter studies him appraisingly, as does Hermione, then smiles thinly.

Rita Skeeter: No matter. We got what we wanted.

Marlene starts muttering curses under her breath.

As she exits, Dumbledore enters from the opposite end. With him are Karkaroff and Madame Maxime and Barty Crouch.

Dumbledore: Good evening, Champions [as they assemble] You've waited. You've wondered. And now the moment is here. A moment only you four can fully appreciate. Which begs the question: Why are you here in this moment, Miss Granger, Mr Longbottom?
Hermione: Oh. Sorry
Neville: We are just gonna go
Dumbledore: [as they leave] Barty
Barty Crouch: Surely it's been excruciating for you all, speculating these many weeks as to just what it is that awaits you tonight. Within this bag lies the answer. Miss Delacour, if you will...

Crouch holds out a bag or purple silk. Fleur reaches in, draws out a tiny model of a dragon bearing the number "2": The Welsh Green. It pads over Fleurs palm, let's put a tiny puff of smoke.Krum was next, he reaches in and draws "3": The Chinese Fireball. Cedric pulls out "1": The Swedish Short-Snout.

Barty Crouch: The Swedish Short-Snout. Which leaves...
Athena: [Whispers] The Horntail

Lily whimpers, James turns pale. Their friends try to calm them down whilst hiding their own nervousness.

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