Chapter 4: Borgin and Burkes

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Mrs. Weasley picks up a pot off the mantel.

Mrs. Weasley: You first, Athena dear

Mrs. Weasley offers Athena a flowerpot. At the bottom is a layer of very soft dust. Athena frowns in confusion.

Ron: But Athena never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum
Athena: Floo Powder?
Mrs. Weasley: Oh, well, you go first, Ron. So that Athena can see how it's done. Yes. In you go. That's it
Ron: Diagon Alley!

Ron disappears.

Mrs. Weasley: You see? It's quite easy, dear. Don't be afraid. Come on. Come on. In you go. That's it. Mind your head. That's right. Now, take your Floo powder. That's it, very good. Now, don't forget to speak very, very clearly

As Athena was about to speak but she exhales a cloud of soot and starts coughing.

Athena:[coughing] D-D-Diagonally

Everyone laughs at Athena whilst she hides her face in Fred's chest, his chest started rumbling indicating he was laughing at her too. She lifts her head off of his chest and starts pouting at him, he just kisses her nose. James, Monty, Sirius and Remus all glare at the boy.

Athena disappears in green smoke.

Mrs. Weasley: What did she say, dear?
Mr. Weasley: "Diagonally"
Mrs. Weasley: I thought she did

Athena landed on her face breaking her glasses. She stands up trying to dust the soot off of her clothes, she starts to walk to the door but sees Draco and Lucius outside about to enter. Athena runs and hides in a cabinet as she pulls the door closed, a tiny card swings into view: Crushing Cabinet.

"Great a fucking crushing cabinet"
"Why hide in there"

Draco and Lucius enter the store, ringing the bell that was on top of the door frame, notifying the owner.

Lucius: Don't touch anything, Draco
Draco: Yes, father
Mr. Borgin: Uh, Mr. Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again. And young Master Malfoy, too. Delighted. I must show you, just in today and very reasonably--
Lucius: I'm not buying today, Borgin. I'm selling.

Narcissa glares at Lucius "1 why would you even need to sell anything and 2 why on earth would you take Draco down there!" Narcissa kept yelling at Lucius making him shrink down in his seat, Bellatrix and Andromeda started laughing at him. The aurors take note and pay close attention to the scene on the screen.

Mr. Borgin: Selling?
Lucius: I have a few...ah...items at home that might prove embarrassing if the Ministry were to call. Certain poisons and the like...

"What the fuck!"

Lucius: You are aware no doubt that the Ministry of Magic is conducting more raids on private houses. There's even rumors of a new Muggle Protection Act [Lucius unravels a roll of parchment and hands is to Borgin]
Mr. Borgin: Hmmmm...yes. I see...

Inside the cabinet, Athena realises the walls are closing in. Her eyes shift upward, the ceiling is dropping. Draco who drifts to the Hand of Glory, reaches out, when... the hand grabs him. Draco shrieks, managing to slip free, then calms. He eyes the hand with malicious glee.

People laugh at Draco when he shrieks, none laughing louder then the trouble makers.

Draco: Can I have this?
Mr. Borgin: Ah, the Hand of Glory. Insert a candle and it gives light only to the holder. Best friend of thieves and plunderers. Your son has fine taste, sir.
Lucius: Hopefully my son will amount to more than a thief, Mr. Borgin. Though if his marks don't pickup-
Draco: It's not my fault the teachers have favourites. That Hermione Granger-
Lucius: I would have thought you'd be ashamed that a girl of no wizarding family beat you in every exam.

Everyone glares at Lucius. Narcissa moves away from Lucius dragging Draco with her, she couldn't believe how Lucius acted in the future.

Mr. Borgin: Pure wizard blood is counting for less everywhere, I'm afraid
Lucius: [deadly] Not with me.

Inside the cabinet Athena's knees are up under her chin. Borgin checks off one last time, then returns the parchment to Lucius. Satisfied, Malfoy nods.

Lucius: Very good. I'll expect you at the manor tomorrow. Come, Draco.

"NOW RUN" Sirius screams, not wanting his goddaughter to be in that place a second longer.

They exit. As Borgin slips into the back room, the Crushing Cabinets doors fly open, Athena leaps free. Inside, the walls, floors and ceiling snap shut! Borgin reappears, blinks curiously at Athena, then watches her race out. Once outside, Athena fixes her broken glasses to her face and eyes a street sign: KNOCKTURN ALLEY.

The marauders including their friends,Monty and Mia are all scared. That place is not for children.

Athena walks further into the street eyeing the shops. She sees one window full of shrunken heads and poisonous candles. One window teems with spiders.

People who are afraid of spiders shiver and turn their heads away from the screen, especially Ron.

Aged Witch: Not lost are you, my dear?

Athena wheels, looking into the mossy teeth of a decrepit witch. She was holding a tray of human finger nails.

"Ahhh" shrieks Sirius hiding his face with his hands.

Athena: I'm fine, thanks. I just -
Hagrid: Athena! What d'yer think yer doin'down'ere?

"Thank you Hagrid" James and Lily sigh in relief. Hagrid smiles at the two.

Athena: Hagrid!

Hagrid knocks the tray from the cursing witch's hands, then seizes Athena by the scruff of her neck, pulling along the Potter and steers her away.


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Make sure you stay hydrated and take your medication or the mossy teethed witch will force you to eat finger nails🤍
I love you!

⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

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