Chapter 16: Yule Ball date

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Theo, Blaise and Ron move warily down a corridor seemingly inhabited only by groups of girls –– one of which included Parvati and Padma.

Ron: Why do they have to travel in packs? How're you supposed to get one on their own to ask them?

All the men in the hall nodded in agreement whilst the women roll their eyes.

Theo: As long as you don't ask the Patil twins you'll be good
Blaise: [glaring harshly at the twins] Still can't get over the fact they tried it with Fred right in front of Athena! Talk about girl code
Theo: [pouting] It's a shame we can't punch them

"Just do it!" Shouts a second year Ravenclaw. "Punch them!" Continued Barty.

Ron watches Fleur pass by at the head of a breathtaking band of beauxbatons girls.

Blaise: I'd rather take on a dragon then ask a girl out
Theo: Good thing we are gay

Just then, Padma and Pavarti pass by and smile. Theo tries launching at the girls but Blaise and Ron hold him back.

In Moody's classroom, female hands pass a note under desks –– one set of fingernails decorated with hearts –– working west to east...

Athena, Theo, Blaise, Ron, Neville and Hermione are sat studying. Athena looking a bit sad. Krum passes. A beat. A gaggle of girls pass in pursuit. Hermione rolls her eyes.

"Why do you look sad Bambi ? Who hurt you? I'll kill them!" Rambled James. Athena looked at her father and smiled "don't worry dad, I'm sure it'll show why I'm a bit upset"

A Durmstrang boy approaches a group of girls, asks one out. She nods. Neville and Ron look at each other in amazement...

"Boys" said all the girls in the hall, rolling their eyes.

Ron and Athena enter their dormitory, finding Neville dancing by himself horribly. Athena frowns slightly but then smiles. She walks to Neville and starts dancing with him, she turns to the record player muttering the same spell as George did. The music changes to an upbeat tune again. Athena then grabs Ron and they all start dancing. Seamus and Dean soon joining in.

The parents and family friends of the kids all smile at the scene.

Athena, Ginny and Hermione are sat at a table in the library. Hermione with her nose in a book, Ginny throwing paper balls at students and Athena growing at the table.

Hermione: [Slamming her book shut] That's it! What's wrong Athena you've been all sad and depressing and it's starting to creep me out!

"Well that's one way to make her talk" Shrugged Sirius, getting a slap round the head by Remus.

Ginny: She's right. You don't prank. No sarcastic comments. You aren't even trying to burn the library down

Athena looks up at the girls.

Athena: Has Fred said anything to you two about the ball?
Hermione: No, why?
Athena: I'm probably overreacting but he hasn't asked me. I think he assumes just because we are dating that we are automatically going together
Ginny: Fred's a fucking moron Thena, talk to him. And if he hasn't asked you to the ball by tomorrow then I'll bat-bogey hex his arse

Lily, Mia, Marlene, Alice, Dorcas, Narcissa, Bella, Andromeda, Molly, the Prewett Twins, James, Sirius, Remus, Frank, Flemont, Regulus, Barty, Roldophus, Rabastan and Minnie all turn and glare at Fred, who shrinks in his seat. "You better have asked my daughter to the ball or so help me god you won't have to worry about your sister coming after you, you'll have to deal with me" Lily states earning many nods In agreement.

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