Chapter 18: The Egg's Clue

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Athena and Hermione walk across a wooden bridge, cups of hot chocolates in hand.

Hermione: Athena! You said you'd riddled that egg out weeks ago! The task is two days from now!

"Really Athena" Lily raised her eyebrow at her daughter who just shrugged. "Sounds like something I would do" James admitted getting a sharp look off of his mum.

Athena: [Sarcastically] Really! I had no idea! I thought it was in two years

People are looking their way. Athena lowers her voice.

Athena: I suppose your boyfriends figured it out though?
Hermione: He's not my boyfriend and I wouldn't know anyways. We don't talk about the tournament. Actually, we don't really talk at all [Athena starts smirking] Viktor's more of a physical being [Athena starts choking on her hot chocolate] I mean he's not particularly loquacious. Mostly he watches me study. Bit annoying actually

They both start laughing. Hermione glances at Athena, studying her, as if debating some troubling notion.

Hermione: Athena. You are trying to riddle out the egg, aren't you?
Athena: What's that supposed to mean?
Hermione: I just mean, these tasks –– they're designed to test you, Thena, in the most brutal way...they're almost cruel and, well I'm...scared for you, Athena. You got by the dragons mostly on nerve. I'm not sure that's going to be enough this time
Athena: I'll figure it out don't worry
Hermione: No. We will figure it out
Cedric: Hey, Athena!

Athena turns, seeing Cedric separate from Cho, Athena smiles and waves at the girl who reciprocates the gesture. Hermione gives Athena one last look before standing off to the side.

Cedric: How are you?
Athena: I'm feeling alright, the task is pissing me off though [Cedric chuckles at Athena] Did you and Cho enjoy the ball?
Cedric: Yes we did thank you for asking, it was a really good night. Did you and Fred enjoy it?
Athena: Yes we did, he did shove an icicle down my back so I threw food at him.
Cedric: [laughing] Of course you did [he suddenly turns serious] listen, Thena...I didn't really get to thank you properly for tipping me off about those dragons
Athena: Look Ced it doesn't matter, I know you would've done the same to me
Cedric: Exactly [he takes her arm] You know the Prefects bathroom on the fifth floor? It's not a bad place for a bath and take the egg with you too.

"Fucking hate it when kids speak in riddles...JUST GIVE US A FUCKING ANSWER!" Shouts Marlene getting laughs from students around the hall.

Athena looks at him trying to decipher the hidden meaning behind his words. Cedric just nods and releases his arm and dashes back to Cho.

It's nighttime on the fifth floor. Empty. Silent. Then...Athena appears, wrapped in a dressing-gown and slippers, clutching her egg. She flip-flops her way down the corridor, descends a small series of steps...when one gives underneath her. She bobbles the egg, just manages to evade the trick step and continues on.

A door slides open and Athena...slips inside a room of gleaming white marble. Before she lies a sunken pool, fitted with a hundred golden taps. Above it is a painting of a mermaid, asleep upon a rock, long hair fluttering gently in a soft breeze. Athena kneels by the pool and sees that each tap bears a different-coloured jewel. She gives one a twist, watches emerald waters spew forth...Athena slips into the brilliant bubbled bath water and sits. Eyeing her bathing suit and then the egg next to her head.

Athena: I must be out of my mind

"You are" chorused the future generation.

Frowning, Athena takes her egg, sighs, and opens it. A horrible screeching wail echoes painfully off the tile. Quickly, Athena snaps shut the egg.

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