Chapter 5: On the run

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The wedding party is in full swing. Athena, in a beautiful blue dress, spins as she dances with Fred. A big smile on her face. They dance for a few more minutes until the song ends and both go their separate ways.

Athena smiles up at Fred, who kisses her forehead in return. A gentle and soft smile gracing his lips.

Athena stands on the periphery, absently playing with the snitch as Bill and Fleur twirl madly within a clapping circle of well-wishers.

"She's beautiful...look Arthur, our little Bill is married," Molly smiled tearfully, Arthur sat there with a proud look on his face.

Athena's gaze drifts: to Ginny, laughing as Fred and George rush the dance floor, briefly sweep Fleur away from Bill, then begin to dance with each other; to Hermione, stunning in red silk: to Ron, who ignores all, his eyes focused entirely on Hermione; to Theo and Blaise who were trying to make an older woman do shots of champagne with them.

Far across the garden, Hagrid wends through the tables in his horrible hairy suit and presents a slice of cake to a pleased Olympe Maxime.

Nearby, Tonks, hand to her belly, leans forward and whispers something to Mrs Weasley, who reacts with happy surprise. Athena studies Tonks' belly...

Lupin (o.s.): We want you to be the godmother

Athena turns, sees Lupin standing behind, staring at Tonks. As his eyes shift to Athena, Athena splutters:

Athena: You mean –– But that's brilliant –– I...don't know what to say

"Say yes, duh," Sirius rolled his eyes fondly.

Lupin: Say yes
Athena: Yes, yes, yes, yes! [She jumps and wraps her arms around him]
Lupin: [Grinning and hugs her back] Sirius and I always planned for you to be godmother

Remus and Sirius smile at Athena.

Athena smiles and Lupin hikes off into the darkness, joining the wizards standing guard in the gardens deepest shadows. Athena looks back to Tonks, then notices a slight, ruddy-haired wizard (Elphias Doge) sitting alone at a table just beyond her.

Dumbledore tenses slightly.

Luna: Hello, Athena!

Luna Lovegood approaches in the company of a cross-eyed wizard (Xenophilius Lovegood) with shoulder-length white hair the texture of candy floss. Both wear robes the colour of egg yolk.

From the Ravenclaw table, young Xenophilius straightens in his chair, Pandora smiles at her boyfriend.

Luna: Oh, I've interrupted a deep thought, haven't I? I can see it growing smaller in your eyes
Athena: No, 'course not. How are you, Luna?
Luna: Very well. I was bitten by a garden gnome only moments ago

She holds up her finger, which is sheathed in blood.

Xenophilius: Gnome saliva is enormously beneficial! Xenophilius Lovegood. We live just over the hill!
Athena: Nice to meet you, sir

Lovegood suddenly leans close, whispers fiercely:

Xenophilius: I trust you know, Miss Potter, that we at The Quibbler, unlike those toadies at the Daily Prophet, fully supported Dumbledore during his lifetime and in his death support you just as fully
Luna: Come, daddy. Athena doesn't want to talk to us right now. She's just too nice to say so

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