Chapter 10: Rita Skeeter

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Flash! Smoke trails from a box camera and the quartet of champions blink. A paunchy photographer nods listlessly.

Photograph: Thank you
Rita Skeeter: Well now, aren't we the charismatic quartet....

"Ohh for fuck sake not her" groaned Marlene "I hate this bitch so much" "we know love" Dorcas said placing a hand on top of a dramatic wailing Marlene.

A woman steps through the smoke and into the light, eyeing the four champions with an almost feral intensity. Rita Skeeter.

Rita Skeeter: Hel-lo, everyone. I'm Rita Skeeter and I write for the Daily Prophet –– but you all know that, don't you? It's you we don't know [pacing by them] What quirks lurk beneath the rosy cheeks? What mysteries do the muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath the curls? In short: What makes a champion tick. Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my rapid readers. So. Who's feeling up to sharing? Hm? Shall we start with the youngest? Lovely.
Cedric: I wouldn't if I were you ––

Skeeter drags Athena inside a broom closet, drops her onto a cardboard box and slams shut the door.

Rita Skeeter: Ah. This is nice and cozy
Athena: It's a fucking...broom cupboard
Rita Skeeter: You must feel right at home then. Don't mind if I use a Quick-Quotes quill?
Athena: 1. I'm pretty sure they are illegal or just not allowed 2. Yes I do mind

Snorts and chuckles were heard around the hall.

Athena watched Skeeter take an acid-green quill from her purse, suck on the tip, and places it upright on the piece of parchment.

Rita Skeeter: Tell me, Athena. Here you sit –– mere girl of twelve...

"Fourteen" chorused the Marauders, Lily and her friends, Frank, the Weasleys and Prewetts along with the future generation.

Athena: [with a deadpanned look] fourteen
Rita Skeeter:...about to compete against three students not only vastly more emotionally mature than yourself, but who have mastered spells you wouldn't attempt in your dizziest daydreams. Concerned?

Everyone sits their gaping til... "let me fucking have her!" Marlene growls standing up and running at the screen, Dorcas wraps her arms around her girlfriends waist to prevent her from crawling through the screen. "Why isn't she here, someone get her here, I'm going to kill her" If you couldn't tell, Marlene despises the woman.

Athena: No comment.

Athena glances at the quill racing across the parchment, she smacks it with her hand making it fall to the floor. She looks up at Skeeter and smirks.

Queue the laughter.

Rita Skeeter: Ignore the quill, dear. Of course, you're no ordinary girl of twelve, are you?


Athena: Fourteen ––
Rita Skeeter: You're Athena Potter. Orphaned in childhood, conqueror of You-Know-Who –– your story is legend. Do you think the trauma of your past is what made you so keen to enter a dangerous tournament?
Athena: [her fists clenching at her sides] I didn't fucking enter!
Rita Skeeter: Of course you didn't, dear [a quick wink & whisper] everyone loves a rebel, Athena. [To the quill] Scratch that last part.

Athena glares at the quill, watching it reverse itself. Yet again she smacks it to the floor but keeps her foot on top of it.

Rita Skeeter: [chuckles nervously but then composes herself] Speaking of your parents, we're they alive today, how would they feel? Proud? Or concerned that your behaviour indicates, at best, a pathological need for attention or, at worst, a psychotic death wish?

The hall got deadly quiet. Athena, who was sat between her parents, started shaking with anger; Including her parents, their friends and her friends.

Athena: [she snaps, the cupboard doors fly open and the remaining champions look towards the closet in shock, grabbing ahold of Rita and throwing her to the ground] How dare you speak about my parents! How dare you make up some bullshit so I fall into your trap! I will no longer speak to you and your weird fucking quill. Stay the hell away from me and the rest of the champions. We don't need people like you questioning our lives then turning it into crap for your shitty newspaper!

The great hall cheered for Athena, Marlene ran over to her goddaughter and hugged her tightly. She took ahold of her hands and spun around in a circle, both Athena and Marlene laughing "THATS my favourite goddaughter" "I'm your only goddaughter" "well in that case you don't have to worry about me choosing someone else as my favourite!

At this point the wind had picked up around the room, torches were flickering madly, pieces of parchment was flying everywhere and everyone was staring, gobsmacked. Cedric snorted but tried covering it up with a cough. Athena took a deep breath in, then closed her eyes. Everything returned back to normal. Then Dumbledore rushes into the room.

Rita Skeeter: [Standing up and quickly moving away from Athena] Dumbledore! How are you?
Dumbledore: Very well...for a 'dusty old dingbat'
Rita Skeeter: I was only quoting a high-ranking Ministry official who, regrettably, wishes to remain anonymous.
Dumbledore: Don't they all. Come, Athena. Mr. Crouch is ready to give the instructions.

Crouch stands before the champions, while McGonagall, Maxime, Karkaroff, Dumbledore and Moody look on.

Barty Crouch: Courage in the face of the unknown is essential for any wizard. If one cannot defeat the devil he imagines he surely cannot hope to defeat the devil itself. Therefore, you will be told nothing of what awaits you. You will, however, have two weapons upon which to rely: Your wand and your wits. On behalf of the Minister for Magic, I wish each of you good luck.

Skeeter eyes Crouch with cruel amusement as she speaks to the phlegmatic photographer.

Rita Skeeter: 'on behalf of the Minister...' I remember when ol' Barty Crouch thought he would rule the world. Of course, that was before. Mad as a bloody hatter these days...

"I hope she falls so hard on her head that she dies" Marlene says bluntly "ill help you, I'll push her" Bellatrix cackled.

As Skeeter exits, Moody is revealed, having heard every word.

Hello my Loves!
How was this chapter?
I've got a feeling that Marlene hates Rita...
As soon as Marlene mentioned death, Bella really said

Have a good day/night!Make sure you stay hydrated and take your medication🤍I love you guys!

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Have a good day/night!
Make sure you stay hydrated and take your medication🤍
I love you guys!

⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

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