Chapter 15: Your best foot Forward

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Athena –– stained with ash –– is greeted by loud cheer and hearty backslaps. Fred runs over and picks her up, spinning her whilst kissing her face.

James and all of Athena's other male family figures growl and glare at the screen, whilst the women all awe at the sight.

Fred: Knew you wouldn't die, love. Lose an arm...
George: A leg
Fred: But pack it up altogether?
Fred/George: Never!

Everyone laughs at the twins.

Athena: [pretending to think] Is that why you was placing bets on me?

"Ooooo Freddie's in trouble" Theo and Blaise sang earning a glare from Fred.

Fred: [Gulping] Bets? What's a bet? Do you know Georgie?
George: [Nervous] Nope, don't have a clue!!
Athena: [Raising her eyebrow] Fredrick Gideon Weasley, George Fabian Weasley...

"Ohhh not the full names" Neville taunted. The women started laughing at the predicament Fred and George were in, whilst the men all grimaced.

Seamus: [holding up the egg] C'mon, Athena. What d'you say?

"Thank Merlin for Seamus" Remus said getting nods in agreement "if Athena has Lily's' temper then Fred would've been fucked." "Excuse you?" Lily and Athena stood up staring at Remus "what's that supposed to mean?" Lily asked, crossing her arms. "L-lily....I....well" Remus stuttered "w-w-well what?" Athena glared. Draco snorted at Athena taking the piss out of Remus. "I mean he's not wrong Lily, your temper scares everyone! So does James' it wouldn't surprise me if Athena has anger issues" Regulus shrugged. "I don't have ANGER ISSUES!" Athena threw her arms up, the future generation all turned and gave her a look.

Athena: Bring it here

A cheer goes up and the boys pass the egg hand over hand. As Athena takes it, she puts her fingers into position, waits for the room to positively crackle with anticipation and then...stops. The others jeer mutinously. She grins. Opens it. And...a horrible screeching wail (mermish) fills the room.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Sirius jumps and falls backwards in his seat. "Ahh my ears!" Regulus shouts "what?!" Barty shouts back "I said ahh my ears!" Regulus replied "what?!" "My fucking ears!!".

Fred: [covering his ears] Shut it! Shut it!

Athena snaps shut the egg. Everyone uncovers their ears and stares horrified at the golden egg in her hands.

Ron: Bloody hell. What was that!
Athena: Clearly something that wants to send me to the infirmary with ear ache
Fred: Are you okay love? Shall I take you to see Poppy? How many fingers am I holding up?

Everyone laughs at Fred who hides his face behind his jacket.

Athena sits next to Ginny, who whispers in her ear and giggles. Athena smiles enigmatically and casts a faint glance towards Fred, who responds by dribbling porridge down his chin. As he dabs his mouth quickly with his napkin, Parvati and Padma Patel –– identical twins –– stroll by and cast him identical come - hither looks.

Parvati/Padma: hi, Fred

Fred ignores them but Athena glares. She grabs two apples and launches them at the two girls heads. She quickly sits back down and eats the rest of her food.

"Oh my god that was brilliant!" George laughed. "You was jealous" Bellatrix laughed too, "it's the fact they knew she's dating him and they still had the audacity to do that" Narcissa rolled her eyes.

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