Chapter 14: Fights and Dreams

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Visibility is low. Players scatter everywhere.

Lee Jordan:...and Slytherin is up forty to ten. Alica with the quaffle!

The Slytherins all smile and cheer. Some of the other house start making bets.

Alica spins through the blizzard, trying desperately to see. Two shapes emerge from the snow. They are Grabbe and Goyle, the Slytherin beaters. Both of them take a swing at her. She twist's completely around on her broom and the clubs swish harmlessly past.

"I know that's my house but surely that's a foul" Lucius states, getting many nods of agreement.

She pushes forward to the Slytherin goals and hurtles the quaffle. Blocked by the Slytherin keeper!

The Gryffindors groan.

Below, in the stands, there is a groan from the Gryffindor side. From the Slytherins, there is a chant.

Slytherins: Weasley is our King, Weasley is our King. He always lets the quaffle in, Weasley is our King!

"Now that I think of it, that is quite a good chant" Ron chuckles, "and guess who made it" smirked Draco. "Clearly not you as you was on the pitch" Athena deadpans, "you also ain't that smart to make up a chant like that". Draco gasps and clutches his chest "how dare you! I am smart". Athena stares at him and shakes her head. Draco then throws a pillow at her face, Athena throws a shoe at him. Smacking him right in the nose. People watch in amusement.

Athena pulls up near r to Ron, who is looking grimly sick to his stomach.

Athena: Just ignore them, Ron!

Ron doesn't acknowledge her. Several Slytherins, in possession of the quaffle, bear down on the Gryffindor goals. They throw the quaffle. Ron dives and misses. A loud GONG sounds. Another groan from the Gryffindors.

The Gryffindors all wince and groan.

Lee Jordan (v.o.): Another ten points to Slytherin. The score is now fifty-ten in favour of Slytherin.

Malfoy pulls up on his broom near Ron as well.

Malfoy: I should thank you, Weasley. You're definitely our best player!

"He's better than you ferret" "fuck off Thena".

He laughs. Just then, the snitch blasts past Malfoy. He takes off in pursuit. Athena rockets after him at top speed, ignoring the bite of the snow against her face.

"This isn't the best weather to play quidditch" Alice says. All quidditch teams look at her and nod. "You are quite right, as much as I love quidditch, these weather conditions aren't the safest" Regulus said, worriedly.

She and Malfoy give chase, following the snitch at top speed. Malfoy is still far closer than Athena. Then the snitch banks sharply. Both Draco and Athena turn with it, though now Athen has pulled even with Draco. They are inches from the snitch. They reach with all their might.

Athena's hand inches out in front of Draco and closes around the snitch. Dracos fingers scrabble on the back of Athena's gloves hand. The crowd goes wild. Athena straightens, triumphant.

The Gryffindors go wild, banging their hands on the tables and shouting. The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs cheer whilst some Slytherins politely clap.

Behind her, without warning, Crabbe emerges from the blizzard and cracks Athena across the back of the head with his beaters club.

"Oi you fat bitch" James shouts. Lily gasps.

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