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The great hall 1976

It was 1976 and all students were in the great hall eating breakfast, gossiping or catching up on late homework. The Gryffindor table was currently the loudest due to the 4 boys shouting at each other, to some it was quite amusing but to others they found it quite annoying those of which were 4 girls. They kept glancing over towards the boys either rolling their eyes or mumbling curses under their breath. "Do they ever shut up" a blonde girl said whilst rubbing her temples "of course they don't Marlene" replied a dark skinned girl smiling in amusement at the blonde girl, named Marlene. "Lily" said a brown haired girl, upon hearing her name a beautiful redhead with green eyes looked up from her paper and looked at her "what's wrong Alice?" Alice smiled and nodded her head towards the boys direction. Lily followed where Alice nodded her head and found herself looking at a boy with round glasses and black hair starring at her with a smile, Lily just rolled her eyes and looked back towards her friends who were giggling none of them had noticed the small blush that appeared on Lily's cheeks.

"I'm going to marry her guys, we are gonna fall in love and make loads of babies" said the boy who was still starring at Lily, "yeah and I'm going to Azkaban" replied the boy next him he too had jet black hair but his, reached to his shoulders. "Sirius you are supposed to encourage me! Moony padfoots being mean" "Sirius be nice to James. James stop being stupid" said a boy who had his face in a book. "But Remus I'm not being stupid it's TRUE I can feel it" Sirius laughed whilst Remus looked up from his book and just smiled at his friend, "whatever helps you sleep at night prongs".

James was about to reply when suddenly the great hall doors opened, walking in where the Potters, the Tonks with their little girl, the Weasleys along with their 3 children, the Malfoys, the LeStranges, the Blacks and the current minister of magic along with Amelia bones and Alastor Moody. "What have you boys done now" asked Mrs Potter storming over to the group of boys "nothing we haven't done anything this time mum" replied James getting up from his seat to hug his parents. "Oh great and fucking family reunion, can't I get a hug too mother dearest" sneered Sirius "shut it you filthy blood traitor" said a very stern looking woman. Dumbledore stood up and asked "hello guest, what brings you here?" "We all got a letter Albus saying to go to Hogwarts" replied Alastor. After the auror had said that a letter had fallen from out of nowhere and landed in front of Dumbledore, he quickly read the letter then cleared his throat to read it to everyone:

Dear Hogwarts
If you have gotten this letter then it worked! I have very important information for all of you that can help prevent what will happen in the future. You will be watching 8 movies all about Athena Potter and her classmates it will show you what has happened throughout their lives. Time will stop so you will not have to worry about your works and your education. Be warned all the people in these movies have suffered. You may take notes but you must take action after these movies. In a few minutes the people from said movies will come and join you. For younger students please stay close to friends/family as these movies can be a bit scary.

From the future generation

After the note had been read all of the great hall erupted in madness, there was screaming and shouting, demanding, people whispering to one another. "SILENCE!!!! Please calm down, I understand you are all confused but the letter said we must watch theses movies for a better future so please stand so I can transfigure the tables and chairs to sofas and we will wait for our newest guests to arrive" Everyone stood up and in a blink of an eye sofas had magically appeared. The Minister along with aurors and Mad-eye were all seated together at the teachers table, Euphemia and Flemont Potter were sat with their son along with his friends, the Weasleys (Molly and Arthur) and their kids sat with the Prewett twins hugging and talking to one another, Andromeda and Ted Tonks sat on the sofa between the Potters and the Weasleys whilst holding their 3 year old Nymphadora Tonks lastly Walburga and Orion Black sat alongside their youngest son Regulus accompanied by the Malfoys and lestranges.

Not even 5 minutes later once everyone settled a bright light appeared then all that could be heard where voices,
"Move you fat ass Ron"
"Who's touching my bum"
"Get off"
"Stop you are ruining my beautiful face"
"You move"
"It took me ages to do my hair and now you heavy fuckers are ruining it"
"Athena your foots in my rib"
"Sorry mione but I can't move because people are in my way"

After squabbling for at least 6 minutes the new guests were finally standing and trying to make themselves more presentable, either flattening their clothes or fixing their hair. "I take it you guys are our new guests from the future" Dumbledore smiled at them "we sure are" replied a girl with black hair and green eyes with a smirk plastered across her face. Everyone looked at the girl and noticed how her smirk was very similar to James Potters. "How do we know you are not deatheaters" Amelia bones asked them her eyes slightly narrowed "I brought some veritaserum we can take it, give you our names, ages and whom our parents are" replied a brown haired girl holding a small bottle of the liquid. Dumbledore motioned them with his hand to do so, one by one the new visitors had a sip of the liquid. "Hello I'm Hermione Granger I'm 20 and you wouldn't know who my parents are because I am a muggleborn" all purebloods looked at her with disgust written over their faces Hermione just rolled her eyes at them. "Hi I'm Draco I'm 20 years old and my parents are Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy" all the purebloods gave a slight nod "hi we are-" "Fred and" "George" "Weasley" said two tall gingers doing jazz hands, many people laughed at the two Molly rushed over and brought the 2 into a hug and dragged them to sit with her and the rest of them were. "Hello I'm Ronald Weasley but I go by Ron I'm 20 and well you know who my parents are" he walked over to his parents and gave them a hug "hi I'm Ginny Weasley I'm the hotter Weasley you guys know who my parents are sooo" she proceeded to walk towards her family, Molly squealed "Arthur we have a girl!" "Hi I'm Neville longbottom I'm 20 and my parents are Alice and Frank longbottom" the marauders cheered for Frank whilst the girls started teasing Alice who was bright red. Everyone turned to the girl who was last to introduce herself she was incredibly beautiful people could tell she was confident with the way she stood. "Hello losers my name is Athena Potter I'm 20 and my parents are James potter" she smirked and looked around the great hall, everyone was on the edge of their seat in anticipation, James was currently praying the mother was Lily. "And Lily Evans" "YEEEEEESSSSS" James screamed at the top of his lungs "I GOT EVANS! I GOT THE GIRL!" James proceeded to run around the hall then came up to Lily and kissed her on the cheek said girl started to blush madly. Athena watched her dad with a fond smile. "I MARRIED EVANNSSS!!!!! AND I FUCKED HER TOO AND IM A FUCKING DAD BITCHESS!!! James kept chanting. "I better be dogfather" Sirius screamed at James.

Overall it took 15 minutes to calm James down but he was still smiling like a mad man, Lily walked over to Athena and studied her for a second "hi mum" a smiling Athena said. All Lily could do was hug her daughter "Athena you are so beautiful" Lily said studying her the second time. Lily took Athena by the hand and led her to a sofa, Marlene and Dorcas accompanied them sitting inside whilst Hermione and Ron sat the other side James smiled at the scene in front of him he got up and sat down on the floor in front of Athena and Lily wanting to be close to both of his girls. A screen appeared in the great hall and the lights slowly dimmed everyone got quiet and settled down waiting for the screen to turn on.


Hello everyone! Welcome this is my first book so prepare for it to be a bit rubbish. I've always wanted to make a book like this but never thought that I should!
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Don't forget to stay hydrated and take your medication 🤍

⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

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