Chapter 9: Let Events Unfold

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Athena enters the trophy room, she stops. Stunned.

Fleur: Do zey want us back in ze hall?

Athena turns, finding Krum, Diggory and Delacour standing majestically before a roaring fire. Athena stands shaking slightly, slowly growing pale.

"They look so majestic" sighed Alice, many nodded in agreement. Amos smiles seeing his boy.

Cedric: [Slowly approaching] Athena? What's wrong? You're shaking!

Just as Athena went to open her mouth the door crashes open and Dumbledore sweeps inside, as do Karkaroff, Maxime, Snape and Crouch. Maxime, swelling indignantly, brushes her head against a chandelier.

The childish-adults all snickered at that.

Madame Maxime: What is ze meaning of zis, Dumbly-dorr!
Dumbledore: [Grabbing ahold of Athena and shoving her roughly] Athena, did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire?

"You can't be fucking serious!" Seethed Bellatrix "Dumbledore mate if you knew what was good for you, you'll let go of my daughter" James said eerily calm. Many looked at James with slight fear in their eyes.

Athena: [Slowly looking down at the hands grabbing her shoulders, then slowly looking up. Looking at Dumbledore right in the eyes] Let. Me. Go. Now!
Dumbledore: [Not listening] Answer!
Athena: [Not breaking eye contact] I'm going to give you one last chance. Let me go.
McGonagall: [The fire from the torches start to flicker madly] Albus..maybe-

"Uh oh Athena's getting angry" Draco sang, Athena threw a pillow at him, whilst everyone shares nervous glances with each other.

Dumbledore: Athena did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?
Athena: [Rips his hands off of her and slowly stalks towards him, making Dumbledore back up] No sir, I did not. Why would I put my name in? How would I put my name in if I'm underage? If you really think I put my name in that stupid cup then you really need to get checked into st. Mungos because you're delusional as fuck!

It was incredibly quiet until... the great hall erupted into applause! "Dumbledore just got his ass served on a silver plate by my daughter!" Screamed James "IM SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU!!" "Mr Potter language!" "I love you too Minnie!"

Everyone stands there frozen in shock. Professor McGonagall has a small smile on her face but quickly composes herself, Cedric moves to Athena and places a comforting hand on her shoulder. Slowly the torches return back to normal and a weight is lifted off of everyone's shoulders. Athena still hasn't stopped glaring at Dumbledore who wouldn't even look at her.

Madame Maxime: Ah, but of course 'e is lying! [Athena turns and glares at her now]
Mad eye: The hell she is. The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object. Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it. Magic beyond the talents of any Fourth year
Karkaroff: You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Moody
Mad eye: It was once my job to think the way Dark wizards do, Karkaroff. Perhaps you remember...
Dumbledore: Barty...I leave this to you

"Ughhhh" groans lily shaking her head. Mia and Monty along with Orion and Amelia all glare at Dumbledore.

Crouch stands by the fire, staring into the flames blankly, face cast in eerie half-shadow. Moody's blue eye vibrates with strange intensity as he considers the older man.

Barty Crouch: The rules are absolute. The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Ms. Potter has no choice. She is, as of tonight, a Triwizard Champion.

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