Chapter 10: Talent for Trouble

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A great buzzing queue of STUDENTS -- Third Years and older -- each clutching a PERMISSION FORM -- pass by a glowering Filch.

Professor McGonagall: Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again.

Athena approaches her, but before she can utter a syllable:

Professor McGonagall: No permission form. No visiting the Village. That's the rule,
Athena: Yes, Professor, but I thought if you said I could go --
Professor McGonagall: But I don't say so. A parent or guardian must sign, and since I am neither, it would be inappropriate.
Athena: [She clasps her hands together and gives her best puppy eyes] Oh come on Minnie I'll stop pranking you I promise [Minnie gives her a look]

"Nice try" "oh c'mon Minnie you should've let her go" "we all know my daughters your favourite you could've bent the rules a little bit for fuck sake"

Professor McGonagall: [a flicker of pity] I'm sorry, Potter. But that's my final word.

Ron and Hermione -- watching Athena expectantly from across the way -- see her turn, shake her head. Their faces fall. Athena raises her hand in farewell. Watches them go.

Professor Lupin (O.S.): So. No Hogsmeade, eh ?

Deep in the distance, some BOYS skate about on brooms, tossing a RAGGED QUAFFLE back and forth. CAMERA TILTS. FINDS Athena and Lupin walking along the bridge.

"I love talks with uncle Moony" Athena sighed dramatically, Remus smiles at the girl.

Professor Lupin: Well, don't feel too bad. I was roundly disappointed the first time I went.

"You fucking liar" "Mr Black" "Yes Minnie?" "Oh for merlins sake"

Athena: Really?
Professor Lupin: No. I was just trying to make you feel better. Honeydukes' sweets
are the best in the world. Their Pepper Imps are so strong you smoke at the ears. And Zonko's Joke Shop may be dangerous, but you can't beat their Stink Pellets.
Athena: [nodding glumly but starts smirking] I've asked Ron to get me some dung-bombs [Lupin raises his eyebrow, Athena clears her throat] Not to mention The Shrieking Shack, which, according to Hermione, is the most severely haunted building in Britain.

The marauders share a look.

Professor Lupin: Yes, that too...
Athena: Professor, can I ask you something?
Professor Lupin: You'd like to know why I stopped you from facing the Boggart [off Athena's surprised look] I should think it'd be obvious. I assumed the Boggart would take the shape of Lord Voldemort.

Athena frowns then her face fills with rage. Lupin studies her curiously.

Professor Lupin: But clearly... I was wrong.
Athena:  I did think of Voldemort first. But then I thought there's no need to be scared of him, he's a nose-less bastard [Lupin coughs but Athena just smiles] He's probably angry because everyone has noses apart from him [Lupin tries not to laugh, Athena's face starts to drop] But then, I remembered that night on the train... and the Dementors...

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