Chapter 18: Grawp

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Athena sits next to Blaise, Ron, Theo and Hermione. Umbitch stands up from the staff table, holding a parchment.

Umbitch: "By Order of the Ministry of Magic: Dolores Jane Umbridge will replace Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry"

"NOOOOO" Shouts majority of the hall.

She looks over them all smugly.

Umbitch: My first act as your new Headmistress is to form an Inquisitional Squad, lead by Draco Malfoy. They will report directly to me about the on goings in the halls of this school

Athena glares heatedly at her.

Umbitch: Furthermore, our good caretaker, Mr Filch has requested we reinstate the 'old punishments'. I have decided that there is no reason we shouldn't

Everyone looks at each other nervously.

Filch stands at the back of the hall, grinning like a kid at Christmas.


Athena, Hermione and Ron head towards the Hogwarts Grounds. Ron is dressed in his Quidditch robes.

Athena: Are you sure you can't? Hagrid said it was important
Ron: No way. Quidditch practice. If I don't show up, Angelina'll go mad
Athena: True...good luck you're already three minutes late

"Still can't believe you're banned from playing Quidditch" grumbled James, crossing his arms like toddler and pouting.

They part ways.


Athena, Hermione and Hagrid march through the Forbidden Forest.

Hermione: Hagrid...we've been walking for a good hour

"Fuck that shit. Surely that's a form of abuse" Marlene says.

Hagrid: It's jus' up ahead, here
Athena: Could you tell us what it is, Hagrid, please?
Hagrid: All righ'. Well, I'm showin' yeh this, because tha' Umbridge woman put me on probation. I can' last much longer afore I get sacked like Trelawney
Hermione: We won't let her!
Hagrid: Bah. S'not the end o' the world. If I do, I'll go help Dumbledore. Grea' man...[pause] Anyway, I wouldn' tell yeh 'cept for tha'. I can' leave withou' makin' arrangements, see? [pause] I'll need all o' yer help
Hermione: Of course we'll help

Hagrid took a great sniff and clapped her on the back, causing her to stumble slightly. Athena put her arm out to help steady the girl.

Hagrid: Knew yeh'd say yes!

He pauses and glances at them.

"Where are you two going?" A random Gryffindor asked. Hermione and Athena shared a look before shrugging, causing groans to be heard around the hall.

Hagrid: Okay, real quiet like from here on

They creep down the path until Hagrid straightens and smiles.

Hagrid: There we are!

There is a huge body laying on the ground before them. It is a giant.

"Dramatic gasp" Sirius said, "no Sirius you don't say 'dramatic gasp' you gasp dramatically" Remus rubbed his hand down his face. Sirius then, gasps dramatically.

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