Chapter 5: Dark forces

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Luna: Episkey

Luna poises her wand over Athena's nose it a tap. It vibrates wildly and then...snaps into place.

Athena: Well? How do I look?
Luna: Exceptionally ordinary
Athena: Brilliant


Hermione cranes her neck, looking for Athena, while Ron stuffs his face with pudding, mumbling, mouth full:

Ron: Don' you worry. She'll be 'long soon 'nuff ––


Hermione: [Whacking him] Will. You. Stop. Eating! Your best friend is missing!

"This is Ron we are talking about. The world could literally end and he'll still eat." Ginny snickers causing many to laugh. Ron throws a pillow at Ginny, causing Hermione to throw a pillow at Ron.

Ron: Oi! Turn around, you lunatic

Hermione spins, sees Athena and Alina approaching. In the light of the hall, Athena's blood-splattered face is quite the sight.

Ginny: She's covered in blood again. Why is it she's always covered in blood? Fred is not going to be happy
Ron: Looks like her own this time
Hermione: [As she arrives] Where've you been, Athena? And what happened to your face?
Athena: Later. What've I missed?
Ron: [Shrugging; still eating] Sorting Hat urges us all to be brave and strong in these troubled times –– easy for it to say –– it's a hat, isn't it? First years seemed to enjoy it, though. Wankers. Filch give you the wand outside?

Athena snickers and nods. Ginny, dampened a napkin and handed it to Athena.

The immature ones laugh.

Athena: Thanks

Just then, the light in the Hall begins to gently dim and all eyes turn to Dumbledore, standing at the top of the Hall, ashen hand raised to the enchanted ceiling, where clouds respond to his gestures and shroud a gleaming full moon.

Hermione: What's happened to his hand?

"Still hoping he's dying" James deadpans.

Dumbledore: The very best of evenings to you! First off, please join me in welcoming the newest member of our staff, Horace Slughorn

Mild applause ensues. Athena clasp perfunctorily, her eyes drifting to the entrance of the Hall as a par of Aurors station themselves just outside.

Dumbledore: Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post of Potions master. Meanwhile the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts will be assumed by Professor Snape

This is greeted by stunned silence. Dumbledore frowns, then attempts to generate something by clapping his hands once. A few Slytherins join in and some dim-witted First Years.

Dumbledore: Now, as you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival tonight. You have a right to know why

"He won't!" Remus gaped, "he fucking will!" Sirius gasped.

Dumbledore: [A beat] Once there was a young man who, like you, sat in this very Hall. Walked this castles corridors. Slept beneath its roof. He seemed, to all the world, a student like any other. His name? Tom Riddle

The hall goes utterly silent.

Dumbledore: Today, of course, the world knows him by another name. Which is why, as I stand looking out upon you all tonight, I am reminded of a sobering fact. Each day, every hour, this very minute perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle. But in the end, their greatest weapon

After a few minutes of silence, "I still hope he dies." "For fuck sake James!" The great hall bursts into laughter.

Athena eyes Malfoy, slouched low, lazily levitating a fork with his wand, as if Dumbledore were unworthy of attention.

Dumbledore: Just something to keep in mind. Now, off to bed. Pip pip!
Ron: [As they rise] That was cheerful
Athena: I know right! I feel so empowered
Ron: I feel like I can conquer an army
Athena: Take over the world
Ron: Kill Umbitch
Athena: That's definitely on my bucket list

"They're starting again." Alice giggled.


Hello my loves!


How are you and how was this chapter?

So Athena and Ron started again😂

Have a good day/night

Make sure to stay hydrated and take your medication🩷

I love you!🫶🏻

⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

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