Chapter 7: Splitting up

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An empty street corner. Then Ron peers round a building. A few yard off, two witches (Mafalda Hookirk and Amelia Bones) approach. Ron begins to walk, preceding them down the street, then kneels, fiddling with his shoelaces. Zap! The witches stiffen and fall...into the arms of Theo and Athena. Ron hurried back, takes Mafalda by her feet and Blaise does the same to Amelia...

The quintet don't look at Amelia Bones who's staring at them. Mad-eye sits there and tries not to laugh.


...helping hustle the two out of view. They prop both of them up between three other wizards, one tall, one short, one a bit plump, all unconscious. Hermione is pouring polyjuice potion into five cups.

Theo: Right. So let's do it. Who gets who?
Hermione: Well, unless one of you fancies wearing a skirt
Theo: You know what they say Hermione, let the balls free

A few chuckles were heard.

Athena: No Theo. Just no
Theo: [Crossing his arms] I heard some muggle man say it when we were walking here
Athena: Don't listen to all muggle men

"Amen to that," Lily nods.

Hermione leans down, plucks a hair from both witches. Ron frowns as he surveys the three remaining wizards.

Hermione: Remember what we said. Keep your eyes down. Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Act as normal as possible. Just do what you see everyone else doing. We do that –– and with a bit of luck –– we get ourselves inside. And then...
Athena:It gets really tricky
Hermione: Correct

"I can't believe they are doing this," Minnie says in disbelief. "It only gets crazier from here Minnie," Athena smirks.

Athena and Hermione look once more at the stunned quintet before them.

Blaise: This is completely mental
Hermione: Completely, utterly, without question
Ron: The world's mental. Come on, drink up. We've got a Horcrux to find


The quintet –– in their new identifies –– emerges. Ron (in the quise of Reg Cattermole) takes out an ID card.

Ron: In case you're interested, I'm Reg Cattermole, Magical Maintenance Department
Hermione: Mafalda Hopkirk, assistant in the Improper Use of Magic Office
Theo: I'm Albert Runcorn fuck knows what he does
Athena: Amelia Bones Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
Blaise: I'm nobody

More chuckles were heard.

Hermione: You're somebody. Be careful

Just then a skinny wizard strides by.

Skinny Wizard: Morning, Reg! Good luck today

"Why is he saying that?" Molly asks. "You'll see soon mum," Ron says.

Ron: Oh...yeah. Thanks

Ron glances at the others, jerks his head toward the skinny wizard and they follow.


As the skinny wizard drops down the stairs into a public toilet, the quintet appear.

Ron: What do you reckon he meant by 'Good luck'?


Ron, Theo and Blaise enter, glancing around, then, seeing as everyone else is doing do, slip into cubicles.

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