Chapter 16: Sectumsempra

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Athena, Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, Ginny and a very somber Hermione circle Ron's bed as Madam Pomfrey ministers to him. Slughorn sits off to the side, in a chair, looking stunned.

Dumbledore: Quick thinking on your part, Athena. Using a Bezoar. You must be very proud of your student, eh, Horace?

"Well, me and your father are definitely proud of you," Lily smiles at Athena. "And I'm a proud mother fucking godmother!" Marlene shouts. "Okay, Marlene, stop rubbing it in. We know you're godmother," Dorcas rolls her eyes fondly.

Slughorn: Hm? Oh. Yes...very proud
Professor Minnie: I think we all agree that Miss Potters actions were heroic. The question is: Why were they necessary?
Dumbledore: Why indeed

Dumbledore takes the half-empty bottle of mead, still bearing a bit of gift wrap.

Dumbledore: This appears to be a gift, Horace. You don't by chance remember who gave you this bottle, do you –– which by the way possesses remarkably subtle hints of liquorice and cherry when not polluted with poison
Slughorn: Actually I had intended to give it as a gift myself
Dumbledore: To whom might I ask?
Slughorn: You, Headmaster

"Should've done it straight away," mumbled James.

Just then –– the door bursts open: Lavender Brown.

"Oh here we go," Theo scrunches his nose, Blaise elbows him in the ribs.

Lavender Brown: Where is he? Where's my Won-Won! Has he been asking for me? [Stopping; glaring daggers] What's she doing here?

"Hermione has known Ron a lot longer then you have," Alice frowns at the screen.

Hermione: I might ask you the same
Lavender Brown: I happen to be his girlfriend
Hermione: I happen to be his...friend

The future generation, minus Ron and Hermione, all roll their eyes.

Lavender Brown: Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's suddenly all interesting
Hermione: He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo! And for the record, I've always found him interesting

"The ship is starting to sail!" Marlene giggled.

Hermione frowns, a bit embarrassed. Ron snorts, stirring.

Lavender Brown: Ha! See? He senses my presence. I'm here, Won-Won. I'm here ––
Ron: Er...My...Nee....Er! My! Nee!

"It's hermione, Ron. Not Ermynee" Fabian said sarcastically. "I know that," Ron grumbled.

Ron, in a haze, reaches out blindly. Blushing, Hermione takes his hand. Instantly, he falls unconscious again. Lavender, vibrating with rage, stalks out. Dumbledore beams.

The immature ones laugh as Lavender leaves.

Dumbledore: Ah, to be young and feel loves keen sting. Come, everyone, I think Mr Weasley is well tended

As Dumbledore leads the others past Athena, Athena studies him. Ginny passes, whispering as she indicates Ron and Hermione.

Ginny: 'Bout time, don't you think?

Athena smirks and nods, sees that Slughorn has paused in the doorway.

Slughorn: I've always cherished my students. They're my life...

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