PART 19: Taking Christmas pictures

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Hey guys :D

So, in order to write this chapter, I made my best friend listen to Christmas songs in the middle of March with me cause I wanted to get in the mood. xD

So, this chapter is the biggest one and I really LOVED writing it :D

It is dedicated to Madison21g cause she was really looking forward to reading the next chapter :) Thanks for the support :'D



Part 19: Taking Christmas Pictures

“Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”

-Calvin Coolidge

Asher’s P.O.V.

The days that followed our fight were… obscure.

I was thinking about her most of the time. Practically, I did nothing else. However, the outcome was that I understood that I was not doing this for me. I didn’t see her like my ‘very own charity’ and I definitely didn’t do it to… atone. I just cared -a lot- and I wanted to help her through this.

However, I figured that even though she wanted me in her life, she needed some space so I just stayed away from her house and made sure Mackenzie kept my cellphone occupied.

“Asher, wake up!” my mother shouted.

“What?” I asked.

“It’s been three days since the last time I saw you concentrated, are you okay, honey?”

Well, three days ago Avery and I had that huge fight and she made me feel like trash and…

Yeah, right.

“I’m fine. I’m just… tired,” I lied easily and she nodded.

“Go to sleep then. Tomorrow it’s Christmas Eve and we’re going to your grandmother.”

Christmas Eve?!

Okay, I lost the track of time…

“Fine. Goodnight,” I said and went to my room.

I shut the door, change into my Duffy Duck pyjama bottom and threw my body on the bed.

Night Avery…

After almost an hour of tossing and turning, I drifted to sleep…

If you can call it ‘sleep’. It was more of a restless situation, full of weird dreams and occasional nightmares.

And those dreams, god, they were grueling, exasperating.


“Asher! Asher!”

“C’mon! Finish him off!”

I tried to shut the voices out of my head and concentrate. The taste of blood in my mouth made it more difficult.

“Ash, he’s almost done. One last time,” Luke told me.

I took a breath and stepped forward.

The guy was exhausted- he could barely stand. He tried to hit me but I easily avoided his punches. I clenched my left fist and targeted his face. The boy immediately collapsed on the ground, obviously unconscious.

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