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A insane laughter was Heard.
The irken elite of Armada now growled to see two female shadows appear from smoke.

Tak and Gaz with gas masks and rifles were seen.
Both of them now jumped off the platform and summoned their PAK legs and lasers. Zim's elite followed them killing everything that was on their way. GIR and Mimi who were on the battlefield started ripping head's off of the enemy.

Gaz laughed as she stabbed the enemy now seeing Tak growl and slice the enemy's commander in half. "Sick" Said Gaz smirking as Tak winked at her now shooting an irken behind her who tried to kill her.

Yelled Lard Nar now jumping between the girls with his swords. "You really have to be everywhere?" Asked Tak growling as the silver one laughed like a gremlin and started cutting everything in front of him.

Gaz threw a grenade and literally blew up the entire army of Irk.

"Easy business" Mumbled Tak as Gaz blushed a bit while the female irken stood next to her. "Let's go" Exclaimed Tak now clicking a button on her wrist which made her and the elite teleport to the base on their main Armada.

Zim who was sitting on his chair in the ship watched how his past home burns... he loved this view.

"My tallest"
Saluted Tak and Gaz as Zim looked to the side now standing up. "How are things going?"..."Splendid my Tallest, we did everything you asked for...Phase I ended successfully" Explained Gaz as Zim smirked.

"Magnificent...Let's move on to the next phase then" Commanded Zim as they saluted and went to the elite to tell them to start going for the main room where the tallest's are. Zim knew that in that room there were many guards and advanced technology.

...However now the Irken Armada has no backup...
And cutting off the power plants made the technology 50% weaker...

Zim smiled as he heard his mate walk up to him. "Did I miss something?" Asked Dib as his "cowlicks" twitched. "'Not really...Phase one was successful...We are going for the control Brains..." Murmured Zim as Dib smirked looking at the enemy's armada.

"Pretty neat eh?" Asked Zim as Dib nodded. "Revenge rocks" Spoke Dib as Zim cuddled into his chest as the boy hugged him.

"Master It's time"
Spoke GIR in his bloody mode as Zim nodded. "Nya" Squealed minimoose who nuzzled into his master's cheek. Zim kissed the pet and now went with Dib to the entrance of the ship.

"Remember...Control Brains will listen only to me...All we need to do is get their chip of weapons and the main room has no defense except the guards" Explained Zim as Dib nodded.

"The place might be defended"..."Nope, the tallest only care about each other...However I feel like they plan whispers won't shot up..." Whined Zim as Dib now frowned.

"What they're saying?"..."They...They are saying your name" Whispered Zim as Dib flinched. "Dib...please watch out okay?" Asked Zim as Dib kissed his forehead. "Promise" promised Dib as they now teleported to the Armada.

Lard Nar, Tak and some of the second elite already were waiting for the duo.
"Well? We start the shit or not?" Asked Nar as Tak rolled her eyes making Dib chuckle. "You need to work on patience silver asshole" hissed Dib as Nar growled. Zim sighed now getting attention to himself.

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