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Zim and Minimoose arrived quickly due to moose's power and the Voot's speed. Irken listened to Voi as he spoke about the Meekrob king ... and his dead lover.. the Queen Unova.. typical name .. Zim thought as he now left the ship looking around seeing a dark cave not so far. Minimoose flew around as his master now gave him an order to collect some saplings and try to find out what the Meekrobs look for.. which was probably diamonds.. 

Zim now entered the cave as his PAK and eyes glowed in the dark. * tap * tap*  The only sound that our alien could hear now.. until ..  Irken could hear some faded whispers .. and sometimes yelling.. Zim went deeper in to cave as he now needed to go down. Zim used his PAK legs to get down safely without damaging his PAK to sharper rocks. It was a bit difficult because there were some stalactites on his way.. but he got through. 

"Will I'm telling you we don't need that many of them " Heard Zim as he now wore his disguise..he did not wanted to give himself on a silver platter.. Disguised alien now sneak behind a giant rock now seeing two smaller meekrobs talking to each other as they float around. " Olive shut it.." Said "Will" rolling his blue eyes as the other one groaned. " King needs diamonds to end his throne or something.. " Whispered Olive as Will now looked at him. " Brother.. remind me why are we on this disgusting planet?" Asked Will as Olive now looked at him . " G-GAH! I just told you!" Said in a British accent Olive . 

Zim was listening to their talk and thought how actually .. stupid were meekrobs... Well that duo.. Our irken now decided to show himself but. . " wait.." Whispered Voi as Zim froze. " You have to listen to them now.. be patient " Said Voi as Zim growled a bit but hided behind the rock again .  " Queen's 50000 year birthday is today!" Said Will as Olive sighed sadly. " I know Will.. you are such a ... ugh" Groaned his brother as Will now putted his thin hand on his shoulder. 

"Hey... We all miss her.. since that DISGUSTING IRKEN KILLED HER!" 

. . 

What?... Thought Zim as his eyes widened in shock now leaning a bit. " Gosh don't remind me... Spork was his name?.. yeah" Said Olive as Zim now froze.. 

T-tallest spork ?... 

Thought Zim as he began shaking now making some pebbles fall down.  That alerted the aliens and now they destroyed the giant rock making Zim flee on the other side. " WHO ARE YOU! SHOW YOURSELF!" Yelled Will as his brother growled. Zim then remembered.. his disguise! 

The Irken showed himself as they looked at him weirdly. " Uhm.. and who are you?" Asked Olive as Zim chuckled nervously. " Uhm... DIB!" Yelled Zim nervously as he heard Voi wheeze.  " Dib?! What a weird human name.. " Said Olive as Zim rolled his eyes. " Don't tell me.. " Groaned Zim as he putted his clawed hands up. That caught the brother's attention . " hmmm.... you have weird claws.... for a human!" Said Will as he flew closely to Zim making him sweat a bit. 

"And GREEN SKIN?! Very suspicious...... " Said Olive as Zim saw him behind looking at his back with shock. DAMMIT HIS PAK. " AND IS THIS... AN... " 

. . . 

"HEALTH!" Yelled Zim as both of them winded their eyes. " IT HELPS DIB STAY ALIVE!" Yelled Irken as he smiled awkwardly laughing nervously. "Hmm... yes you humans have those stuff.. " Said Olive as they now growled . " What do you WANT! Earth being?" Asked Will yelling a bit as Zim now got scared for his ass.. "Uhm... Do y-you know.... " Rollex" Said Voi giggling a bit as Zim narrowed his eyes. .  Is that the king's name?... FUCKING REALLY?

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