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also to this chapter, this music is the best:


Here we go again.

Another nightmare.

As if it wasn't every day anymore.

The poor alien was trembling with fear seeing himself in his dream surrounded by pink water.

*splash, splash* 

The sound of his boots on the water annoyed him but also terrified him. He didn't know where he was, but he knew that something he didn't want was about to happen. Why does it always have to happen to Zim? Thought irken, again splashing with his shoes. His walking took hours, or so it seemed to him. There were no people, no irkens, only pink clouds, sky, and water... and his reflection that looked... like Voi. He saw himself as the irken that killed him when he was Spork.

Voi explained to him that it was him but did not yet explain to him why he supposedly killed Tallest Spork. Well... he'll find out sooner or later. Suddenly Zim stopped hearing a strange sound in the distance as if someone was lamenting.


Irken shouted, hoping someone would answer him.

But no one answered.


The alien screamed in annoyance, knowing that before he woke up he would go down a bit more. At some point, the alien grabbed his antennae trying to wake up. Maybe the pain will work? Zim asked himself, clutching his antennae. The pain was unbearable, but he still hadn't woken up.


When the alien heard this, he quickly got up and turned around to see... Voi?

"You. "Said Irken in disbelief, but he... Zim looked down, seeing that his reflection had disappeared. Voi was impossibly tall, there was a modest smile on his face as if he saw an old friend... Well, he was Zim's father, although the irken doesn't believe it.

"It's good to see you, kid"

Voi said, rubbing Zim's head, making Irken grunt slightly.

"Where is Zim?" the alien asked, looking around.

"In your dream duh" Said Voi laughing, to which Zim was offended.

"NO YOU BUFOON WHERE ARE WE!?" The alien asked what Voi now looked into the distance.

"Well, I guess it's your head... or part of your soul"  Explained the irken, which made Zim a little confused.

"My soul?"



𝙰𝙽𝙾𝚂𝙾𝙶𝙽𝙾𝚂𝙸𝙰Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz