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((short chapter))

Tak could see him clearly now.

Zim was looking at her with his crimson eyes . . his icy gaze . . Even more intimidating that the ones of the Tallest's . . She never felt so.. unsure .. 

"Tak... long time no see.." Said Zim now tapping his foot a bit as the female irken narrowed her eyes. "What do you WANT?!" She growled as Zim huffed and stood up revealing his height . Tak winded her eyes .. how the fuck is he soo.... TALLL?!!?!?

"Y-your tall.. " ... " And smart. . I'm sorry for that mission Tak.. but it wasn't true anyway" Said Zim now moving closer to her as she now narrowed her eyes more. " I know it wasn't .. IT WASN'T FOR YOU! AND I WON'T LET YOU TAKE OVER THE MASSIVE! " .. ." You're a defect Tak." Said Zim making her freeze.

"Just. like. me. Of course in their eyes we are defects . . but in mine .. we are clearly the opposites " He said as the female irken began to feel tears gathering in her eyes. " N-no.. THEY ... T-THEY STILL CARE!" .. . " NO THEY DON'T TAK!" Yelled Zim growling making her antenas fell down with fear. " THEY NEVER DID! THEY LOCKED YOU UP HERE .. THEY DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS WITH YOU THEY CAN REPLACE YOU WITH ANOTHER CLONE! THEIR GOVERNMENT THEIR RULES ! IT'S POINTLESS ! I AM PUTTING AN END TO THIS ."  

Yelled Zim as his red eyes glowed in the dark making GIR narrow his eyes . " Master. please calm down" Said GIR as Tak now shivered. Zim sighed heavily as he now massaged his eyes. "I need your help Tak.. I know you want to be better version of yourself.. but you won't be it here or with them" Said Zim now looking at her. Tak felt trapped. . he was right . . but .. no . . . he is right. 

Tak looked at him .. tall .. clearly looks like female irken but.. somehow isn't .. 

.  . .

"I can't " Said Tak now leaving the ship as Zim followed . " You seriously won't? " Said Zim rolling his eyes as Tak grabbed the shovel or something. " They trust me" .. " Believe me they don't know you exist!"  Explained Zim as she now huffed.

"What will I get if I join you?"

She asked making Zim grin. " Well you can be my solider " Said Zim now showing her a hologram . . . army full of irkens and she with that human girl .. commanders!? Tak's eyes were full with sparkles .. THIS IS A FUCKING DREAM COME TRUE.

Tak narrowed her eyes.. but still is it enough to ... just betray your own. " They are not your own ." Said Zim making Tak freeze. " They betrayed you. . tell me how many times they called? .. or asked about your mission? It was always YOU who needed to tell THEM" Explained Zim as she now looked down . .

This is true. .

these motherfuckers..

"They are not even that tall.. it's just suit" Said Zim now making her furious. " THESE BITCHES WILL GET IT! AND I STILL DON'T LIKE YOU! BUT I WILL BATTLE AMONGST YOU BECAUSE YOU SPEAK TRUTH!" She yelled now shaking Zim's hand as Gaz grinned behind the alien.

"Great! This is your  partner human Gaz." Said Zim pointing to Gaz as Tak remembered her. " I'm gonna be happy to kick your ass. . after we win the war" Said Gaz as she smirked now smacking Tak's arm . Tak smiled and then smirked hitting her back. They got back tot the ship and now flew off the planet dirt . GIR gave Tak some snacks.. she immediately absorbed them.

"How long have you been not eating?" Zim chuckled as Tak blushed and coughed . " T-two weeks .. " She said as Zim spitted out his drink. " Holy.."..."Yeah they have the most DISGUSTING food." She explained as Zim rolled his eyes playfully. 

"What's the plan?" She said as she ate some chips . Zim grinned and explained on how he plans to go to D.E and get Skoodge.  Tak was amazed at how detailed his plan was.. "Oh yeah I forgot .. here get this in your PAK. " Said Zim showing a little black dot or something and now giving it to Tak. Without hesitation thinking it was food or something she summoned her PAK legs and took it inside. 

After few seconds she felt something walking in her PAK. "Z-ZIM WHAT IS THAT?!"..."A little spider that will kill you if you try to betray me~" Said Zim smiling as his red eyes glowed. Tak froze in fear.. what on irk she got herself into.

"No take backs.." 

Said Zim as he laughed maniacally but then dinked some sprite. Tak felt like her whole world collapsed .. her life is now in Zim's hands. Tak started to laugh paranoiacally and even cried . Gaz wheezed at that sight and Zim well he didn't give a fuck. 

"Why would you do that?!" Yelled Tak as Zim now slurped his drink . "Well who knows.. you just joined in and I do not want any backstabbers.. you want better future or not.. don't care.. if you said that you want.. you're with me forever. . I just care about killing them . . and becoming what I was meant to be" Said Zim gripping at his drink hardly while making the female confused.

"GIR ... Tak is confused.. explain to her my origins" 

Ordered Zim as GIR responded with a " YES SIR!" and started to explain Tak how Zim was actually made. Gaz looked at the female irken with interest.. she and her as teammates .. huh... well interesting.

Zim thought about Skoodge.. maybe he could contact him somehow.... he was on that planet with rats ... right?.... hmph.... 

"Computer show me where is Skoodge I'm to tired to find him myself" Said lazily Zim as computer quickly showed his location and number to call. " Call him." Said Zim as the transmission request was now sent to his planet. 

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