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Zim opened the door to the school. He put on his hood and tried to wander among the students as much as possible, unnoticed. Voi told Zim that Dib and his sister were already at school.. Yes, the voice has the ability to check everything.. it's like a ghost.. invisible, but it exists and sees everything. Zim noticed Dib a few times and also noticed that the boy was looking for him.

So is his sister. Thanks to his training, Zim can now sneak and camouflage between some rooms and students. However...Zim ran away because he forgot to take the last book for the first lesson. . he doesn't know how he will avoid Dib then.. but between the breaks he must be unnoticed.Dib looked healthy, but he had bags under his eyes.. and his face looked sad.

His sister often talked to him, but he didn't change his expression. The alien opened his locker now taking the book quickly and running the other way feeling he bumped into someone. " Z-zim apologizes .." Mumbled Zim as he now heard.. " Zim?..." Asked in a shaky tone Dib now seeing tears that gathered in the alien's contacts . Zim tried to run away but Dib quickly grabbed his shoulders and held him tight so he wound't escape.

"Why are you avoiding me..?" Asked Dib in a sad tone as Zim looks down on the floor now shaking. " Let go of Zim.. it's for your own sake" Said Irken as Dib looked at him with disbelief.
" Zim you know that it's not your fault. "
Said Dib as he squeezed the alien a bit . Zim didn't look up because he did not wanted to see his face... guilt? maybe..

" Zim.. it's not your fault.. I forgive you" Said the boy as he made the alien look at him by holding his chin with his finger. His eyes widened as he saw how beaten up Zim looks. The Irken sobbed with a shaky voice as Dib leaned a bit.

"What happened to y-your... face?.." Asked Dib as Zim putted his hands on his chest now putting his face in the taller's boy's neck. Dib felt how shaky Zim's breath is on his skin.. it made him feel weird .. Dib flinched a bit blushing , as his grip loosened . The alien felt that and then pushed him slightly while running away.

"W-WAIT ZIM PLEASE WAIT I NEED TO TALK TO YOU PLEASE!" Yelled Dib as he heard the alien's cry. The by wanted to run after him but his sister called him for a meeting. Dib sighed and decided to take a break from running so much.

Zim meanwhile was running like crazy to the bathroom. He quickly entered as he walked in one cabinet now crying violently. Dib meanwhile talked with Gaz as she saw how tired the boy looks. "Man you look like death..." ... " Thank you Gaz ... Trying my best" Responded Dib as she sighed. "Listen .. Zim seriously has some issues and this seems like not the best time to talk to him.. I mean .. man he almost killed you" Said Gaz as she heard Dib growl. " I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT ME! I CARE ABOUT HIM" Yelled/whispering to her Dib as he slammed his hands on the table making some students flinch.

"Clearly.. you hurt yourself Dib.." Said Gaz as Dib massaged his eyes. It's true.. Dib has a messy hair , dirty glasses , and bags under his eyes.. the boy didn't sleep because of crying and worrying about his alien. "Let him go for like three or four days.. " Said Gaz as her brother sighed heavily. . " I can't just forget about him like that..." Mumbled Dib as Gaz patted his back. "Don't worry .. you will suck his puss before you know it." Said Gaz as her brother now blushed groaning loudly.

Few lessons have passed and Zim did not care about the lessons anymore.. he cried almost all the lessons in the bathroom.. but he had to go to the therapist lesson since he has this "SPeCiaal inVite" shit.


Zim heard as somebody entered the bathroom.. he heard a knock on his door , and now the alien wiped his tears , and answered with a shaky voice .. " DO NOT E-ENTER " Yelled Zim as he heard somebody gasp slightly.

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