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Zim had already built a body for his computer. The computer was delighted. He looked great in a suit. The computer could now hug Zim and it did, but it also hit GIR for once spilling cheese on him. After a few minutes, he deactivated his body and returned to the monitor to rest. It all took about four or four hours... And what's interesting... Holidays are coming. The Membrane family is going on a trip... to see the ocean. Dib immediately thought of the alien and asked his dad if he could take him with him. The father knew immediately that his gay son wanted to show off, so he agreed as soon as he heard the last letter of his sentence. Now Zim is sitting at home sleeping as he trained with the powers again... this time with tech from Meekrob. He got the hang of it pretty quickly. 


A loud thud was heard and GIR turned on his bloody mode now yelling. " INTRUDERRR" Zim growled and jumped out off the couch and wore his disguise, as his eyes glowed red. He quickly checked the garden and saw... Dib...

Dib was sitting by the fence as he run to try to get into the house by the window. He slammed a few times yelling the alien's name as the irken now hid in the bush giggling and covering himself to stop bursting out from laughing at how PATHETIC the human Is. Zim noticed quickly that Dib was holding some papers.. he looked excited too. Zim decided to scare the earth boy .. he now sneaked up closely to him and hissed a bit. Dib turned around and then Zim tackled him to the ground while tickling him.. he found out that humans are ticklish.

"PFFFF HAAAHAHAHAHA ZIM FUCK- F-FUFUCK STOP!" Yelled Dib as he rolled around the grass his glass falling on the ground. Zim laughed with him as Dib now pinned him down to the grass as he picked up his glasses now smirking at the irken.  "Hello SpaceBoy~," Said Zim as he whispered that to the irken's "ear". Zim blushed as he chirped a bit now blushing blue. Dib pinned him by the wrists as he now looked at the Irken's exposed neck. "I wonder.. how would hickeys look on him" Whispered to himself Dib as Zim now blushed knowing full well what that meant.

"D-dib.." Stuttered Zim as Dib now leaned in sucking on Zim's neck. The Irken chirped as he now rolled his hips a bit. "My t-taller.." Mumbled the irken now gasping a bit as Dib smirked. " I liked that.." Mumbled the boy growling and biting roughly on Zim's neck.  H-he is marking me.. he seriously wants me to be his... oh irk.. .. Thought the alien as he gripped at Dib's hair now pushing him further into his neck as he clicked and chirped something in his language.

Zim felt something in his spooch.. it bounced. Zim blushed because he thought Dib was about to breed him.. but.


Yelled Gir as Zim now screamed, as he sat up.. a dream... Thought the irken as he fell on the couch now crying a bit. Gir laughed as they both heard a knock on the door. " GIR before anything happens, please pinch me" said Zim as GIR did so.. Zim felt pain so he had to be awake now.. he stood up opened the door and he saw his taller ... Dib.

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