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(( art credit to BAMSARA))

So this is it? 

Zim thought looking at the flowing water as the stars lighted the sky.

 I am a defect.. a pure .. good for nothing creature .. hurting everybody for a hurtful pain to himself.. Everything I have ever done was wrong and was for a lie... Zim wanted everybody to be happy and made things worse.. Killed Miyuki and Spork even though it was an accident.. It's still my fault . Purple and Red lied to me about my mission .. sending me away from home and making sure I won't come back.. And now I'm stuck here.. and fallen in love with a human creature making me even more defective..

 Dreams that I shouldn't be able to have... are making me smile... Gir.. minimoose.. computer... they are my family but.. I also hurt them by existing .. they will be better of without me.. Me being here ... increases chances of them getting hunt down by the empire. . I want bloody revenge.. but I am too weak to do this... I have trained myself to the point of passing out.. and yet still my pain only increases .. I have hurt my loved one .. made him pass out and almost die two times.. also I have hurt his sister... 

Made illegal upgrades to my PAK.. and to my computer. . my life is basically over.. so what's the point in going further in this hell? I am stuck in this planet.. unable to return home.. even though Dib is with me.. and I hope to be mates with him.. please! He won't like me back.. won't he? Who would love such a miserable Defect?... Im just nobody in a place of nothing.. being filled with nothingness .. I was born as nothing.. I lived as nothing..

And I shall die.. as nothing..

Am I worth this?.... No... I am not worth anything... and I shall pay for my sins.. as a dirty killer and murderer I am...

Zim looked last time behind as he now took a deep breath .. while thinking again about every bad thing he had done... I deserve this. Thought Zim as he now leaned falling....






Zim felt something grab him as he now fell on the cold floor while crying hardly.. did he just? The alien looked up to see the Greatest of Dib... Professor Membrane ... looking at him with pure shock and concern. "MY BOY , ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Asked the professor knowing full-well that Zim can be hurt by water . Professor grabbed him and hugged him as Zim tried to stop hyperventilating . "Calm down.." Mumbled the Professor as the alien now cried violently. " ZIM IS SO SORRY!" Yelled/whispering as the taller one nod with understanding. 

"Where are your parents?..." Asked as Zim gripped on the Professor's coat. "I d-don't have those" Said Irken stuttering as Membrane widened his eyes. " Oh god..." Mumbled again Professor as he now understood how probably scared this child is. " h-how old a-are you again?"...."I'm *sniff* 16.." Said Zim while somehow sniffing as the Membrane sighed heavily now letting go of the Irken as the boy wiped his tears , shaking violently.

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