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This chapter has a first adult scene ;_;
Don't be weirded out you have been warned.
It's all your fault Lee...I fucking hate my life
I will say when is the beginning of it and when is the end and I swear I hated writing that please forgive me :,))

Zim slashed the robot in half with his claws making the elite widened their eyes. "And that's pretty much how you do it...brutal and fast...no chance of survival" Explained Zim as Dib who was drinking cola watched how the irken trains with his elite.

"Amazing" whispered one of the irkens now making Zim smile. "I'll give you the tech needed...Remember...NO mercy" Growled Zim as his eyes flashed pink and red now making the irken's salute.
Dib smirked as Zim walked up to him.

"I guess I'll leave the rest to Lard Nar and Tak...your sister trains with her Pak legs..." Whispered Zim as they looked to the side noticing Gaz laughing maniacally while slashing the robots with her PAK legs and laser like sword. She also wears a gas mask now...looks badass.
Tak watched her while grinning as they now high fives.

Dib looked at Zim now kinda nervous. "Hey...Should I train too? I mean I have no fucking idea how my legs work" explained Dib as he summoned one of his big PAK legs now making Zim look at him. "I mean...I can train you in the other room if you want"..."yes please" begged a bit Dib as Zim smiled and they went to the room as GIR followed.

Zim stands in the middle as GIR turned on the bloody mode. Dib was gonna train with GIR...Zim knowing that his robot is impossible to destroy now took a deep breath and began explaining.

"Okay...Dib...your PAK legs are different from mine and other's...they are not from thin metal...they are very heavy and deadly" Explained Zim walking side to side a bit as Dib listened in awe as his PAK legs raised him a bit.

"They have slower movement, however a slight touch from them and DEATH...I made sure to fill them up with something thinner to make sure they have a good coordination..." Mumbled Zim as Dib nodded. "You also have millions of lasers at your hand...one of them is a chain like weapon thingy to suffocate your enemies in" Explained Zim showing him a hologram as Dib widened his eyes.

"Holy shit...COOL!" Squealed Dib as Zim chuckled. "Before training with GIR how about you try to show me how you would attack with your stingers? That's my own name for the PAK legs...Be amazeeed" Laughed a bit Zim as Dib now hesitated.

"What if I hurt you?..."..."I can regenerate" Shrugged Zim as Dib growled. "Fuck no...I don't want that" Whispered Dib as Zim kissed him now making the boy flinch and kiss back deeply. "If you do good you'll have it tonight" whispered Zim as Dib now widened his eyes and looked at him.

"I still don't want to hurt you...".."You won't GIR will make sure about that part" Explained Zim as GIR showed Dib thumbs up. The boy sighed and now they walked away from each other a bit leaving a few meter distance between them.

"Try it!" Waved his hand a bit Zim as he now summoned his pink claws and his own PAK legs. Dib took a deep breath and striker with his stinger now making Zim dodge. The irken clapped his hands. "Good job, filthy! However...Try to strike lower...The whole hesitating like thing when you go up and then strike down? Gives your enemy a chance to strike your stomach" Explained Zim as Dib nodded and slashed again as Zim now dodged again.

"Perfect...Try doing it faster but now with GIR" Ordered the irken as Dib stretched his neck a bit as the robot summoned his lasers. Dib felt nervous now. "Also try to dodge" Yelled a bit Zim as Dib now growled and his eyes flashed vivid blue.

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