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Zim grunted slowly opening his eyes, immediately noticing the tall boy next to him. The alien didn't say anything, but his eyes started to hurt. He could feel the black goo gathering in his contacts. Irken took out his lenses and immediately black goo spilled onto the floor. Zim just made a horrified-disgusted face and got up now heading for the bathroom. 

He noticed out of the corner of his eye that it was 7:35.. why hasn't anyone got up yet? Wasn't there school today? The alien, however, grunted and now saw how disgusting he looked in the mirror.. bags under his eyes.. dirty hair.. fuck. Zim decided to wash his face and immediately felt a little better. Irken has thought about the computer, GIR, and his pet, but he knows the house is in good shape since the upgrade.

Zim heard something creak and turned to see Dib-sister."Hi ." She said now taking the toothbrush and scrubbing her teeth with the toothpaste...then the toothbrush."Eh? What is this?" Zim asked, leaning in and Gaz snorted."Toothpaste.. wait - I have come here.." Gaz said, pulling out a green toothbrush and toothpaste. Zim looked at it strangely, but he didn't want to look like a coward, so he took it and put it in his mouth."BUT NOT TOOTHPASTE, DAMN"

. . .

Meanwhile, Dib was snoring until he heard his sister scream. He grunted several times, now wiping his eyes and getting out of bed. Recalling all the events of yesterday, the boy put on his glasses and smiled because he knows that his favourite alien is in his house. The boy took off his shirt and saw his wounds. I look like a gangster.  He thought laughing a little.

On the other side of the room stood Zim now blushing like an idiot as he stared at the taller body. Dib heard a chirp so he turned to meet the alien's gaze, who was now standing nervously playing with his claws. Dib smirked playfully."What? you like it~?" He asked at which Zim now shouted."SHUT UP DIB-BEAST! AAAAAAA"He screamed running out of the room causing Dib to turn into a kettle.

Professor Membranę was sitting in the living room while drinking his coffee, Zim fell on the floor now making the adult get up and look in concern at the whining alien .. who still doesn't have his contacts on. " My boy, are you okay?" Asked Membrane as Zim got up and opened his eyes now reviling his magenta colors at which the professor yelped. 

"Hmm? What what's wrong..?" Asked tiredly the alien as he rubbed his eyes .. oh                               Zim now quickly excused himself and returned with his contacts on now grinning nervously. Professor just forgot that ever happen and sat down again on his chair asking Zim to get his kids in here.  The alien quickly saluted and went upstairs. " DIB BEAST GET YOUR HUMAN BUTT DOWN!" Yelled Zim as the professor chuckled at his childish behaviour.

When everybody got in the living room professor talked about the vacation. Zim immediately became confused and the siblings noticed that. " Zim .. vacations are a time where you go somewhere to rest and have a good time. you should come with us. you and I have been through a lot." Said Dib as he placed his hand on Zim's shoulder. The alien smiled warmly understanding as he thought of his sidekicks. " We should bring GIR and Minimoose.. computer should watch the house since I didn't finish his body yet. I mean he has the structure but ... I could add some things.."

Said Zim grinning with pure evil as Dib now winded his eyes.. he made the computer a body? Since when he could do THAT? Professor was also a bit surprised that this boy could build something like that.. wondered if he is a scientist ...

"Well, what do you say Zim? We don't mind at all and I bet my son really REALLY wants you with us ~" Said jokingly Membrane as Gaz wheezed making both of the boys blush and cover their faces. "DAD STOPP" Mumbled Dib as Zim nodded that it was a good idea.

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