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((my art ))


Zim sighed heavily as he began his other speech.

"Dib. I have depression and I have hurt myself many many times" Said Zim as Dib now goggled his eyes out. 

"I have cut only my wrists, I have been choking myself, splashing with water when I was affected by it and almost committing suicide. I tried to jump into a river.. but your father saved me then.  We had a talk about how he wanted me to be friends with you and live in your house.. and I ran because I ... didn't want to make trouble and also hurt you again that day. It was after the forest incident or something.. I also was training myself to the point of passing out many times.. bleeding out and.. other stuff. I had nightmares where I usually would kill or be killed.. but I also had a dream where you and I had a happy life. I wish it could be true but I believed I would hurt you again Dib... Then I just.. figured it out that I have powers.. . like teleportation ... telekinesis that web.. and even affecting things by my soul.. also I grow up to be taller.. and that moment when I found out about the truth .. how Armada was using irken's and making them miserable.. destroying their souls and emotions.. cloning them just to get perfect but empty soldiers. I broke. I want revenge but. I cannot do it alone. Dib i... I'm just broken.. and I need to be fixed.. but I can fix it if you are with Zim and.. when Zim gets his revenge.. those.. are the most important things to me.

To bring peace to my kind... and live a happy life with you.."

Ended Zim as Dib now and didn't say a thing. it took some minutes but Dib finally stood up making the alien do too.  " Dib im sorry but.. please keep this between us and... I'm just so stupid I'll go if I made you unco-" Didn't finish his sentence because Dib hugged him tightly as he now sighed. " I would rather die than tell anybody.. and I won't let you do that okay?.. never again Zim.. please don't... " Said Dib almost crying as the alien hugged back.

"I. I *hic* I'm sorry," Said Zim crying as Dib now massaged his back softly. "Don't worry.. I'll fix you, Zim.. I'll never hurt you or leave you okay?... just.. please don't ever hurt yourself this is .. crazy shit okay..?" Said Dib as they sat down again now hugging as the sun rise.. yeah it was night and they just stayed in the garden all that time.. watching stuff flowers and shit.

Zim sighed heavily because he knew that he will hurt for a long time.. but Dib is with him.. maybe it won't be that bad..? 

Zim purred and felt Dib's hands on his waist.

Dib just put him on his lap.

The alien blushed heavily but stayed silent as he now cuddled into the taller's neck. Dib felt that but kept his mouth shut while screaming inside.  They both stayed like that for a while.

"Kids breakfast!" Yelled Professor as both of them now jumped laughing awkwardly. "I MADE FOOUDDD" Yelled GIR as Zim now chuckled. "GIR IF YOU DESTROY THAT KITCHEN ZIM IS GONNA DESTROY YOU!" Yelled the irken as the boy looked at him warmly.. but deep down he felt concerned.

Zim has been cutting himself?.. I should have said something earlier.  Thought the boy now following the running alien .. Gonna ask him about that later.. but I think it's time to get him some new clothes.

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