064. eighteen months later

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"An expedition of one man, John Routledge, and a group of teenagers, who are with us today. Locals, who grew up here and who succeeded where centuries of conquistadors, explorers, and admirals failed. Today, we come together to celebrate these teens, friends from both sides of the island who came together to solve this 500 year old mystery."

Zack reaches between the seats and grabs onto Erin's hand, the girl pulling their linked hands up onto her lap. She softly rubs his knuckles, gently squeezing his hand.

Brooklyn ducks her head a little, the movement getting JJ to look over.

'You good?' She mouths to him, earning a small nod back.

"Let's hear it for them!" The crowd cheers and claps while the nine stand up, Brooklyn noticing JJ fidget.

"Sure you're good?" She mumbles.

"Didn't know we needed to get so much attention." JJ mutters.

"Positive attention must be nice, no?" She asks. JJ shrugs, scratching the back of his neck. Brooklyn reaches for his hand and intertwines their fingers.

~ ~ ~

"I need a reset." JJ says.

"Ooh, me, too." Zack says.

"I need a reset right now. This is a lot." JJ continues. "It's time to celebrate." He links his hand with Brooklyn's as they walk.

"I'll take one hit." Pope says. "One."

"Bad man now." Cleo remarks.

JJ lights the joint and takes a puff before giving it to Brooklyn.

"How come she gets it first?" Zack asks.

"She's less annoying." JJ shrugs.

Brooklyn quietly laughs while Zack shoves JJ, the blonde lightly shoving him back.

"Okay, boys. Relax. Try to act like responsible people." Erin gets in the middle of the twins, accepting the joint from Brooklyn.

"Excuse me. I... I don't mean to interrupt." They notice a guy walk over to where John B and Sarah are.

"Uh, can we help you?" Pope asks, the group walking over. Brooklyn turns back to JJ just in time to see him drop the joint into a glass of champagne. She lightly rolls her eyes.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you all it's remarkable what you all did." The man says. "Royal Merchant, El Dorado, Denmark Tanny. Impressive resume, impressive. I was wondering if you would all be so kind as to look at an item of mine."

"Oh, yeah? What type of item is that?" Cleo questions.

"It's a manuscript. I would investigate it myself, but I'm too long in the tooth." He says, taking the manuscript out of the briefcase. "I need partners, and you all were first on my list."

"May I?" Pope holds a hand out.

"I was hoping you would." The man hands him the manuscript. Pope flips through it a bit.

"1718. Jeez, this is old." Pope remarks. "Exhibition notes, dates."

"This is a captain's log." John B says. "This shows the exact position of the ship."

"The exact location where the ship sailed and where it stopped." The guy says.

"Who is the captain?" JJ asks.

"Edward Teach. Blackbeard."

The group exchange looks.

"Hot damn."

"Hot damn."

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