Iguro Obanai x Female Reader

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Requested by: roseanne_chan

Summary: you and the Serpent Pillar got paired up for a mission pretty far away from either of your estates.  On your way back, a huge thunderstorm hit, and both of you were forced to take refuge in a Wisteria Inn.  Due to lack of rooms, you ended up having to share one, and you saw what was underneath his mask.

The flash of lightning overhead told you everything you needed to know about tonight.  You were not making it back o your own bed.

Thankfully there was a Wisteria Inn close by, so you and your mission partner headed towards it.

You and Obanai made it just in time too, as the moment you stepped inside, it began to pour outside. 

You went up, and asked the owner of this house for two rooms.

"Sorry Miss, due to the storm I'm afraid we're a bit short on rooms.  Would you and your friend mind doubling up?"

Before you could respond, Obanai cut in.  "I have no problem with sharing a room with her."

Then it was settled.  You and Obanai were rooming for the night.

You took the key the receptionist offered, and went to the room with the corresponding number, Obanai trailing behind you.  You opened the door, and stopped dead in your tracks. 

There was only one bed.

You went to tell Obanai, but he was already entering the room.  He saw the one bed, and shrugged.

"Do you have a problem with the bed, L/N-san?"

You snapped out of your daze, assuring him that nothing was wrong.

With that, you both prepared for bed.

Time skip because author hasn't slept properly since school ended in July

You woke up before Obanai did, and as such were ready long before he was. 

When you looked outside and saw that the skies were clear, you went to wake your partner up.

That's when you saw his face.

More accurately, the scar on his face.

Obanai woke up, and saw where your eyes rested.  He felt his face, and sure enough, he had taken his mask off.

He felt inexplicably angry.  How dare you look at him while he was sleeping, and see something he wanted kept hidden?  And you didn't even apologize!

Obanai began shouting, calling you names, all the while you just sat there and didn't respond.  When he got sick of this, he screamed "Say something dammit!  Why would you do that."

You looked at him, tears streaming down your face.  "I'm sorry.  I went to wake you up, and your mask was off."

For a moment, Obanai couldn't comprehend what you were saying.  Then it clicked.

He was freaking out at you... for an accident.  You didn't do anything wrong, and had let him rage without complaint.

Obanai's face melted into the same expression as yours immediately after this realization.

And in that moment, Obanai fell for you.

So he told you everything.  How he got his score, and the trauma that came with it and haunted him to this day.

At the end of that trip, you and Obanai emerged as a couple, inseparable til the end.

528 words.
I apologize if this is trash.  I felt like crap writing this, so again, I'm sorry.  I might edit it when I feel better.

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