Kocho Shinobu x Male Reader

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Requested by: shaquilleoatmeeeal

Summary: While you were out on missions, Shinobu kept sending you crows with messages, and you refused to respond.  When you got back, Shinobu dealt with you.

"Caw! Caw!  Message from Kocho Shinobu!"

You huffed in annoyance, getting tired of receiving messages from your girlfriend everytime you went on a mission.

En, Shinobu's crow, stated the message she wanted to tell you.

"Please respond to me, my love!  I need you to tell me you're okay!"

You only sighed again, and sent the crow back home with no message from you.


As her undecorated crow flew back into the Butterfly Mansion, Shinobu prayed it came with a message from her lover.

Her hopes were dashed when En only croaked out, "No response from Y/N!"

Anger filled the spot where worry had been.  Now that she knew Y/N was alive, she no longer had to worry about him.

But he'd been ignoring her.  Knowing that everything she had done was to protect him, and make sure he was safe, he had to nerve to brush her off.

Shinobu had to make him understand. 


It was quite easy to get Y/N on board with responding to her.  A few tears and manipulations later, he was holding tight to her to comfort her.

Shinobu smiled when he couldn't see, and held on just as tight.

230 words

Yandere Kny x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now