Pillars x Child Reader (Platonic)

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I couldn't find the person who requested this, but I hope you enjoy.

Summary: you were a human who had been adopted by Shinobu.  You were the same age as Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho, and spent most of your time with them.  Then you met the rest of the Pillars, and they fell in love with your adorableness.

You stared in horror at what used to be your parents, your siblings, your friends, your entire village.  You didn't know what had happened. 

You had snuck out the back door with your parents approval, to play in the forest behind your house.  You lost track of time in there, and had returned to find what was left of the inhabitants. 

The monster had left a little bit ago, and would probably be back soon.  Despite that, you still couldn't bring yourself to get up and run for help. 

So you stayed there, looking at the blood and body parts for hours that could have just as easily been minutes. 

The silence was broken by footsteps. 

Too in shock to turn around, you assumed it was the monster coming back.  You waited for it to kill you.

Instead, you felt the softness of a hand in your hair.  That wasn't enough to snap you from your daze.  Who or whatever was there didn't seem to mind, and continued to stroke your hair until you were okay to move.

You did eventually.  You had to after all.  The first thing you did was turn to see who had been with you.

Instead of the monster you had thought it was, you were met with the sight of a woman. 

She was pretty.  She had gorgeous purple hair and eyes, and her haori complemented her features nicely.

On her face, she wore a kind and patient smile.  Her eyes met yours, and all you could see in there was concern for your well being.

That is what broke you: you had held on after seeing the state of your village, you had held on when you had thought you were going to die, but seeing her worry was what made you break down into sobs.

You wailed, not knowing who exactly you were crying for.  Was it your mother?  Your father?  Your brothers and sisters? Perhaps your friends and their families?

You never found out who you were crying for exactly.  The stress and exertion from that night were too much for your body to take, and you passed out in the pretty woman's arms.

It was strange: you didn't remember her wrapping her arms around you in a hug.  All you knew was at some point she had, anf you'd pulled her tighter, hoping that she wouldn't be torn to bits like everyone else.

When you woke up, you found yourself in a hospital.  It smelt clean, and there was a tray of food on the shelf next to your bed.  Greedily, you reached out and ate the plate of F/F.

As you finished eating, footsteps sounded from outside your room, and your door creaked open.

The pretty lady from that day walked in.  She started when she saw you awake, and flipped to a smile when she saw the empty tray in your hands.

"Good morning!" she cheefully stated.

You muttered a much quieter shy "Morning" in response.  She didn't seem too upset by it, and started asking you questions.

"What is your name, child?"

You introduced yourself as L/N Y/N.  She continued kn, asking if you were injured, if the sunlight was bothering you, if you had any other relatives you could go to.

To all, you answered no.

All of your relatives had lived in the village with you.  There was no where else you could go, no one else who could take you in.

That realization made tears spring into your eyes again, and once more Shinobu rushed to comfort you.

She patted your back, and when you had calmed down enough, she offered an arrangement.

"You could live here, if you wanted."

Since you had no other choice, you nodded and calmed down.

Over time, you grew to view Shinobu as a mother figure in your life.

Tengen met you shortly after he became a Hashira.

He'd gone to Shinobu's house to get medical advice, and found you bringing bandages to the same woman.  He spoke with you a bit, and by the end of the discussion he was just about ready to adopt you.

But you were already adopted, so he had to bide his time, and hope Shinobu would die instead.

Mitsuri and Obanai
Considering how Mitsuri is, it was no surprise she loved you like a mother would as soon as she saw you.

Since Mitsuri loved you, so did Obanai.  They kind of kidnapped you from the Butterfly Mansion, worrying Shinobu a lot.

While out, they took you to sweet shops, toy shops, clothing shops, ect.  Anything you liked, they got for you.

They had to return you, but they promised to come back.

Like Tengen, Kyojuro met you inside the Butterfly Mansion.  Unlike Tengen, he refused to leave your side until Shinobu had to threaten to stab him with a sedative unless he went back to resting.

Even as he was supposed to be trying to heal, he wanted to find you and be your big brother.

Damn that Shinobu.

Giyuu had needed help with something, so he'd come to talk to Shinobu.  He found you in the garden, and wanted to make sure any pervs hurt you. 

He waited until he saw Shinobu, and left.  You were safe now, and safer with Shinobu than you were with him.

Sanemi almost killed you.

It was a complete accident, but he had opened the door you were behind and nearly broke all the bones in your body.

Shinobu had banned him from ever going near you, but he snuck in repeatedly to give you apology presents.

He felt horrible.

Muichiro had been cloudgazing outside when you'd sat down beside him.

He ignored you, and heard you humming as you concentrated, and felt something touch his head.

A lift of the head revealed a flower crown.

He heard someone yelling something, and you left.

Little did you know, he kept the crown.

He had gone to the Butterfly Mansion to pray for Kanae's spirit, and had noticed your aura.  With his background and kids, he came and talked to you.

Unlike others, you weren't afraid of him. You spoke to him normally, and cheerfully, unknowingly worming your way into his heart.

1106 words
Hello everyone!  I'm glad to update a chapter of this book again.  Please do check out my newest book, Calla Lily I'd you're interested in some yandere danganronpa content.

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