Spider Mom x Gender Neutral Reader

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I don't know who requested this, but I hope you enjoy it.

Summary: you were a demon slayer sent with Murata and the others.  Unlike the original cast, you were able to make your way around the spider strings, and come face to face with the demon controlling your friends.

This mission had gone to shit.

That was putting it rather nicely, as all of your comrades were murdering each other. 

Not of their own free will: that much was obvious from the way their bodies twisted unnaturally.  But still, you found your strikes being less sure as they usually were as you fought back against your friends.

Some of them were lucky enough to have died already, from killing each other or having their necks twisted.  But the majority were still alive, tears of pain and grief falling down their blood stained faces.

You were the only one who hadn't gotten controlled yet.  You had noticed the spiders, and made sure not to let them touch you.  As much as you tried though, every time you killed the spiders on your comrades bodies, they couldn't move away from the next wave.

Your movements started to slow, your body preparing to launch yourself into the air.  You had spotted an opening in between two corpses, and were fully prepared to go for it.  You had no other choice.

Fast as a bullet, you slipped through.

You ran after that, hoping to come across the demon that had done this.  They needed to be put to justice for slaughtering dozens of innocents.

You ran past pods of something hanging from the trees.  You didn't have time to slow down as the puppeted bodies followed you, almost at your heels.

You must have covered half of the damn mountain before you finally found it.  It was a woman, with red markings on her face and dangling strings held in her fingers. 

She turned to face you, and you immediately lept to the right to dodge the sword aimed at your head.  With simple twitches of her fingers, the puppets attempted to kill you.

Not kill, you soon realized.  Herd.

They were trying to herd you towards the woman.  You allowed them to do so, as that would bring you closer and allow you to kill her easier. 

Up close, you could see she seemed stress about something, but that was overshadowed by the blush that took up half her face. 

She twitched her fingers, and the Corps members pushed you closer, until there was no room between you and her.  The demon woman reached out, her hand nearing your face...

Only to be sliced off.  Her shocked face was all the opening you needed to go for her neck, successfully decapitating her in one move.

As her head fell to the ground, you let out a sigh of relief.  Your friends... were free.

But the demon woman... she was livid.

And so, in one final moment of rage, she used her remaining strength to turn your friends against you.  In your distracted daze, you didn't noticed, and joined her crumpled to the ground.

521 words

Yandere Kny x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now