Rengoku Kyojuro x Female Demon Reader

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Summary: You were a demon, and bumped into Rengoku.  Your fighting style and spirit impressed him, and he had to make you his.

You dodged to the left, the demon slayers sword just barely missing your neck.  You quickly threw a punch, landing it square on his jaw.

While he recovered from that, you created some distance.  Since you were a recently turned demon, you didn't have a blood demon art, making this fight in the slayers favor.

You were determined not to die though.  Not when you were had survived this far.

"I must commend you for a battle well fought, but I cannot allow you to live.  You have hurt innocent people." he shouted, and charged at you again. 

He left his side wide open, and you quickly used your sharpened nails to scratch his side. 

He pulled back, using his hand to stop the bleeding.  With him now distracted, you fled.

And Rengoku?  He vowed to find you again.

A few years later, his vow was fulfilled.  He had stumbled upon you devouring a few citizens, and rushed to aid them.

You easily recognized the man that had nearly killed you all those years ago.  You smirked.

Unlike last time, you could fight back.  Now that you had eaten some folks, you had a blood demon art.

You and the Flame Pillar engaged in battle, and for a time, it seemed like you had the upper hand.  Until he figured out how to dodge your attacks.  Then it was all over for you.

Instead of killing you though, he simply held his sword at your neck and began to ask questions.

"You don't want to die?"  At your nod, he stated.  "Then join the side of the Demon Slayer Corps."

You stared at him, seeing that he was completely serious.  He saw nothing wrong with asking a demon to join his cause.

You agreed to join the demon slayers, simply out of fear for your life.  And that is how you and Rengoku wound up side by side.

341 words
This I horrible, but I had no idea for this scenario, so this is the best my sleep deprived brain could come up with.  Attempt to enjoy.

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