Zohakuten x Female Reader

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Requested by: Denidaky

Summary: you were Haganezuka Hotoro's daughter, and you met Tanjiro when he came to the Swordsmith Village to get his katana fixed.  While he and two Hashira were in town, the Uppermoon Four and Five demons appeared, and started to wreak havoc in your home.  It got worse for you when all the clones of Uppermoon Four merged and became one demon, and you caught his attention.

The bell signaling you were under attack wasn't rung fast enough.

By the time the swordsmiths realized demons had infiltrated their home and signaled a warning, the citizens were already fighting for their lives.  And losing.  Though your village made the swords, they had never been trained on how to use them.  It was a one-sided blood bath.

At least, until the Demon Slayers arrived.  Two Hashira, two Kanoe, and one demon, all fighting for their lives to keep yours and your family's safe.  

The Uppermoon Five fight was going well.  The Mist Pillar had taken him out semi easily, and diced him into pieces so there was no chance of him coming back.  Due to some sort of poison, the Hashira had passed out.  So one of the demons was taken care of.

That just left Uppermoon Four.  And he- or rather, they- were doing a great job of massacring the village and keeping the Slayers busy.  How?  Because the damn demons Blood Demon Art was emotion manifesting, which basically meant he could make endless clones whenever he got cut.  And none of the clones were his real body.

The real body had ran off a while ago, you presumed, and the Slayers couldn't chase after it without several powerful demons blocking their path and stopping them.  So it was a pretty shitty scenario.

One that you got to see from up close, since you were also stuck in the same boat as the Slayers.  You just didn't have to fight them.  Instead, you had to stay hidden while also trying not to be murdered by any of the demons careless attacks.  What fun weekends you had.

Finally, after hours of fighting, there was a pause.  Then, the very demons who'd been tormenting your home began pleading with one of them.  Confused, you peeked out from your hiding spot, and paled.

The clone in red, with the anger kanji on his tongue, was grabbing the others and absorbing them.  From the pleading and attempts to run, you could tell it wasn't the most pleasant experience.  But, despite their best efforts, the demons were all absorbed, and the anger clone began to change.

He became an entirely new demon.  And you could tell by his aura he was way stronger than any of the other clones.  He engaged in a fight with the Demon Slayers, and the Hashira quickly took on the challenge of trying to take him down.  She sent the other three away to kill the real body.

And you were still trapped, with the Hashira not even knowing you were there.  If you tried to leave, you were certain on of the heads of the dragon would kill you, and since the only reason you were hiding was to avoid that, there wasn't a good enough reason for you to leave.

You bided your time, waiting for an opening, and found one.  Quick as you could, you ran from that fight while the demon was distracted fighting the Hashira.  Your legs trembled, not used to running quickly, and you breathed a sigh of relief as you entered the 'safe zone', grateful to not have to worry about dying.

The safe zone was a lie.

As soon as you were supposed to be out of the demons reach, one of the dragons heads came down and plucked into the air.  As you stilled completely to avoid cutting yourself on it's teeth, the dragon moved you in front of the demon.  

The demon didn't do much, just held you there for a moment, before his brows furrowed.  His eyes flicked over your shoulder, and you heard the sound of movement.

Sure enough, the Hashira cut you free, and held you as she blocked the demon's attacks.  When she placed you down on the ground, she was able to move more freely, and keep the demon at bay until sunrise.

In the end, both you and your father survived the attack, along with most of the village.  However, you had to leave and find a new place to set up.

734 words

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