Uzui Tengen x Male Demon Reader

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Summary: you were a demon, hiding with the Uppermoon Six demons for protection in the Red Light District.  Then a group of Demon Slayers showed up, and killed them.  They took you hostage to get information about Muzan, and your captor found himself drawn in by your beauty.

Tw: Stockholm syndrome

"Y/N, run!  Don't worry about us!"

You stared I'm horror at the head of the friend you had been staying with.  Daki's head had long since disintegrated.

You nodded, and picked a direction to go, taking your dead friends advice to heart. 

From behind you, the sound of running could be heard.  You sped up, but it didn't do you much good.  Your blood demon art was more of a long ranged style, so it didn't really give you any extra speed, which would have been useful. 

So it was no surprise when the Hashira caught up to you.

What did surprise you was what he did.  Instead of killing you, he knocked you out.  You didn't know why, but your heart filled with horror of what awaited you when you woke up.

Timeskip because author is on break at work and wants to finish this chapter

You awoke to find yourself in a dark room.  There was no window, no furniture, nothing.  Just you and the chains that bound your wrists to the wall.

You tugged on them, wondering if there was some way to get them off your hands, only for pain to sear through your body.

Doing that a few more times only granted you the same result, so you stopped for your own sake.  You attempted to use your blood demon art, just to see if it would show up, only to be disappointed when nothing happened.

So you had to wait until someone came down to help you out.  A truly horrifying thought, but what could you do?  Nothing.

So you waited.  Not for long, but the time you waited was enough to terrify you when the man who had knocked you out walked down the stairs.

Immediately you started asking questions, despite knowing fully well they probably wouldn't get answered anyway. 

When at long last you ran out of breath to speak, the white haired man spoke himself.

"Here's how this is going to go.  You answer my questions, and I won't kill you.  Don't even think of lying: my ears are strong enough to hear irregularities in your heartbeat, so I'll know right away when you lie."

You nod, and decide to answer honestly.  Who knows what these people will do to you, seeing as they were able to take out Uppermoon Six easily enough.

Most of the questions were easily answered.  No, you did not know what Muzan looked like.  No, you had not met him.  Yes you were in the Red Light District with the Uppermoon Six siblings for years.

After all the questions, he left, and you were alone once more.

The next day, he came back, bringing more questions with him.  What was your blood demon art, why did you choose to run instead of fighting, were you romantically involved with either of the Uppermoon Six demons, ect.

"My blood demon art is rock projectiles, I chose to run because my blood demon art sucks in close combat, and no.  I wasn't romantically involved with either of the Upper six demons." you respond, eyes staring at the floor in memory of your fallen protecters.

Once more, he left. 

He didn't come back for a few days, and you found yourself missing his company.  Sad as it was, this demon slayer was the only person you had seen in a few days.  Or maybe it had been weeks.  Without any window, you couldn't tell.

You decided that you'd be more open with the Hashira.  Maybe that'd convince him to stay longer, and give you some relief from this crushing loneliness.

Hearing your thoughts from outside the room, Uzui Tengen smiled.

Now, the only person you'd depend on, was him.

671 words

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