Yandere Female Reader x Tomioka Giyuu

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Requested by: PremsesAbdulrezzak

Summary: you were a patient at the Butterfly Mansion, and had heard all about how infuriating 'Tomioka-san' was from your doctor and friend, Kocho Shinobu.  The man came into visit one day, and you were drawn to his gorgeous features.  Unfortunately, so was Kocho.  And you made your decision on what you had to sacrifice: your one true love, or your friendship.  (Contains some GiyuuShino).

"I don't understand why Tomioka-san has to ignore me all the time.  Can't he see that no one will want to be friends with him if he acts like this?"  Kocho Shinobu, also known as your best friend for life, was complaining about one of her coworkers.  Apparently Shinobu wanted to make the anti-social man talk to others more, but he didn't seem to appreciate that.  And since you were currently wounded, it was easy for her to talk to you.

"I don't know, Shinobu... it seems like you're annoyed because he won't talk to you specifically."  You gave her a teasing grin, choosing to ignore her blushing, unimpressed face.  No matter what she said, you knew you'd hit the bullseye.  She totally was crushing on her fellow Pillar, and was masking her interactions and flirting with him as 'forcing to socialize'.

As her best friend, you wished her good luck, and watched as she stormed off in a huff.

Mini Time Skip Brought to You By Author Having a Pile of Books She Needs To Read The Size of Her House

You were finally free.  Your wounds had healed, there was no life-long injury keeping you from going back to slaying demons, and you didn't have to worry about infections either.  You were able to leave the hospital.

No matter how close of a friend you and Shinobu might have been, hospitals sucked.  Being told you aren't allowed to move on your own, being told you can't eat to your hearts content, and worst of all, the damn Rehabilitation Training.  All of it sucked.

You were practically skipping with joy as you walked out the front doors, none of the workers having any right to stop you.  It was heaven, that freedom.

You placed one foot in front of the other, and carefully made your way to your home.  And that is where you first met him.

He was on his way to the Butterfly Mansion, and from the gold buttons on his uniform, you knew he was a Hashira like Shinobu.  He had silky black hair, and deep ocean blue eyes (l00king in mInE- okay, I'll stop now) that sparkled in the sunlight.  As cliche as it might have been, it was love at first sight for you.

You had to introduce yourself.  You had to know who this God of a man was.  And so, you did.

"Hello there, sir!  I'm L/N Y/N, and I use B/S (breathing style).  Are you headed towards the Butterfly Estate?"

The man didn't verbally reply, but gave you a nod instead.  

So he wasn't the most social.  That was okay... you didn't mind if someone was quiet.  You really wanted to know his name though.

"So, Mister Hashira?  What's your name?  And what breathing style do you use?"

He didn't reply for a while, seeming to have some trouble talking with people.  Perhaps some sort of social anxiety.  But at long last, he did.  And he broke your heart along with it.

"Tomioka Giyuu.  I use Water Breathing."

His responses were short and simple.  He didn't drag out the truth, which you found really admirable.  And so, it seemed, did Shinobu.

This was the person who Shinobu had so obviously had a crush on.  Who she'd been flirting with since she'd started going on missions with him.  Her beloved 'Tomioka-san', whose name she said so gently, it was impossible to not know her feelings towards him.

And now you too loved him.

You tried to stay away.  You tried to not feel jealous when you saw the pair together, when they looked at each other with star crossed eyes.  You tried to move on.  You tried not to stalk Giyuu.  You really did.

You failed completely.

You followed Giyuu everywhere he went, unable to keep your eyes off the fine man.  You glared when you saw Shinobu, and stopped hanging out with her from sheer jealousy. 

While alone, anger and heartbreak getting the best of you, you wondered why?  Why weren't you going after Giyuu?  Why did you have to stay away from him for Shinobu's sake?  You didn't.  And you were no longer going to.

But there was one tiny problem.  

Giyuu himself seemed to love Shinobu.  But that was an easy fix.  A little bit of extra poison into her Wisteria Poison she liked to ingest?  And boom, she died.

Tomioka Giyuu was downright depressed after that, but he'd get over it.  Especially with Shinobu's old friend being right there beside him, helping him through every step of grief.

804 words

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